New Wordpress Plugin - PingCrawl
I’ve been starting to use a new plugin I helped develop with the coding expertise of Josh Team from Dallas Nightlife Entertainment. It’s called PingCrawl. Its a plugin that helps get your Wordpress blogs deep links automatically on every post.
Plugin Summary
Every time you make a post on your blog it grabs similar posts from other blogs that allow pingbacks using the post tags. It then links to them at the bottom of the post as similar posts. It then executes the pingback on all the posts. You can specify how many posts to do per tag and that many will be done for each tag you use in your posts. Typically it has about an 80% successrate with each pingback and they are legit so the ones that fall into moderation tend to get approved. This creates quite a few deep links for each blog post you make and through time really helps with your link building. Especially for new blogs.
Theory Of Operation
* The plugin will listen to anytime a post is saved, published, updated, etc.
* The plugin on execution time will find all the tags on the post and perform the following per tag:
o Use Google API to check for ( 35 ) results with the tag name.
o With the ( 35 ) results it loops through them and performs the following
+ Does the result have a pingback meta tag?
+ Does the result have trackback somewhere in the source
+ (if yes to both) it stores the pingback xmlrpc location in memory.
+ (if no to either) we skip that record and move to the next.
+ Once their are 5 legit pingable servers we then append their links to the post we currently added.
+ We then retrieve the xmlrpc urls from memory, and execute a against the xmlrpc as defined in the pingback 1.0 spec. (due to the nature of pingbacks and php it is not a 100% guarantee. A lot of dependencies on state, server responses, headers, etc.)
Their are built in features such as caching google’s recordsets per tag, so you don’t have to make request out to google for the same use. And logic to know if you’ve already “PingCrawled” a post then on edit to ignore it, etc w/ a built in polling system.
1. Download Plugin
2. Put file in the wp-content/plugins directory of your wordpress installation
3. Login to your blog dashboard
4. Click on Plugins
5. Click on Active to the Right of PingCrawl in the list
6. Make a Post
*Note ( because of the nature of the script any one tag can make as many as 41 HTTP request and storing source code into memory to run regular expressions against. Because of this I would try to limit my tags to no more than 3 (123 HTTP Request). Use more at your own risk.
Warning: This plugin can really slow down the time it takes to make your posts so I would recommend not using more than 3 tags per post. Also we coded in a small link injection which will put a link of mine into the mix about once every 10 posts. They will all be very white hat and clean links so no worries and if you left the code intact I’d consider that a substantial thank you for the plugin.
Download PingCrawl
*The size of the links are entirely customizable. I’d recommend making them very small at the bottom of the post but in this screenshot I made them big so you can see the format better.
Fuck yea, I really needed this for my next project.
yes I too would like the shit I have it right away!
Yeah, so would I.
Yeah, so would I.
Yeah, so would I.
Nice Thing. I love it.
Yeah, interesting plug in
This is a fantastic idea. I know there’s alot of trackback apps out there, but this makes it dead simple!
Yes, you are right.
Yeah, so would I.
They will all be very white hat and clean links so no worries and if you left the code intact I’d consider that a substantial thank you for the plugin
Really good idea with wordpress.
so true
OMG AMAZING !!… just what im after mate
Fill us in on how it went then
Hmmm, I’ve never really used pingbacks before as they slow down the system. I wonder how this plugin affects the PageSpeed of the post.
I get the theory, but not all links are good. Is there a way to moderate the these pingbacks? use those seo tools
Yeah its what i was looking for, It will be building links inside your own website, and google to consider this important the connection of pages between each other. Great i was searching for this one..
i’d like this plugin!
Awesome concept Eli. I am going to install this now on a few of my blogs…and see what happens. I love you man. (Figure of speech.)
Yes i might use it on my blogs that have few links
btw this works really really well on autoblogs
just be sure to slow down your post count.
Yeah don’t forget the post count, you can get inundated.
This is hot shit!
I love you!
Nice one Eli. Good to have some new posts from you. I will try this out this week!
Wish he would come back and add more seo posts
Great plug-in. I’m going to add this to some of my datapresser blogs to try it out. Thanks Eli.
ooo brilliant idea. I never thought of that.
I may crank out a few myself.
Go ahead
This is legit. I’m definitely going to give this a go and don’t mind the link injection, it’s a fair trade.
Yeah, this works pretty well.
Brilliant plugin, works really well. Keep up the good work!
You are totally correct there.
This is awesome! Never even considered this idea before … brilliant!
Very nice.. going to try it out now.
Great plugin ..thanks for the info
Thats a great post and thanks for the plugin
Another invaluable plugin from Eli
This is brilliant and generous. Much appreciated.
Well don’t forget to make a donation then if you appreciate the info
Wow, thank you for the tool. Looks like the more you post, the more linkbacks you get. So each post is basically 5 linkbacks?
Basically it works like this,
we go out to google and find 35 blogs. We then loop through the blogs and try to determine (the best we can) if the blog is really a blog, and if the blog can perform an XMLRPC pingback. If it can we do the pingback, with a max of 5 per tag.
both the 35 and 5 are easily changeable vars on line 140 and 141
$numberOfBlogsToGetFromGoogle = 35;
$numberOfMaxLinksToPing = 5;
With this you will never have MORE than 5 but could in theory have 0. Hope this makes sense.
Sounds like you put a lot of work into it!
Have you done any tests to see how effective it is? Considering all the links are lumped at the bottom, not to mention right above the comments, I have a hard time imagining that each link has much value. Also considering that the blogger really doesn’t know who they’re “vouching for.”
They are all outgoing links right? I think I’ll stick to manually doing them, making them more relevent, within content so higher value, and I legitimately want to help out these blogs as well as readers.
Can you change my mind? Is my logic accurate?
PS Of course regardless of its effectiveness, it’s in your best interest for people to use it to help increase your SEO. Understandable, but it only gives you extra reason to convince everyone we need it. Maybe we do…
Nice little link launder’er you have there
Good stuff… I’ll try’er out…
Sounds like an amazing plug in. Thanks so much for this information.
As usual Eli’s plugins save you volumes of time and effort.
And glad to see regular posts form you again.:)
have not been any for a while now! Where is Eli?
guys into gaming the system, living from fear and lack. they think it is the opposite.
Whoa. This is a nice little plugin, Eli. Thanks.
FYI, If anyone needs to remove the link injection antyant wrote instructions for it on his blog
It’s very simple even for noncoders.
If you need to remove the link injection to get what you need out of the plugin feel free I won’t take it personally.
Hey guys, hope it works well for everyone. Eli had an older version up, so please grab the newer version! haha. Anyways, it was written and assumes PHP5, so if it breaks for anyone let me know! I will port it if the demand is high enough for php4.
Let me know any feedback and suggestions. Also to Antyant and anyone else who wants to remove or alter the injection, by no means do I want to enforce people to automagically inject me and Eli’s links. Hence why I abstracted it out to a method call “injection” you can easily plug & play your own empire’s links their and have great results (in theory). But, if you don’t want to hassle, I wouldn’t mind the extra few links! haha.
Anyways, let me know if their is anything else I can add!
first thanks for this (although i didnt get it to work, already trying)
but maybe you can help: im using wp2.7 on php 4.4.9 and getting errors when activating the version of oingcrawl on this seite.
but with the version on this site i can activate the plugin, but when i try to use, i get errors:
so..? any hints (or a working version for this often combination
I’m running WP 2.8.4 with php 4.4.8, and I get a fatal error when I try to activate the plugin. In theory I can go to php 5.something, but I have other programs running that take php 4.something, and so I’m stuck.
Possible solutions for me (as I see it):
- email me the older php4 version (if it works with WP 2.8.4), or
- put it up somewhere (but please tell me where!), or
- I can try to call php5 for just this activity, and that’s likely to get a little hairy - no, just tried it and it makes more problems than it cures, I think. At least, it still gets a fatal error, but a different one.
Appreciate the assistance when you can get to it!
I got the same error as Raydahz below (2008-08-06 21:18:08) on php4 and a similar one on line 10 when I called php5.
Another thought - at this point only that, since I have not been able to load up the plugin:
I’m using MaxBlogPress Ping Optimizer to control over-pinging (I’m terrible about editing when the post is already posted). Is there going tobe any coflict between the two plugins?
Hey Josh,
Thanks for the new version. I tried that one, but I am still getting this fatal error
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR or ‘}’ in /wp-content/plugins/PingCrawl.php on line 13
any ideas? struggling with it all night.
What version of php?
Hey Raydahz, what version of php are you using? Sorry my script has caused such issues :/
The only reason I would consider removing the link injection is to remove any possible footprints. Other than that I have no problem giving you backlinks for this great tool.
Maybe I will leave the injection on a few whitehat sites of mine, and remove it from the splogs.
Thanks, it will really help my new auto blogging system:)
I’m also getting the fatal error.
Hey Russ,
Mind telling me what version of php you are running?
Am I allowed 2 comments? I just tried this on a blog and it is working great. Donation for adding our links to the plugin
Thanks I have installed it on my new blog which is getting just 20 visitors a day, looking forward to my first spike!
you are probably not planning to release this for drupal, would you?
seriously thinking about going back to wordpress, and skipping 90% of the new features.
almost finished to move my site to drupal, and now this
hmmm its doable
Any takers on this?
Hmm I can take a look at the drupal API for plugin development, this was my first wordpress plugin. If there is a significant user group for Drupal interested I will port it over.. let me know.
if i wasn’t a sucking coder, i would do it by myself
afaik drupal and wordpress use a very similar hook system for plugins.
Was looking @ the drupal 6 API, are you referring to having the same thing happen when you insert a node into the drupal DB?
i’m not sure what you mean. are you describing the hook? nowadays 80% of drupal installs are drupal 5, cause many important modules are not yet ready for 6.
ahh, so you use Drupal 5? Well as soon as I get this damned thing ported to php4 I’ll port a version to php5 for you. But, will have to look into how to tokenize or index the node to find keywords to search for related blogs on.
awesome. i promiss to get the word out for you.
Useful information for making this happen: Drupal 5 does not support pingbacks by default, you need the trackback or pingback module.
PingCrawl would have to hook into one of those. Shouldn’t be too difficult though.
Again, would love to see this for Drupal 5 - Wordpress is just soooo last year!
My last comment didn’t show up apparently, but I just wanted to point out that a drupal 5 version of this plugin would need to hook into either the Trackback or pingback module. Shouldn’t be too hard, though. Hope it happens!
Drupal user here who would LOVE to see this as a module. Shouldn’t be too difficult to port over, but what do I know?
I am using Drupal 5, btw. I think if it was made for Drupal 5, interested users could take it over and port it to Drupal 6 when it’s a bit more mature.
Please, please, please make this happen!
Would love to see this on Drupal, I have around 70 sites based on drupal and only 3 on wordpress so would definitely like to see a port.
Looking forward to it.
Just a quick question because I’m not used to pingbacks. Would they basically be like reciprocal linking with around 5 sites on each post?
Would love to see a PHP4 version. Any chance?
Yeah Dave, I don’t mind porting it over; but would have to make sure enough people need a php4 version. (not trying to sound harsh) Going to watch on here and my own blog and if the demand is there I will start to work on one. Will need some php4 testers though!
Sent you on a mail.
Dave I made a few minor fixes, email me at joshteam at gmail [dot] com for a php4 version to test out!
Hah, I like the sneaky little backlink
I’m going to make some modifications to generate a tag if a post is made with no tags - do you want to receive any revisions made? I’ll happily make the source available.
David interested in how you are going about this, I was thinking of a way.. but only solution I could come up with is some “psuedo” lucene indexer to try and determine a keyword off of content. To make it look like it wasn’t spam, or a really cheesy of hack of exploding the post on spaces, and making all the words lowercase then seeing the top 1 or 2 words?
Well, it wasn’t going to be insanely clever - currently just based on the title itself, ignoring stopwords.
I have a bespoke keyword stripper that I might try hooking it into, and pop off the top two or three keywords - but my main issue is speed. As noted, it does slow posting down, which doesn’t help for an autoblogger…
I’ll do some tests tonight and see what I can come up with.
Yahoo actually has an API function that’ll return tags related to post text and keyword.
In my WordPress content plugin, I use the following function to pull back a bunch of related tags:
function find_tags($keyword, $content) {
$content=preg_replace('|]*>|',' ',"$keyword\n$content");
$content=preg_replace('|\s{2,}|',' ',$content);
$url = "";
$post = array('appid'=>'YahooDemo', 'context'=>$content, 'query'=>$keyword, 'output'=>'php');
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post);
$response = curl_exec ($ch);
curl_close ($ch);
$results = unserialize($response);
$tags = @array_merge(explode(',',$tags), $results['ResultSet']['Result']);
@array_walk($tags, create_function('&$value','$value = ucwords(trim($value));'));
$tags = @array_unique($tags);
return $tags;
Unfortunately, it often pulls back too many tags so to efficiently use it with pingcrawl, you’ll need to trim the list somehow.
Oh yeah…for an example and documentation, see:
what a plugin - im now going to install in on all my autoblogs and pass it all out, will leave the autolink in in some of the whitehat sites
Sweet. this is a cool piece of kit, off to download and play about with it.
Excellent plugin eli..
i get a
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: simplexml_load_string() in pingcrawl.php on line 67
I originally made it for php5+ tried porting it over, but simple xml object (which I use for the rss parsing) is a php5 only object. I will spend some time over the next couple of days working on this. Check here or my blog for updates!
Wonderful idea for a plugin Eli. Got a lot of projects in the air right now, but will give this go soon
This may be a stupid question, but do you see any problem with using this on a “legit” blog?
The links are in plain sight, on related content, etc. I use it on my white hat blogs and point it to my white hat sites. But maybe Eli would be a better person to consult?
Hi Josh,
I am nearly finished with a plugin that works similar to yours but with a sllightly different purpose and function.
I recommend building a db to rename the plugin each time it is installed.
This will prevent Google from identifying it.
Very cool Gary. On the renamer, I guess I am going to show my true “green” colors here, but how does google see the name of the plugin? That’s only accessed on Word Press admin. Do you mean the “Related Blogs on %keyword%” ?
awesome idea and the plugin works well for me, but… how could i do that “related blogs” block will not be the part of the post? similarly than the “related post” plugin. so, my blog main page page full of “related blogs” stuffs and it not so nice
You could alter pingcrawl.php to add in Wordpress’s ‘more’ tag just before the Related Posts UL.
This way, the related posts snippet should only show when viewing that article, and not on the front page. Similarly, I believe this would also suppress the related links from your RSS feed.
Explain in more detail what you are trying to accomplish. I’ll point you to the place(s) in code to look at.
Can I also have the info how to do this please, the extra content on the article page is fine but it is spioling the flow on the home page a bit
Two more questions
Can you run this in conjunction with the DoFollow plugin?
Can it be run as achron to batch update?
Many thanks for a great plugin too!
One other thing - Aren’t trackback links nofollowed? Doesn’t that invalidate the point of this plugin?
Not being snarky, it’s a serious question.
Not 100% sure on that. I did a few test and didn’t find that, but even if it was true imagine this plugin on a cycle site that used an autoblogger.
Could generate a nice amount of traffic., it totally depends on the blog. If the blog has a plugin built in to make trackbacks and comments dofollow it will count. The chances are good that you should get at least one good link from the pingbacks, if you’re lucky…you’ll get all dofollow links
I agree, a link is still a link, especially when you didn’t have to pay for it! LOL
Whether it carries juice or not, it still shows up in Yahoo site explorer as a link and that makes the blog more valuable.
Thanks, Josh.
I followed the instructions and tried both this version and Josh team’s and the posts too a while to come up, but there is no new text links at the end of each post. I am a nube so I dont know if i use PHP4 or 5 or what. it is hosted on hostgator if that helps. i wonder what i am doing wrong
sorry guys, its working now! just gotta work out how to change the text size now. is that in the php file? I will take a peek
I answered you here:
I need it a lot. now that you are content with it, I can use plugin. Thanks for it.
Sounds pretty sweet. I tent to put in a lot of tags. Any way we can have check boxes to select what tags we use it for when w make a post?
This looks really cool. Gonna add it to my WordPress blogs today.
shall thank you think
works like a charm.
3 of 5. Not bad not bad at all. The other 2 are more than likely pending approval.
very cool plugin. Major lag time a bit when publishing and got a few time outs. Cut it to just one tag and it works beautifully now.
I also got the fatal error using php5.
Eric, what’s the error?
It’s the same error as Tonos Moviles below.
I got some erros when i try to publish a post - but this is a great plugin and i;m sure that these bugs will be fixed
I get the following error on Dreamhost with PHP5 when i try to publish a post
Fatal error: Call to a member function asXML() on a non-object in /home/.dulce/iellas/ on line 68
The issue appears to be the use of the file_get_contents function by the pingcrawl class.
Wow! I was just trying to make one myself!
I’m looking forward to a PHP4 version. The idea is great! Thank you!
Nice one, checking it out now.
I got rid of that message by upgrading to php 5
Nice! Can’t wait to share these.
What A nice link injection script… And I was wondering why they were only 80% of links what sticks , lol
Anyways … It is a still good script so I do not care as soon as it does not work like a footprint
This is exactly what I have been looking for thanks!
Plugin doesn’t work for me. Getting the following error:
“Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class PingCrawl in /home/puammo/public_html/wp-content/plugins/PingCrawl.php on line 10″
Using php version 5.2.5
I’m also using PHP Version 5.2.6 and getting this error
Eli, I’d love to see the viral effects this has on your sites. Give us an update in a few months!
thank’s Eli..this is really useful plugin.
Hi Eli, please remember that a lot of wordpress users use Dreamhost and dreamhost have limitations for your magnific plugin.
Can you show me a phpinfo() of a page you host w/ dreamhost? I will develop future plugins to these specs.
Hello Eli, here you have tree links to the differents phpinfo of dreamhost.
PHP 4.4.8 - running as an Apache module
PHP 5.2.6 - running as CGI
PHP 5.2.6 - running as CGI/FastCGI
Most people on dreamhost use PHP 5.xx
When you finish the script ping me back and I will make some ajustments to addapt it to spanish market.
Wow! Nice plugin! Thanks for sharing guys!
I’m unfortunately getting the wordpress ‘fatal error’ message with PHP version: 4.4.8 & WP version - 2.2.1 - Any suggestions appreciated - Looks like this should be a well handy plugin
Thanks for sharing guys! This plugin is really clever and just awesome. I selfishly wish you posted more often Eli as I truly love reading EVERYTHING on this blog.
Wow this sounds great! Thanks a lot for sharing, I’ll leave the code in tact to hook you up with some links to say thanks.
I’m excited to take a look at the code to see how this was done.
Great idea for link building.
Don’t be too harsh!
Man this is really sweet. Yo always come up with great stuff. thx man!
I use shared hosting it has php4 pls a version of the plugin for that.
Who can remake php4?
Allright wussies, here’s the PHP 4 version of PingCrawl:
This version uses the XML DOM from PHP4. Have fun! And ow, there’s a little catch in addition to Eli’s one. No further funky stuff is included, just a plain conversion.
Anyone who want’s to drastically speed up this script may consider ‘marshalling’ the actual pinging stuff to another HTTP request on your own server over UDP. This way you or your bots don’t have to wait like one minute for the blog item to be posted. Hell, you may even make this stuff pseudo multithreaded.
Eli, I have been following your blog for some weeks now. Wonderfull stuff, got me thinking
Keep it up
Fatal error: Call to a member function asXML() on a non-object in /home/.sillabub/danbradster/ on line 68
Lol, Akkermans’s edited plugin has 2 injections.
Here’s a dreamhost phpinfo
Eli Lives!
How’s SEO empire part 2 coming along
I was really looking forward to using this plusgin but i am getting the following error
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR or ‘}’ in /home/anish/public_html/health-expert/wp-content/plugins/pingcrawl.php on line 13
My hosting has php 5.2.6
Hope there is an update which i can get to work
Brilliant! I’m going to add this to my new blogs to try it out.
Excellent! This was really a great stuff.
Oh, when will the Bloggger platform begin to follow the Wordpress lead!!!!
Sounds great but we’ve got a fatal error trying to activate in wordpress 2.6
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR or ‘}’ in /***/***/***/***/***/***/****/wp-content/plugins/pingcrawl.php on line 13
Thanks for this Eli. Great stuff
Thank’s For the Plug in.
Awesome! Can’t wait to give this a whirl!
Thanks for a great plugin!
First there is your post to read and then some days later there are all these comments to read too, the dialogue that ensues is itself great to read.
I always make it a point to read the comments before trying out anything because that way i have the benefit of other peoples’ mistakes
Seriously Eli this plugin ought to rock. I’m looking forward to testing it out. Thanks again, S
Don’t know if this occurred to you … but couldn’t the result be that you give links to splogs that succeeded in ranking well? Or to worthless reblogs that add nothing to your post?
E.g. rank 1 is the original “top 10 ways to build links” post and rank 2 is “Check out this great post: top 10 ways to build links”.
Obviously no big deal for splogs, but what about using this on the WH sites?
Also, suppose you dislike the assortment the plugin comes up with, can you manually edit it once it’s saved/published?
Once a post is submitted it wont run again on that post. You can go into the post, edit it and see the related blogs in the article. Simply change the link, delete it, add, or whatever you prefer
This cool addon !
Thank’s !
hello, what if my auto blog is using chyrp (light blog engine), then will not approve this pingback? i have made a version for chyrp (not as plugin, but as a part of my auto posting system) and all runs ok, except i got 1-2 pingbacks on 10-20 of my links. all blogs hosted on are saying “keep the web talking” but they don’t place my link on them at all.
anyway thanks for the code!
That means they are pending approval.
This is really cool. Thank you so much for the awesome post.
Isn’t this going to land your page in Akismet really quickly..?
This allows you to better understand the mindset of the individual doing the searching. Very thank you for the post.
Master Builder
Hot stuff guys! you rock man.
It Cool
thx. great plugin
Ciao Josh, I have downloaded the latest plugin, activated corretly, but it does not return any pingback.
I added three pretty common tag on my post: video, funny video, cool video. None of them returns pingback.
How come? What am I doing wrong?
I checked the database created and under pb_feeds I have some results from Google Blog Search but no pingbacks are added to the post!
Can you help me with this issue? I really love this plugin and I want to make it work for me, please help!
same here, having an issue with the plugin. Both elis and joshs version
Awesome Plugin ! Keep it up !!!
I think I’m having the same issue as Francesco. It takes a while after the post has been made, and there are some entries in pb_feeds, but no “similar posts” list is created at the bottom of my post. Does it appear automatically? Or do i have to add a tag to make it appear?
Or is it just that no relevant blogs were found? One of the tags I used was ‘poker’, I would have thought that would return some results.
Anyways, maybe I’ll try this on another blog, hopefully I can get it working.
Many thanks for the info on PingCrawl. I’ll leave the link injection intact for you.
This looks like it could be put to some serious good use and abuse. =D
Thanks for sharing this information. I am going to use it in my personal blog - under construction now.
FYI, I’m seeing about a 40% success rate so far. But my question mirrors one from above. What about nofollow?
I don’t suppose there’s is a way to write that in?? I don’t know of many blogs that dofollow trackbacks, but it may be worth a try.
I have tried posting a few different posts, and I can not get the related posts to appear at the end? I have read through the comments and did not see a fix. Can someone please help me with this?
This looks really good, will add to my new webmaster site.
hmmm…seems interesting; will definitely give it a try. Thanks Eli.
Thanks for the plugin Eli!
Great plugin, Thanks Eli.
Yo! Tip for some of you. I was having loads of problems… turns out it all stemmed from the keywords
I’m a moron.
I was getting the blank page occasionally and also my feeds table was being updated, but my ping table was empty…
Just put your keyword phrase in “quotes and you’ll be fine”… Now it works like a gem.
Do you mean in the post or to add quotes to the Tags?
I do not understand what the correlation is with the quotes!
And I am still exceperiencing only blank results from all of the tags I have been tested!
Still do not know how to make this plugin to work!
Can you give an example of how this would look because I still can not get the plugin to work. Very much appreciated.
Sorry, that last comment should have been directed to Brandon.
Put quotes around the ‘tags’ to make them specific keyword queries. Play around with a few terms, and I’ll bet you’ll get it.
I’m having a problem with this plugin:
In the control panel (/wp-admin/plugins.php) the title (”Ping Crawl”) is black (where any other plugins have a blue title). And it does not show up in ’settings’ when I activate it.
I’m using PHP Version 5 (though I have also tried the v.4 version).
Thanks for your help..
Sorry, it was stupid question.
Fixed it myself…
Will, care to tell what you did to fix he problem? I have the same problem.
Will this work on hostgator?
Thanks for the plugin Eli!
Yes, I have hostgator and I just tried it and it works.
I like your idea and I am going to install it on my business site.
Swapna Khade
just what i need. i’ll check it out.
Or maybe i wont. I just read the warning about slowing down load time.
it slows down post time. the time it takes from when you hit publish to actually publishing. Doesn’t actually slow down the blog.
Thanx for clearing this up as it was the only thing stopping me from downloading it…blogs are already loading slower and slower at least until I figure out how to properly install SuperCache…
First of all - great plugin.
I was thinking about such thing and before asking my programmer to code it I googled a little bit … and founded your plugin
BUT I have a big problem. Every time I write/edit post I get blank screen and the plugin do not work.
I tested it with many settings, even with 1 tag and
$numberOfBlogsToGetFromGoogle = 3;
$numberOfMaxLinksToPing = 1;
Every time blank page.
Tested on WP 2,51 and 2,6 on 2 different dedicated servers.
Any idea where should I start the investigations?
ebst regards,
If all you want is a link every 10 posts, then you deserve at least that.
I’ll report back and let you know what my success rate is for getting other webmasters to OK my pinging.
Thanks, Brad
Hey..that’s a great tool. Thanks “)
Eli, your posts are in danger of becoming an endangered species.
What no new blog posts for us junkies?
Wish you would post more often.
So us newbies could learn some genuine things.
Thanks, I love to try new plug-ins and keep the usefull ones.
I try for while, i needed for this time. Thanks for share
Great tool, a few mods and it’s perfect.
Anyone manage to get this plugin to work on wordpress sites hosted at Hostgator?
It doesn’t do anything on my sites other than creating the database.
Andy, do do experience same problem as myself (blankpages) ?
No, it simply doesn’t do anything. file_get_contents should be allowed on my host so I don’t understand why this doesn’t work.
I’ve heard that you might try and add
at the top of the script to get rid of the blankpages problem.
That’s what I did in my modified version and it fixed it. The timeout is just a hidden “script time out after 30 seconds” I believe. Tested with HostGator, works fine.
Another alternative is take the number of blogs you search for and ping down a tad. Take the 35 or so down to like 10 and try to ping 2 instead of 5, and see what happens.
Very interesting, will definitely give it a try.
Thanks Eli.
Did read you correctly. This typically has about an 80% success rate? I can’t wait to try it.
omg!Very interesting, will definitely give it a try.
ill have a try.
Awesome, thanks! I’m going to try it *and* keep your link in the mix, thanks!
Hi..I just installed the plugin, but when I go to activate it I get: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR or ‘}’ in /homepages/29/d231725962/htdocs/ on line 13
Unfortunately I have no idea what to do next..any advice?
Ok got the plugin installed but I don’t see the related posts at the end of my blog posts. I mean I’ve tried the quotes for the tags, and everything else that’s been mentioned. I don’t know if it’s a plugins conflicting or maybe the posts are there but can’t be displayed because of CSS issues.
This related posts thing was happening to a wordpress blog of a friend.
So you helped develop it! Cool.
great post and excellent idea. I will defiantly try it. Thanks for such an informative post
Awesome plugin. I was dreaming about such a one for a long time. I will try it right away. Thank you for your research and post!
Eli (or anyone else). isthis plugin whitehat? Or good for white hat sites?
The thing is:
I build massive amounts of wordpress blogs, every single day. I probably got tens of thousands at the moment. And this would be an excellent addition to these sites since I don’t have to worrie about the deeplinks. But it’s important that my sites don’t get banned, of course. So would it be smart to add this plugin?
btw, Eli… will you ever release some places for your black hole membership again? Back then I missed out… but the next time I definitely want in
. Unless you can shoot me an email of some sort with a magic link
This is a great article, thanks for the update. This is definitely a plug-in am I going to make use of.
I’ve tried this plugin for a bit now and it’s amazing. Very cool thanks!
can someone give me a quick way to tell if the plugin is working? installed fine and posting sure takes a while now but don’t see the related posts…have tried putting tags in quotes as well. running wp 2.6. thanks!
A great new plug-in I can’t wait to test it out. It should do wonders
Thanks for the great plugin
A great plugin to add related blog posts.
Just the fact that you are willing to share such a great plugin for free makes you the MAN!
Hi all
how can I use this without using the quotes around the tags
I wonder if you can use this to work with a database (that you keep a list of on your server) of sites, say with dofollow trackbacks. There are not tons but there are a significant amount. What do you think Josh?
Great stuff, thanks a mil.
Any update on a possible PHP4 version?
Incredible plugin Eli, best one I’ve ever seen. Great work as per usual.
This is really awesome! Good job.. Keep it up.
Good plugin…what other plugins do you have?
Very nice plugin, I’m going to d/l and install right now.
Hell yeah Eli…thanks for this!
Wonderful idea. Will it work for any kind of media?
This is a very interesting article, good information and helpful. Thank you
Once I switched to the PHP4 version I was able to activate the plug-in without getting a fatal error. But when I went to publish the blog I got a blank screen, except for some strange characters in the upper left hand corner. But when I got back into the WordPress interface the article was published. Not sure things are really working but.
Great concept, but I wonder if it will work effectively, especially for marketing.
Great plugin, thanks
Great tool, I will use it on my new blog.
How to do anything in 10 ways
Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.
Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR or ‘}’ in /wordpress/wp-content/plugins/pingcrawl.php on line 13
PHP Version 4.3.11
I can’t make both PHP 4 and 5 work at the same time on the hosting I’m using. Can you make a 4.3.11 compatible version?
Tom Usher
That returned several screens full of errors.
Noobies better be careful as doing such things on established and good blogs can cause serious trouble.
how so? Just because its automated doesn’t mean its spamming. It’s very relevant.
Yes! I totally agree with you Eli! Nice comment.
Unfortunately this plugin just gave me a blank white screen on post or save…
Has anybody gotten this to work successfully on PHP4? It doesn’t give the plugin, and I downloaded the SimpleXML library, but it ends up giving some error while doing it. I don’t remember what it was, but it just didn’t work. I can’t wait to upgrade to PHP5, though, and be able to use this!
We need a working version for PHP 4.X.X please !
nice plugin eli.. this one works like a charm.. my new blog get relevan backlinks in few hours..thanks a lot
Thanks for the Plugin, going to try this
Mark - php4 has officially been discontinued, even for the security issues. So i would recommend you to upgrade to higher version.
As for this plugin, it works like a charm.
Love you for this one ! Just the thing i needed for my new blog.
Any idea why I get this error after publishing a post?
Fatal error: Call to a member function asXML() on a non-object in /…/wp-content/plugins/pingcrawl/pingcrawl.php on line 68
This works the same as trackback booster but I have a feeling that this will be better… that one put me into trouble.
Oh, my only regreat about this plugin is that I just learned about it today. I should have known about it earlier.
I just love discovering these kind of plugins created by some very smart people. Anything to help with SEO and auto backlink building is gold.
Wow that’s a very nice plugin! Thanks for sharing!
ok so iv got this error also.
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR or ‘}’ in /wp-content/plugins/pingcrawl.php on line 13
this is line 13
protected $pbstack = array();
iv noticed that this is a common problem in the comments but i cant find the solution, does anybody know how to fix it yet?
Ok, found 4.0 version for anyone else that has the line 13 error.
download from
It has been awhile since there has been a useful plugin for WP. This one was worth the weight though!
this is amazing plug in…i installed yesterday and i got few visitors that amazing one …
Appreciated and honored for plug in
Because of your shit plugin my webhost account has been suspended.. GO TO HELL
Should have read the instructions and comments before messing with it.
WOW - take some responsibility!
This tool looks awesome, Thank you for not encrypting it as i will be converting it to coldfusion for our custom CMS! Thanks for this very gray hat tool…
Loved that video, thanks…
I can’t get this plugin to work even when i write a post manually. It worked 1 time and then stopped. Any suggestions.
Hey I don’t think the plugin is compatible with the latest version of wordpress. Can you confirm if that is true or if i am doing something wrong.
Cheers for the plugin, Eli.
I tried this on three Wordpress blogs and so far so good, they worked like a charm.
Am excited to push this plugin further and track the results over time.
The evil geniuses who create cool plugins like this one rock my world. Thanks!
Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.
Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR or ‘}’ in /home/content/p/a/l/palconit/html/websites/ on line 13
Hi - I added your plugin to my blog - no problems. Thanks very much.
This is my first blog and I’m not sure how to track the results.
Thanks again very much -
Looks like a nice plugin in. Just downloaded, re-read the directions and will be giving it a test run here shortly. I believe I understood how it works, just need to see it in action.
What about adult blogs Eli? I would think you wouldn’t ant any links coming here from those…or does it not matter?
Finally! I’ve been looking for something like this.
I can’t figure out how to make this work. Someone please email me at brad at bradley spencer dot com if you would like to help for some moolah via paypal. Thanks!
Brad - did you get an answer to your question?
If not, specify the exact problem and I’ll see if I can help (no moolah necessary).
I installed it and it’s working fine.
The hosting provider I use doesn’t allow file_get_contents to work with remote URIs due to security concerns, so I made appropriate changes that use curl instead:
protected function getURIContents( $uri ) {
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $uri);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'IE 6 - Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)');
$ret = curl_exec( $ch );
if( curl_errno( $ch ) ) {
$ret = '';
} else {
curl_close( $ch );
return $ret;
Then just do a search and replace for ‘file_get_contents’ with ‘$this->getURIContents’ (minus quotes) and you should be good. This is only with some shared hosting providers (1and1 in my case.) I also added useragent cloaking that someone mentioned.
Great plugin - thanks for writing it!
A fantastic idea, will give use it the plugin on a few sites and recommend to others. thank you for your efforts.
Great Plugin. Thanks for the tip.
I was looking for tool like that. Thank you for sharing!
Great script. Not to get it to work for a newbie like me
Just wanted to update and say I found someone to help me get this installed. Thanks for coming through you guys.
This is by far the best SEO blog out there.
thanks for giving me fact, it such a good blog, always keep in touch
I like here
Great plugin with lots of possibilities. Keep up the good work.
I have been using this for a little while now and it is pretty slick.
I like
Great work Elli, trying this out now.
I dont have the related blogs showing on my blog. How to I know if the script is working?
You and Josh are obviously smarter than the average bears! Nicely done guys…
True,this is a really cool site. I agree with what you said.
good tool for blogging. haven’t found problem yet. thanks anyway
does that really work?
I agree with your blog, very nice.
Your plugin works great until I enable anyother plugins. Not sure why this would be. Duplicate function?
The one I was really trying to leverage was WP Calais Archive Tagger, since I thought I could tag, and link all my old posts at the same time. Oh well.
I May convert this to live writer since I was thinking of building a tool auto tag, and find links automagically any way.
-Brandon Wirtz
Greatest Living American (Just ask Google)
PS The Math script seems to keep rejecting me… I thought I was giving the right answers.
Hi, Please Reupp this File for PHP4
this Link ist not working ->
Just found this plugin. I will give it a try right now. Thank you.
will use it right now! but who can explain what we have to expect in terms of traffic?
So if nothing shows does that mean there just weren’t any related blogs to ping back?
This is the most ingenious way to make money online. Thanks for this great info.
This is one of the BEST articles you have ever written, Josh Team I learned a ton about Ping! Keep up all your great work!!
Great article! I love it!
Great tool
Anyone tested it with Wp 2.7? How about results from those using it already?
Does not work in 2.7
“Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR or ‘}’ in pingcrawl.php on line 13″
Sounded mint though, oh well
i so tried this and it works. thanks
Nice tool Eli - thanks!!
Thanks for the summary of the plug in. It looks very interesting.
I will try this and comment my results here. I found that this is an exellent source of SEO resources. Thanks for share.
Hey guys - great tool - only problem is I keep getting a memory exceeded message when posting - and this is with just 3 tags per post
Guess I need to have a play around with the settings to reduce the number of crawls
Awesome though - cheers- have a great xmas!
As again, thanks Eli, for providing such great tool. And the best part, you made it public. Nice contribution! Thanks!!!
Wow, I didn’t know this is possible. Lucky me, I stumbled into this article. I’m definitely trying this. Thanks.
Thanks for this great article and noce SEO plugin
trying this out now
Excellent plugin. Will definitely try it on my blog.
Looks like a useful plugin you’ve got there.
Its a shame i cannot try this out at the moment as i cant access my cpanel
Very happy to hear this.Do you know any other plugins?
i was thinking of a very similar pluggin, but my coding sucks. thank you mr eli for this plugin
Just wanted to say “I love you” for providing this for free. Seriously. I love you.
As always.. you’ve enlightened me! I’m not too familiar with the whole ping back process.. usually when I receive one I just delete it, unless I know who it came from. I’m not ready to install and activate this plugin quite yet, but I’ll certainly look into it further. Thanks!
Great plugin. I’ve tried a few similar plugins like this in the past, but this one actually does what it promises.
Excellent plugin - it actually performs as advertised. Very well done, cheers!
Thank You!
successfully activated PingCrawl in Wordpress 2.7, dont know if it works.
but with the version on this site here i got the “line 13″-error.
i found this version and could install it succesfully on WP 2.7:
got it from here:
dont know if it helps..
Tried it out on a new blog and got listed with out doing anything else
Why are most of the blogs it finds to ping really, really bad blogs? I think they are also spamish….
I meant to also say that making the links nofollow is a good idea if you aren’t going to check out the sites you are linking to… that way you don;t find yourself with a penalty from linking to a “bad neighborhood”.
I updated to WP 2.7 and Pingcrawl disappeared.
Anybody else with similar experience ?
Thanks West Cost, you saved my day
Stupid hosting wasn’t working without your fix.
i like to read and explore this kind of site.
interesting site it really learns me a lot.
thanks for the information i will apply that.
^ Dude, don’t spam this site. You won’t get your Top Comments links, cause Eli will delete them. And by that I mean I’ll contact him.
Thank you very much for this. I have a few new projects that this will fit into nicely!
Due to the spammer, I need to post this again.
Does Ping Crawl work with WP 2.7 ?
Tested. Ping Crawl works on wp 2.7
That was my concern was working on 2.7 Thanks.
Fixed de Version of PingCrawl can found here
Sounds a bit like simple tags while simple tags is a bit more automated once you have entered the tags and you activate the related tags link.
Thank you very much wonderfull
I read the vast discussion with great pleasure and wonder the delivered stuff is still actual for the time of being.
@Mirko. Did you remove the file? It’s not there
I installed the plugin and got the fatal error line 13 as many had. I then tried the other link and it installed but when I post it returns an error. I go to my blog and the post is there, but no pingcrawl urls.
Thanks for information.
thank. i just installed it.
Is it work with WP 2.7?
I’ve released a hacked version of this that uses cURL so it should work with most shared hosts (I’ve tested it with Dreamhost, Media Temple, and HostGator).
It also adds a settings menu that lets you choose between title, tag, and category as the basis for the Google search, allows you to choose how many links to post, and whether to verify the target sites accept pingbacks.
I prefer not to verify that pingbacks are accepted, for three reasons: 1) I get better quality results 2) It seems like most of the pinged sites were “bait and switching” - they appear to accept pingbacks but the pingbacks aren’t posted (and even if they do they’re probably using “nofollow”). 3) It slows down posting.
And yes, it works with WP 2.7
pingcrawl only work when i use just one tag, if i add more they’re not showing
thanks you very much…;-)
This looks amazing - if it works this will breathe some new life into so many of my WP blogs!
First I’d like to say that I really like your blog because there’s ssooooo much useful information on it, it’s not even funny.
As for this plugin, it looks interesting, can’t wait to test it out.
Wordpress is very good. All the plugins supported by it is very helpful.
Now this one. It really cool and beneficial. Thanks for the info you have provided through this post.
Been using pingcrawl across my network of blogs and loving it. Might wanna include a linkback in the plugin panel of wordpress though.
can someone explain what pingcrawl is? ive been reading this but cant seem to understand what it is…thanks!
I agree with you nihar, word press is the way to go. I have been using it for a while now and it only gets better with time, like a fine wine! thanks for the info!
There have been plug ins released after this; any thoughts on those?
Thanks, that’s what i need.
I’ll check it out!
Great plugin, I just got to know about it and I will use it for sure!
Great article, never tought this subject this way.
Wow, what a great idea for a plug in, looking forward to installing and playing with it. THANK YOU!
Good stuff the plugin is great, takes a long time but that means it is doing its job ^_^ I love your blog, are you going to be updating any time soon?
nice job keep up the good work.
Great plug-in. Thanks!
I saw this plugin being talked about at BHW, I’ll definitley try this one. But just want to ask a question, are the backlinks generated by this plugin are most likely related to the post?
i am familiar with Blue Hat SEO thought it a fair review.After having a mooch around your blog I am now adding it my rss feeder.
Just added this to my website, looking forward to using it to get some links. Thank you so much for making this.
This will be useful thanks.
Back to the drupal idea… someone mentioned that this wouldn’t work on Drupal because pingbacks aren’t enabled by default but that’s actually wrong.
In fact the pingbacks only need to be enabled on the blogs that you get the links FROM. So regardless of whether you’re using pingbacks or not on your site you could still do it with Drupal and get links from all the Wordpress sites.
I’m sure someone will write it sooner or later… if they haven’t already.
I added your plugin to a new blog and was indexed in both G & Y in 1 day.
Great job.
I don’t know Elli but it looks to me that every time you write a post using this plug-in, you link to quite a few other sites and hope to get some links too, which may come or not.
this looks great thanks..
This one helluva plugin! Thanks for sharing, mate!
Ok, this is just plain genius. I can’t think of a simpler approach with such ease of automation. Indeed this makes each and every post one does much fuller with relevant content.
Big thanks and consider us much more than willing to not jack with that code to ensure your linkback. Your kind of contribution has earned that and I would encourage everyone else to do the same.
1 question however…are the parsed posts used for pingback to the other blogs…are those DoFollow or NoFollow or controllable in the plugin set-up?
Thanks again!
Great idea, going to give it a try.
Ping Crawl is a good tool for updating pinging data quickly.
PingCrawl looks like an useful plugin.
Hey thanks for coming out with this tool eli I like it..
Hey this is very very useful!Thanks!I will definitely bookmark your site!It has given me lots of helps!
great plugin. thanks.
I’m using wordpress since very long time. This seems to be a good plugin, will git a try.
thank you I have to download the plugin
Ping Crawl looks like a good tool for backlinks update.
Great plugin, I will download it now.
Thanks for the tip I love your link building Ping Crawl. Very Useful. Great Site overall Kudos
Looks like a nice plugin, thanks for sharing!
Thanks a lot for share. I love the plugin.
This seems to be an interesting plugin, as it will gather other related posts below the main post. It will lead to good output for information.
Interesting Plugin. Nice post man.
@cool plugins@ about “new word-press”,mention probably your hard work behind this,everything is great here>>>
Nice little plugin! Thank you for sharing
Nice plugin indeed. I love the plugin.
Hi I got so many ideas from this info.. you have give good info…
info is nice.
Hello Eli,
I did upload the .zip file into my wordpress via the backend function “ad plugin” but once I want to activate it i get the following error message:
“Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR or ‘}’ in /mnt/web2/42/75/5991775/htdocs/blog/wp-content/plugins/pingcrawl.php on line 13″
Maybe you can help mw with that one. What is wrong?
Greeting Tobias I have the same problem and I find it very hard to believe that all of the comments are legit.
If anyone was actually using is since the most recent WP update, it would surely have generated a lot more error comments than what is shown here.
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR or ‘}’ in /mnt/web3/42/75/5995/htdocs/ on line 13
This looks a lot more functional than the similar posts plugin I usually use.
Works great I dont know if I am getting backlinks
Anybody has used for a while and see positive differences?
This is Nice post indeed.
Dang, that stupid math question gets me everytime. Since I don’t want to type for another 5 minutes what had before I will summerize.
Great article, will check it out.
Nice article indeed.
My blog is already very slow and take much time to load. But i want to use this plug in looks good for interlinking purpose. Any solution….please for my blog
I have the same worry like other blogger, as my Best Buy And Idea Blog is hosted at free server, quite often I receive complaints about delayed loading. Anyway I will give it a try. I agree that is a brilliant idea and every blogger should give it a try.
This thing saved the day! I had been searching this kind of a thing for my blog. I really appericiate your ideas & i am totally with it. I would reccomand this to you
That sounds like a really good plugin as getting deep backlinks is always on the top of every one’s mind.
Sounds fantastic, in fact a little too good to be true! has anyone actually had proof this is beneficial for their Search Engine Optimisation, or is it still at trial and error stage?
Nice post man.
thank you first for advising me ..because i was searching for a web hosting for my site too and was planning to go for blue hosting as it is cheap..but now i will find out a different option…
I need this, thanks…
Nice post man, thanks.
Nice post…..Gives you a insight about the marketing and how to sell products to our customers.I believe this is the trust that we need to build up with our readers and our customers…when it to marketing and sales , there has to be trust and mutual responsibility.
Good article …it is really helpful. I would want to thank the author for writing this article.
I really appericiate your ideas & i am totally with it.
I would reccomand this to you, these are very helpful.
Good article man, it is really nice.
Just worked with it. Pretty good Plugin. Thanx for posting.
wow!! I saw this plugin being talked already about at BHW, I’ll definitley try this one. But just want to ask a question, are the backlinks generated by this plugin are most likely related to the post.This looks amazing - if it works this will breathe some new life into so many of my WP blogs!thank you!!!
Great theme. Amazing color scheme. Love the SEO compatibility.
Great Post indeed.
This is a really cool idea because not only does it obtain backlinks, it’s fairly white-hat because it provides some value to readers.
i was searching for a web hosting for my site too and was planning of buying blue hosting as it is cheap..but now i will find out a different option…thank you for advising me and i m glad u have offered your help to me ..because
This PingCrawl really awesome plugin thanks !
This plugin seems interesting, I like the concept, it sounds like I am going to have to give it a shot for sure!
Awesom great plugin , i will use this on my blogs to see ho wit go’s..thx:)
I will use this on blog.
Great post
I’m about to test this out on one of my blogs and see how it rates against a similar blog I have and see the difference it makes. Thanks for what seems to be a great tool!
Test it and you get results soon.
Sweet as this is a brilliant plugin. Thanks a lot.
I must admit this is a really a great post. the sender must be appreciated for this post. Will await similarly useful posts like this.
seo plugin for word press is excellent!
This is Nice seo plugin.
This is going on my New Internet Business site immediately. It really is awesome - I can’t wait to try it.
Cool plugin.
cool plugin but difficut to set up
Just like many other people I get the ‘
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR or ‘}’ ‘errors.
I think this plug in needs to be updated for new versions of wordpress.
Excellent Article
Hi man, first of all i would request you to please add me as your subscriber for all the blue hat seo information. I am going to set up the pingcrawl plugin for some blogs out there.. I don’t knw how to thanks you..
keep it up..
Awesome plugin. I’m about to install….thanks very much.
The reason why this plugin gives error (Fatal error: Call to a member function asXML() on a non-object) on some hosts is this: “Warning: file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in /www/MW_qXPcqcG/wp-content/plugins/pingcrawl.php on line 67″.
Unfortunately, one should talk to the hosting provider about this one
nice plugin.ı will try it and ı read your blog.
I read your blog. nice.
Long time reader first time poster… thanks Eli
This looks fantastic…. im going to try it this weekend and ill make sure i post back to let you know how it goes
Nice Plugin. Thanks for the headsup.
Nice tool…
Thanks a million.
Great plugin. Kudos to you for sharing it.
Is this likely to drain PR?
I can’t believe it took me this long to find this. Great plugin thanks!
Any word on the error
“comParse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR or ‘}’ in /var/hsphere/local/home/rmeeuwse/ on line 13″
Is it outdated php?
Lovely idea/plugin…
Much appreciated’
This idea is nice.
PingCrawl is a great plugin for wordpress, thank you for this.
Thanks a lot , it really helps us keep robots informing of latest updates.
It works pretty much automatically once it’s installed on wordpress.
Yeah working fine.very awsome plugin.
Thanks for the update
This is a great little wordpress plugin.
I want to use this plugin. but i have just one question. will it not slow down the shared hosting server for using large system resources? I fear that my SHARED hosting account for an autoblog might be closed down due to this plugin!!
This sounds like a really awesome plugin, but I am a little concerned about being tagged as spam. Has anyone had any issues with this so far?
just discovered this plugin and i can say it seem awesome … cheers and keep bringing new things
Wicked plugin and im going to download and install this to my blog, thanks
well ..i ve seen this plugin in many blogs but i always wondered the name…glad that you gave a good description….im gonna definitely have this plugin on my blog
hope this plugin is usful.
I try to set up this plug in and i got an error. Anyone can help me?
this plugin is top in my books
Yes, it is top.
Let us see on my blog.
Nice sites..
add to my knowledge about SEO.
I must say! I really like this plugin…that explains the pingback bonanza that’s going on.
Очень понравился ваш блог! Подписался на rss. Буду регулярно читать.
i love all plugins that uses pings
I love pings.
It posts the same content over and over in WP 2.8. Any plans on updating this great plugin?
This is the coolest plugin I have seen in a long time
can i ask question, is this compatible to wordpress 2.8?, thank
Hell yeah, I needed this badly!
I Love it….. easy and WHITEHAT !!
Hi all!
Ty for plugin, eli
p/s:any1 try it on WP 2.8?
This is a pretty cool plugin that I might try out on my new fitness site. Really nice work on Eli! I definitely a fan of deep link building.
It’s a great plugin, rewarding for everyone! Plus yes it is compatible with wordpress 2.8.
Best plugin i ever used
Да уж… Тут как говорится: Амбар крепок, да углы худы
Oh! it’s cool!
Really great plug in..
Is nice plug in, thangs for this post
This plugin sounds awesome. I think it’ll help my blog out a lot. Thanks!!
This plugin is really awesome.
where else can I get a gallery of such useful plug ins???
Very useful plugin. Thank you. Just what is needed.
Hummm, does it work with the latest version of WP?
I have installed and activated it, but it does not seam to do anything.
I used this plugin and liked it very much
Thanks for nice post.
It’s really nice i like it.
Pingcrawl is great for when I update my blog and need to effectively ping my post!
Sounds as easy as 1,2,3. I will give this a try on my new blog. Thank you
The specialty about this post is that everyone can understand it easily as I guess. Keep the good work up !!
I found the entire information accurate. So i read this blog over and over again.
Very good ! mate, My site works well with it. Thanks
Sick. Very….very tight work.
It is an amazing initiative. I liked it.
Entire information provided in this post is hundred percent true and genuine. ……….. Thanks
where to you modify the Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)?
It is really nice post with have a great idea on this post…but is there a plugin for wordpress that adds other blog posts to my blog automatically?
re: ‘heart disease symptons’ - I use wp cloaker products to autopost blog posts, found at it has plugins called wp scraper, wp tube and wp feeder that post youtube videos, RSS feeds and fully scraped articles from sites like ezinearticles, isnare and tons of places.
My question is, is this plugin up-to-date? I just tried to install it on wordpress 2.8.4 and got this error:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR or ‘}’ in /home/mysite/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/pingcrawl.php on line 13
From what I just read this is a very awesome plugin. I will download it right now, try it then later use it on my customers blogs.
This plugin is awesome, I am working on a project now and am starting to implement it. The coolest thing is, it actually WORKS.. which is tons more to say than a few other pingback tools out there now.
Thanks a ton!
These sounds like a really cool tool. I’m just starting out with blogging, so I’m not quite sure what you mean by tags, when you say “I would try to limit my tags to no more than 3″?
I suppose I’ll figure it out when I try it.
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Суперэффективная диета!
90-60-90 – мечта любой женщины! Но только, как к ней приблизиться? Появилась возможность осуществить свою мечту. На самом деле, похудеть –проще простого!
Новая эффективная разработка ведущих диетологов и терапевтов!
Ее ждали миллионы женщин, которые хотят сбросить лишние килограммы! И, наконец, после длительных проверок и тестирований, появилась супердиета!
Почему набирается вес?
Рацион современного человека все больше состоит из продуктов, вызывающих резкое повышение уровня сахара в крови. После принятия такой еды, уровень сахара в крови резко растет. Организм, реагируя на это, снижает уровень сахара инсулином, который выделяет поджелудочная железа. Так, как сахара в крови много, и появился он за короткое время, то организм спешит как можно быстрее снизить его уровень до нормы, и вырабатывает избыточное количество инсулина. Лишний инсулин, провоцирует увеличение запасов жира.
Механизм образования жировых обложений можно сравнить с тушением огня. Горящие ветки или бумага тушатся спокойно, когда примерно представляешь, сколько понадобится воды. А если вспыхнет стакан спирта, тогда на эмоциях можно вылить чрезмерное количество воды, залив все вокруг.
У худых людей поджелудочная железа “сильная” – количество инсулина пропорционально количеству избыточной глюкозы. И это возможно, благодаря наследственности. У склонных к полноте “слабая” - значительная инерция процесса выделения инсулина. Но не надо отчаиваться. Чтобы восстановить оптимальный вес, необходимо отказаться от продуктов провоцирующих резкое повышение сахара в крови. Вспомните свои ощущения, когда Вы едите эти продукты – они очень вкусные, и Вы получаете от еды удовольствие. Закончив трапезу, Вы встаете из-за стола с чувством «сытости» и тяжести в желудке и теле. Через полчаса сытость проходит, какое-то время - состояние равновесия, и затем снова хочется есть.
Отсюда, три фазы:
1. Повышение уровня сахара в крови – удовольствие.
2. Уровень сахара близок к 1 – равновесие.
3. Уровень сахара ниже нормы – чувство голода.
Обратите внимание – действие сахара подобно действию наркотика: принял – получил удовольствие, действие закончилось – началась «ломка».
И отказаться от его употребления для некоторых очень трудно, почти невозможно.
Человечество существует сотни тысяч лет, и только в последние сто лет так резко изменился состав продуктов. Почти на каждой этикетке написано, что в состав продукта входит сахар. Никогда в истории не стояла так значительно проблема похудения.
Скажите СТОП лишнему весу! Узнайте, какую суперэффеективную диету мы Вам предлагаем!
Самая лучшая диета даст возможность приобрести Вам то, о чем многие только мечтают:
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Диета позволит Вам научиться слышать себя и понимать, что и когда Вам нужно съесть.
Диета позволит Вам полюбить праздники и перестать переживать из-за того, что Вы наберете за праздничные дни несколько килограммов.
Очень простые правила диеты помогут Вам научиться избегать срывов и случаев переедания.
Соблюдение условий, описанных в супердиете, поможет Вам сдвинуться с “мертвой точки” - возобновить остановившийся процесс потери лишних килограммов.
Вы сможете обходиться без утомительного подсчета калорий.
Вы узнаете несколько секретов, которые позволят тебе худеть, даже если Ваш холодильник битком набит продуктами, и Вы регулярно наведываетесь в супермаркет за чем-нибудь вкусненьким.
Вы научитесь использовать различные продукты в качестве лекарства.
Вам больше никогда не придется с завистью смотреть на тех, кто может позволить себе любую еду. Ведь и для Вас не будет запретов!
Вы обретете уверенность в себе и в своих силах.
Вы поймете, о чем Вы мечтаете, к чему стремитесь и начнете идти к своей цели, не замечая преград.
Вы получите подробную пошаговую стратегию обретения навыков здорового питания и избавления от лишнего веса.
Удивите своих подруг и близких – похудейте на 10 кг за 1 месяц! Худейте без особых усилий! Избавьтесь от лишних килограммов!
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“Попробуй…” - шепнула Мечта.
Мы поможем воплотить мечту в реальность! Вы увидите результат уже через 2 недели! А еще через две – Ваша талия уменьшиться на 5 сантиметров!
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C его помощью Вы почувствуете вкус к жизни. Вы никогда не испытывали подобного раньше! Это совершенно БЕЗОПАСНО для Вашего здоровья.
После просмотра гипнотического видео можно расслабится, отдохнуть, забыть о внешних проблемах и погрузится во внутренний мир, а также почувствовать невероятные ощущения!
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It seems to be a great plugin…..i hope it will work, thanks for sharing.
sorry…one more try!
Awesome post as always!
Great plug-in, thanks for sharing it!
This is certainly a valuable tool/plugin is there one for Blogger?
thanks for the tool tips dude
Great plugin ..thanks for the info
Very nice tips and you have used very simple language that any one can understand it.
haha come here
Thanks for the useful article.
wedding decorations
yeah it is pretty interesting. But not enough for people to all say the same thing in their comment huh?
Thanks for the useful article.
Very great plugin!
You definitely have an original point of view - thanks for sharing! It was interesting to read.
I’m glad to know such a useful information about how to struggle with spammers! i’m tired of them:(
Thanks, that’s a clever tact. I would like to emplot more automation, but have to keep my hat shiny.
Amazing plug-in. I think most of the bloggers would find it useful. It is quiet easy to download the plug-in. Moreover, it is user friendly.
It is a numbers game and you are not always going to be successful chasing the top most competitive words.
I am fully agreed with your views
Great plugin Eli, I hev it installed and it is working beautifully
Thnak you, thank you, thank you
Great tips, thanks so much man
What a long article! Nevertheless, it was interesting to read, thanks for sharing!
What a long article! Nevertheless, it was interesting to read, thanks for sharing!
Great post mate! I will definitely give this a try.
Exelent post and excellent idea. I will defiantly try it. Thanks for such an informative post
Animation Dance Association
pingcrawl! what a great tool! it’s about time to get this if you still don’t have it and be prepared for your host to get crashed as it might not cater the traffic it’ll get!
Pingcrawl is a great tool, I have been using it for ages.
I’ll try it.. thank you
it looks like a nice plugin. i should use it.
nice simple. This post surly one of the best. It helped me a lot. Can you also tell me how to clean my bronze furniture? thanks in advance
Thanks for sharing - that’s cool indeed!
Tested it! Workin real well! 2 thumbs up!
Thanks for your great effort! This detailed guidelines on SEO tactics make easier for a newbie like me to understand. I have bookmarked this already. Thanks for sharing!
carol burnett
…I have bookmarked this already. Thanks for sharing!…
Can you also tell me how to clean my bronze furniture? thanks in advance …..
I’ll share this article with my friends - it’s informative and fresh! Thanks for sharing!
This is really interesting, I had never heard of this method of SEO until now. It seems new methods are cropping up all the time.
it looks like a nice plugin. i should use it.
Nice plugin, thanks for sharing
finally i found plugin that i need for long time.
This is can be endless. So for now I will suggest have a look at these blogs and try to build backlinks by adding valuable comments. Even if you use yourblog keyword as name but add valuable comment no blogger will mind accepting your comment.
wordpress users would be delighted. too bad i am using blogger
Excellent list — question: Since this was posted in Sept. 2008, how often have you added to this list? A lot happens in a Web year!
thank you for sharing the video with us, it was quite helpful for me !!
i am a wordpress blog user and i like it a lot , but blogger is not good in compare to wordpress
Nice idea, but for some reason, activating any of these plugins generates errors on my site and break IntenseDebate.
Nice idea, but for some reason, activating any of these plugins generates errors on my site and break IntenseDebate.
Can I use this plug-in for newer wordpress versions? If so that would be great!
do you see any problem with using this on a “legit” blog?
Thank you for this wonderful post.
Thanks for sharing this informative article! Before reading it I used to diminish the value of Wordpress.
I read the vast discussion with great pleasure and wonder the delivered stuff is still actual for the time of being.
Thank you for this wonderful post.
I have always used many wordpress plugins but I have never heard of this PingCrawl. I will definitely give it a try. I hope it does what it’s supposed to. Thanks for the idea!
Yeah,,thanks… I will try this plugin to my blog,
great post and excellent idea. I will defiantly try it. Thanks for such an informative post!
Yea i’ll give it a whirl and see what deep links i can peel
Thanks for great idea. PingCrawl looks to be a good plug in. We give it a try and will return back with my comments on it.
I really like the look of PingCrawl, looks pretty interesting
ping crawl is a great plugin as i read above i really want to install at my blog thanks……:)
Nice plugin. Thanks for sharing this information . It is useful for me.
Thanks for your great insider!
Oh, what a good plugin there. Will have to try it.
Thanks for helping us get the knowledge.
looks like another great plugin to add to my arsenal. thanks!
sounds like an interesting plug in to use.
thank for such a great idea…really nice article.
well explained
Cool! Thanks for such a great article:)))
This sounds like a good way to get links. I am going to download it and try it on the latest version of wordpress.
Is this legit though?
Is this working on the latest version of Wordpress? I think this is a “fairly” white hat way of doing things anyway!
It looks like a great contribution to wordpress and I’ll definitely try it..
I’m using CMS in my practice and I’m quite satisfied with the way it works!
I’m using CMS in my practice and I’m quite satisfied with the way it works!
nice way to gain
Awesome concept Eli. I am going to install this now on a few of my blogs…and see what happens. I love you man. (Figure of speech.)
how do I get an API for plugins akismet?
this is got to be a very good plug in .
Didnt try it yet, but I’m seeing great reviews. I might implement it on one of my sites soon.
thanks for your sharing ,it is very good.
it seems a good article,thanks a lot.
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Вы узнаете несколько секретов, которые позволят тебе худеть, даже если Ваш холодильник битком набит продуктами, и Вы регулярно наведываетесь в супермаркет за чем-нибудь вкусненьким
I’ve tried these methods and they work well, thanks for posting this.
Thanks to print the PingCrawl download link, it’s really useful.
OMG! This is EXACTLY the type of thing that I was hoping for, but would have never known how to build myself. Eli, you’re a saint. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!!
p.s. I’ve decided to start studying php since coding was your #1 suggestion on empire. And I’m reading through ALL your posts one by one.
Hey question, if you update a post, will this ping someone’s blog each time?
I ask b/c I tend to update my posts a lot and would need to be careful to not annoy recipients of pingbacks.
that was a long post and I read it word for word. I’m still trying to grasp how large are these broken up sites supposed to be? I’m going to reread a few more times. Thanks
I is informative and creative post. I glad to know about these features. You theory of operation is really helpful I want to know is there some plugin like this in blogger also?
So interesting article.Thanks.
Although the post was very long but it was really informative..Thanks for sharing..
Commented by:Logo and Stationary Design Firm
Thank you very much Great post…thanks for share this. ………..
eah, so would I.
I was about ready to download the plugin when I noticed the number of comments. Thought for sure you were getting some hate mail.
Glad to see it was the opposite.
Good stuff on this blog. I will go down load the plug in now.
What a great little plugin, just added it now to my site, thanks for the article!
The information in this article is dated.
Very nice indeed. Currently trying this one in one of my blog.
Thanks you!
Interesting tool but after trialing it out I am concerned about the number of irrelevant blogs being pulled, due to generic tags being used. This may be due to a setting in WP where tags are converted to categories causing this, so I’ll take another look.
Very well written blog indeed. I am trying to get pingcrawl for my personal blog and hope it work best for me. Ping bank tries to make you updated in your blog subject.
you are the men!
always a pleasure visiting here..
but?.. no chance this could be easily
classfied as spamming?
& why cant i register for follow ups comments man
you are the men!
always a pleasure visiting here..
but?.. no chance this could be easily
classfied as spamming?
& why cant i register for follow ups comments man
great site ,thanks alot for the info
Great Article I think this is really having some best practical example…
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This thing saved the day! I had been searching this kind of a thing for my blog. I really appericiate your ideas & i am totally with it. thank you for sharing
Great article. thanks for the info.
Too good article. Its a very helpful in case of new blogs. Thanks Eli.
I just started to run a blog about tattoos and I will try to use this plug-in to propagate my links a little bit. Thanks for a great review and good luck in the future with another great projects.
Nice article. I just stumbled upon your blog and wanted to say that I have really enjoyed reading your articles. Anyway I’ll be subscribing to your feed and I hope you post again soon.
Excellent blog post - Really good tool, just what I need for this project i’m working on.
the wordpress was already the first choice for me for blogs and SEO websites. and i think this plugin will help me more and more for seo of my blog/website.
Sound good
I will try it and get back to you
Have a great night Eli
hi Eli, I love your site. Does this plugin still work? Also, has anyone had any trouble being marked as spam with this?
Okay — uploaded it to our company Wordpress and am getting:
“Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR or ‘}’ in /mnt/web2/42/75/5991775/htdocs/blog/wp-content/plugins/pingcrawl.php on line 13″
Any suggestions or solutions?
Wow. That’s probably the best plug-in ever. Thanks for sharing!
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Great article. thanks for the info.
I like this site, it is nice.
SEO is so important to your site, see my site
get free quote.
It is a great plugin for backlinking and I think every wordpress should have this plugin
Is there any chance you are going to upgrade pingcrawl ? I have been running it on many of my blogs but the ones upgraded to wordpress 3 it no longer works on.
Thank you for not encrypting it as i will be converting it to coldfusion for our custom CMS!
I love this Auto Ping Function for this plugin. Great! It can pull crowds to my blog and automatically leave comments!
Very helpful one. I am going to try this one, this is the one that i ‘ve been looking for. Thanks dude.
minnesota attorney
Ta the useful info, will be using this next time.
Great idea pal, needed this one for my next project and definitely gonna make my life easy
Nice tip, this at least makes it a bit easier to get those backlinks in. It looks nice an a blog, but it takes some manual labor. It looks like this plugin takes that work away quite nicely.
Link Building is one of the most significant aspect of the off page optimization process and is a major determinant of the popularity of your site. For search engines, back links or links pointing to your website indicate that you are ‘hot’ in the online marketplace.
Wow, this plugin seems gold! Crafty crafty fellow. This wont be me band or anything will it?
This was a million dollar idea thanks a I love it and it does wonders.
This was an eye opener… Thank you!
I hope this plugin still works cuz I’d like to use it.
Sokaklarda yürüyordum. O karşıma çıkınca, pandik atıp kaçtım.
This looks like an interesting plugin. Thanks for the info.
I was not really satisfied with results.
Its really nice .i like it
The information you provided was very useful. Because of your help, thank you.
Pingcrawl looks like it can do wonders.
excelent plugin ..i like it !!!
tnk nice write
You should check some of Eli’s other articles. He is a great writer
Thanks for the information and congrats
ı like this post
you can give more information
Awesome plug in. Gonna put it to use.
Thanks a very effective use of pingbacks. I was wondering though whether this would be picked up in google as a form of spamming and effect your rankings? The concept is excellent and makes for very targetted posts
Looks like this is great plugin. Thanks a lot.
good information
thanks sharing with us.
Thanks for sharing!Blog nice!With worpress can using auto ping to bookmarking!
It’s a very interesting module, i didn’t test it but i will !
Is a great plugin
All you said is also true
like always the wordpress plugins are the best, best blogging platform
Wordpress is the best! I use wordpress over 3 years.
Wow, fantastic plugin, can’t wait to try it out.
Great blog by the way!
it is interesting and wholesale new era hatsinformative article. This has been very helpful understanding a lot wholesale baseball hats of things. I’m monster energy hatssure a lot of other people will agree with me.
Wide circles are scammers
Wow, its work gr8 can’t wait to try it out
Isn’t it working anymore in wordpress 3.01? that would be very sad
Awesome plug in. Gonna put it to use
Does the plugin still work.
Fantastic plugin and a great idea. Have used this on a couple of blogs over the last few months and you can clearly see the results. Well done guys
like always the wordpress plugins are the best, best blogging platform
This is a nice article. I appreciate your write ups. This is a interesting article for forex traders.
Awesome idea, thanks alot )
Sounds like a great plugin.
That tool is really great. I am going to try it to my site and I will also make sure that I post back here to let you know how I am doing.
Great plugin. I’m going to install it to my blogs to Thanks for sharing.
That is a very powerful plugin! I will definitely check that out. Thank you for sharing.
I’ll share this article with my friends - it’s informative and fresh! Thanks for sharing!
This is fantastic to know about the new wordpress plugin for pingcrawl…
Great information, can’t wait to put it to use and see how it works. Any updates from users?
Is the plugin really safe to use? Is the plugin a blackhat SEO tool?
There are plenty of other Ping plugins that are available now. There is a smart pinger that will help you from getting banned from Ping services. By default WordPress pings every time you update a post, not just publish.
It’s too much, almost counts as SPAM. And keep your ping list short. Check the codex for up to date ping services list, lots of them have gone under since this post back ‘08.
thanks for the information, but still confuse to use one of many plugin offered
Hope this plugin works with the latest version of Wordpress.
Great idea for link building.
I believe this still works with Wordpress 3, does it not?
very interesting. i have gone through the article and even to all the comments it is very good
Cheers for the share, will put it to use over the next few days
Eli !,
Very informative,
Now i will try and will update soon here.
Thanks for your post, info and hard work.
yeah, I will install this plugin after this
congrat then who is luck then you man
thanks for the information, but still confuse to use one of many plugin offered
Thank for the best plugin i have ever seen. PingCrawl plugin is useful. Thank alot
Is the plugin really safe to use? Is the plugin can be considered as a blackhat SEO tool?
Nice little link launder’er you have there
Good stuff… I’ll try’er out…
Yeah Dave, I don’t mind porting it over; but would have to make sure enough people need a php4 version. (not trying to sound harsh) Going to watch on here and my own blog and if the demand is there I will start to work on one. Will need some php4 testers though!
This is a fantastic idea. I know there’s alot of trackback apps out there, but this makes it dead simple!
My site features laptops, notebooks & desktop. This will definitely come in handy. This product is really a great tool for every webmaster.
Great plugins. thanks for sharing it.
A simple plugin that works very well for wordpress sites and blogs.
Thanks for sharing this plugin.
is it blackhat method?
Thanks for sharing the plugin. I really love the plugin. It is not a blackhat plugin.
yup thats very true, a site without SEO is of no worth
I really bloody wish this plugin still worked! Gutted!
I’m using it right now. Will see how it turns out
it doesn’t work…:(
My biggest issue with this website is not knowing which mods to implement first. I found this blog 2 days ago and think I spent the past 40 hours on it.
Killer content - great job!
there is a plugin called smartlinks has the same function!
I love pinging plugins and ya smartlinks is pretty good
obagi clear … love the concept, post on my blog, plugin grabs similar posts for pingbacks!
This is a fantastic idea. I know there’s alot of trackback apps out there, but this makes it so dead simple!
This thing saved the day! I had been searching this kind of a thing for my blog. I really appericiate your ideas & i am totally with it. I would highly reccommend this to you
Very nice place here Thanks a lot.
Much more posting is very good and quick way to increase website ranking.
Thanks for the plugin Eli!
Thanks for sharing this link - but unfortunately it seems to be down? Does anybody here at have a mirror or another source?
Brilliant plugin, works really well. Keep up the good work!
Thank you so much for sharing this helpful link
This is a good plugin. Is there going to be any worry about abusing it though?
thanks for crowl plugin share.
i want to try this plugin and say thanks to you.
Thank you. I have been looking for a way to help with the pinging of my blog posts. I think this is worth doing. Cheers!
iv noticed that this is a common problem in the comments but i cant find the solution, does anybody know how to fix it yet?
Great idea for SEO, seems to work ok
I checked the database created and under pb_feeds I have some results from Google Blog Search but no pingbacks are added to the post!
I would be interested to hear what results people have had using this technique?
This is the most informed writing I’ve ever seen on this subject.
Great article, fantastic plugin. Heres a review on the best penis enlargement product, no pills, pumps, weights, all natuaral using your own two hands!how to enlarge your penis
Is the plugin compatible with wordpress 3.1.1? I want to try it on my new website.
I installed this plugin, and saw some good results, but with the latest release of WP, it does not work, can we expect an update to this plugin soon?
thanks for sharing information, i really like it and i find it very help full, hope that you will keep it up
Great! I’m just curious if this type of plugin will still be relevant even now, after WordPress has gone through so many updates?
I’m also curious as to why you don’t just upload it to Wordpress so we can get continued updates from you as well
this is a great post about crawl plugin, i will use it
All I can say is “WELL DONE” my friend.
teşekür ederim admin
wooah again a nice article by you eli very much great work : )
Awesome Seriously AWesome work done ; )
Nice Information about Crawl pluggins, i also apply this pluggin on my blog
thanks for sharing it
there are many ways for penis enlargement in this great blog helped me to learn how to grow my pennis naturally
good article about Crawl plugin thanks
Very nice posts, I follow you. thanks
Awesome Plugin, just what i needed to increase my links!
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Not sure if this will be useful for me, but thank you anyway.
I love the web and all the great plugins available.. only problem can be in keeping up with everything, there are so many changes, so fast, and it can be hard sometimes to work out which plugins add real value rather than just jazzing up a blog.
Would pingcrawl in anyway affect your site negatively in terms of SERP?
Is this white hat?
You are like 007 Eli - awesome !
Why do you call yourself blue hat? Are you sometimes black and sometimes white hat? The color should be gray hat no?
A white hat is someone who goes around doing good things to support people. A black hat is someone who uses inappropriate techniques that can kill ranks of competitors. A blue hat..? Maybe it has something to do with twitter?
awesome post video also good..
Plugins are tools which provide additional functionality to your application. To install a plugin you generally just need to put the plugin file into your ‘wp-content/plugins’ directory. Once a plugin is installed, you may activate it or deactivate it from the Plugins menu in your WP administration.
Very interesting post indeed thanks for all the useful info…
yürüyün lan
great work thanks keep rocking
That’s a real nice plugin. It would be even better if a moderator would be able to see posts before approving them to be added at the buttom.
Pretty,This is a really wonderful post.Thank you for providing information.
I would like to bookmarked your post
nice jobs…
Thanks for taking the time to debate this, I feel strongly about it and love learning extra on this
topic. If doable, as you gain experience, would you mind updating your blog with additional info? This can be very helpful for me.
Much I like it than before.It has about an 80% successrate with each pingback and they are legit so the ones that fall into moderation tend to get approved.
These tools are so great! I really appreciate it!
feys facebook trfacebook
Definitely would try it….
I’ve been searching for additional ways to increase traffic to my WordPress site, and this plugin looks ideal. I’ll install it and give it a go - fingers crossed.
I haven’t tested the plugin yet but I like the idea and I’ll definitely give it a try.
There is one think though that is bothering me.
These tools are very necessary and valuable. I congratulate you.
Thanks Eli, this plugin sounds great. I’ve only just started link building, and I’m going to give PingCrawl a go - should give me a good jump start.
I loved this plugin but it does not seem to work anymore with the latest wordpress releases. Any way to get this fixed. I would happily pay for the plugin at this point.
Hi! I found the information here very cool, I haven’t tried this plugin but definitely will. Thanks
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Does it still work with the newest Wordpress Version? And does it work only with english language or also other languages?
Plugins sounds very interesting to me!
Great informations thank you
This for this really helpful post.
By the way, my name is louie and I have a similar blog to yours. I’m new to SEO, thanks for the share.
since the plugin was created in 2008(as i notice the publish date), will it work well with wordpress latest version? i think this is really a great plugin..
Pinging is one of my favourite webtools.
i will try this, but already wordpress has “tags” option and it is also very powerfull for quick index to get traffic.
thanks for the info about PingCrawl. great article !
I absolutely love to use pinging! Thank you for the useful post!
joomla template free Yes that plug is the best
Very useful plug-in has been developed by you. It is really very useful one to get the deep links. Thanks for sharing this post and plug-in.
Thank you very much for this plugin, I have been waiting for this kind for very long time, I had one question regarding this, does this plugin works on olders version of wordpress blogs, if its true, then it really rocks.
Thanks again
Lisa Jackson.
Nice! It’s great to have little tricks like that automated. Thanks for sharing!
I have been waiting for this kind for very long time
good topic >>
This is Nice seo plugin.
Do this still work?
I’ll all to try it out.
I’ll do some testing and let you know if it helps
it slows down post time. the time it takes from when you hit publish to actually publishing. Doesn’t actually slow down the blog.
good plugins, it can increase my blog traffic, thank you…….
Seem like a really cool wordpress plugin. Hae already downloaded it and will start trying it on my Blog… Posting away soon.
Great plug-in. I’m going to add this to some of my datapresser blogs to try it out.
Thank you for this wonderful post.
This is Nice seo plugin
Great idea for link building.
Very interesting post indeed thanks for all the useful info…
Fantastic idea with wordpress.thanks for the useful post indeed.
This sounds like an incredible tool for wordpress, it will save us a ton of time and effort
I appreciate this plugin. Thx
They are all outgoing links right? I think I’ll stick to manually doing them, making them more relevent, within content so higher value, and I legitimately want to help out these blogs as well as readers.
Rocking share…iam using manual pinging service pingomatic…your articles helps me a lott…thank youuuu
une autre paire de chaussures tout en écoutant attentivement les alliés expliquant les vertus de ce fabricant séparée,
within content so higher value, and I legitimately want to help out
Just about to install this on all my website. Looks like an excellant tool, another must for anybody who has Wordpress.
Great work! I am just going to install and start playing w/ it..
However some things I don’t understand:
- what Google API key is used?
- is there a daily limit for the requests, thus for adding new posts?
Keep up!
Very usefull article, thank you so much…
que es el amor
Looks good
Do follow list PR 7 Blogs SEO
Really It’s great tool, and always wordpress is like blogs momy
This is article on wordpress plugin-a new additions to the plugins to make SEO work more convenient.
There are lot of trackback apps but this ia really unique from all! plugins are tools which provide additional functionality to an application.That’s really an helpful tip Thanks for the informative blog hats off to your link building Ping Crawl. Very Useful. Great Site
I am thinking to use this plugin and judging by your review it’s promising and thanks man for bringing this wp plugin to us
cool I really needed this
still in love with your style! you blog was on of the first looked at nearly 2 years ago -
ty fpr uys
Great Idea and Great Post as always
Excellent work. Its really informative and thanks for your share.
thanks for sharing the plugin…
This is truly valuable. Enjoyed the post, will print it out and come back for more. Nice one!
Awesome post Eli, seems like I have a lot of learning to do all this time.
That was a great post, I learned a lot! Although it took me a while to get through it, haha. Thanks Eli!
Grate tool I am starting using it
hi guyz
u guyz are doing gr8 job.
and yeah gr8 tool it will help us.
Just need to be careful not to be a ping spammer
Terrific post… I appreciate the share!
Amazing article again, thanks Eli.
I have been conducting research on this and i surf the web digging such write ups of information, and agree completely with the way this was express. this open my eye and give me idea to put it into quality writing.
Great post. Must have on any blog.
I will add it today.
Looks like the more you post, the more linkbacks you get. So each post is basically 5 linkbacks?
Excellent tool even after almost 4 years.
This is great, definitely something im gonna try on my blog.
This an amazing blog I hope you more success and I hope one day my bloghow 2 work onlinewill be like it
It’s a spectacular plug-in.
I’m installing in my Blog right now! It saves a lot of time.
I like the concept. I hope this plugin works out well for my blog. Will give it a try.
Wow, what a great idea for a plug in, looking forward to installing and playing with it. THANK YOU!
I’m sure it will be helpfull for my blog. I hope it still works with new Wordpress.
that is cool plugin,
ok, let me try ping crawl now.
Great Blog and information useful. Thanks for posting
I have few wordpress blogs, really good plugins for those, thanks for sharing.
somehow or rather I think pingcrawl is not working anymore. correct me if i am wrong.
i have a lot of blogs,really need.thanks for sharing.
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Thank for putting WordPress, It have a lot of blogs which is very interesting and informative. I am impressed with WordPress. Thank for sharing this.
Thanks for the plugin. I hope it’s still working.
That is very fascinating, You’re a very skilled blogger. I have joined your feed and stay up for looking for more of your fantastic post. Additionally, I’ve shared your website in my social networks
I’m glad to see that there are those who make things interesting discussion. WorldPress think it has come to be used more by all entrepreneurs
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Thank you for your valuable and helpful post.I have get idea about you that you are a great blogger.Please continue.
I agree with your blog, very nice.
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nice plugin.very useful
I think your post is a interesting one and no doubt very useful. Thanks for sharing informations with us.
Always was confused by ‘Pings’ but this plugin looks good. I’ll check it out.
That’s exactly what I needed! Thank you for posting
This is what i’m looking for thank you so much.
Thanks for the update. I really appreciate the efforts you have made for this blog.
Thanks for share it
I think your post is a interesting one and no doubt very useful. Thanks for sharing informations with us.
Thanks for such a nice post about blue hat seo i will use it in blog. thanks alot
Social Zombies is exactly the same and does Diggs too, but seems to have been under closed beta testing for ages…
Nice plugin, thanks for sharing!
Interesting - I’ll have to check it out.
This looks like a very popular plugin. I am getting this one.
Thats a plugin that could really be practical. Google is a quagmire of fun. Could make WP quite a it easier to manage.
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Will try this on wordpress. Thanks for sharing
though this question never come in my mind. but it is a good answer
ping crawlers are great
I just know about Ping crawlers..
I will try for my wordpress..
Guest Blogging have dominated the blogosphere at damn fats rate and everyone is looking for good blog for submitting their guest posts.
Great plugin, it helped me a lot!
bluehatseo is the best!
Hey that was an awsome plugin
i realy loved it and will be very usefull to my blog.
Tech Glitter
just be sure to slow down your post count.
You’ve got to love wordpress.
What is the latest wordpress platform?
Is wordpress the best paltform for optimising SEO?
Great plugin, Thanks Eli
I think this plugin will be very helpful. Word press is truly evolving.
Good One!
They are all outgoing links right? I think I’ll stick to manually doing them, making them more relevent, within content so higher value, and I legitimately want to help out these blogs as well as readers.
I get the theory, but not all links are good. Is there a way to moderate the these pingbacks?
They will all be very white hat and clean links so no worries and if you left the code intact I’d consider that a substantial thank you for the plugin
Testing in progress. Will tell how turns out. Thx
Its really awesome.I am learning wordpress.It will be helpful.Thanks for posting.
I think this plugin will be very helpful. Word press is truly evolving.
thanks man
very nice topic
Awesome new tool to add to arsenal.
pingcrawler makes my life easier
This is interesting and have read about similar robots that work on ping back to post. Proof is in the pudding and would like to get set up and try this for results
Great Post thanks - Always wanted to know more information about ping crawlers
Another great plug in to speed up the web development.
Very scientific and I have been looking at this over the last few days.Every time you make a post on your blog it grabs similar posts from other blogs that allow pingbacks using the post tags. It then links to them at the bottom of the post as similar posts. It then executes the pingback on all the posts. You can specify how many posts to do per tag and that many will be done for each tag you use in your posts. Typically it has about an 80% successrate with each pingback and they are legit so the ones that fall into moderation tend to get approved. This creates quite a few deep links for each blog post you make and through time really helps with your link building. Especially for new blogs.
Good article on word press. Many thanks
Nice blog here and Have tested this on wordpress test site. It does increase your traffic and speeds up the site.
Thanks for the help on breaking down the ad analytics. Very good and to the point.
Thanks for the information, have tried some of these plugins, work pretty good.
Great blog and I will apply this to my wordpress site when I develop it within the next few weeks.
really got sick of kiddies who just steal my post and get a rank and reputation. I really liked you post and was in a search of such article. Will try all the things listed above
this plugin is what I’m looking for my website..
Only if such tool existed for blogger, hope google will release it in future. But thanks anyway I will search on internet for something like this on blogger.
This tool is way outdated, anyway.
Great Plugin and thanks for sharing - have just installed successfully
Really very very nice post
The number of plugins available is vast, but i do like this one.
articles that actually contain the knowledge of technology. I like the story. go ahead.
Plugin hasn’t been updated in 2 years
Had this on our site but it’s no no longer active. Any update for this?
Very cool plugin. However it no longer works! Anything similar out there?
Even though the post is from 2008, I still can make use of this plugin, even if it wasn’t updated in the last 2 years. Thanks for sharing.
Oh man, I didn’t think this plugin was still available, but is still listed in the Wordpress plugins.
I am going to try that plugin out, I bet it can help my SEO.
Every time you make a post on your blog it grabs similar posts from other blogs that allow pingbacks using the post tags. It then links to them at the bottom of the post as similar posts. It then executes the pingback on all the posts.
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This was a really quality post. In theory I’d like to write like this too – taking time and real effort to make a good article.
I’m going to be careful for brussels. I’ll be grateful in the event you proceed this in future.
This plug-in was very helpful when it was first created, and it still is. There are many like it on the internet today, and this one still works great
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Thanks for an insightful post.I never come across such a lovely post which is very well written
ok man, thanks for sharing
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Excellent post … now I see my huge omission, thanks
I really do enjoy your site. The information about Ping Crawl and SEO are amazing. I try to advise all my network mareters to use amazing tools such as this. I have been able to help my site iLivingapp and others to rank well with this tool. Thanks for the info.
thanks for the info i will try this plugin
Today can you found so many good plugin for your speciall website or blog if you search on internet.
Brill - just what I was after
This is good apps I really try it for my website, Thanks A Lot….
yes, this is the right way to proceed in social media.. do not enter it without a plan..
great plugin for WP
I am working on a new blog so thanks for the plugin to handle pings.
fun with pingcrawlers!
Detroit is the largest city in the U.S. State of Michigan with 910,920 indbyggere in 2009. It is named after the French word detroit, which significantly “Straedes”. The city is the county amtssæde for Wayne County . The population in 1960 was approx. two million, but is now more end halved, what there has skabt comprehensive financial problems.
Excellent share, really. Thank a lot.
I like this plugin!
where you find this plugins?
where I download it?
i like this plugin.. i hope it works
thanks for the post
Pingcrawl is a greatplug! Thanks
every day, the new plugin, you just have to choose the right one.
Thank you for clearing things up for us.
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Thank you so much for sharing such a cool post with us.Looking forward for more interesting things.
It’s a nice post!Thanks for your good work,it helps me a lot!I will come back again!
I have to definitely use it on my blog soon!
Great Post, This is a great word press plugin!
nice share and in enjoyed from visiting it.
articles that actually contain the knowledge of technology. I like the story. go ahead.
Excellent read. Thanks!
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This is what the strategy I am searching for. Wordpress has got so many plugins for SEO Purposes. I am definitely going to look in to this plugin. Thanks for sharing here.
Hello, I am following your site for a long time very useful information that you provide
This creates quite a few deep links for each blog post you make and through time really helps with your link building. Especially for new blogs.
I have been looking everywhere in the internet for some time now and had been starting to get discouraged.
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There comes so many new WordPress plug all the time so I have enough to change.
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auto transport leads This creates quite a few deep links for each blog post you make and through time really helps with your link building. Especially for new blogs.
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