I got a few quick announcements to get out of the way if you don’t mind.

You’ve probably noticed that even though this blog is over a year and a half old I haven’t done any montenization on it. I’m not personally against the idea of it (I am an Internet marketer after all) but I’ve been holding out for a really good idea of how exactly to do it. I don’t want to just throw up some banners or become super lame by getting people to signup through my Algco account (kidding! I don’t do MLM schemes). I also would NEVER dream of putting the information here on a paid model. I want to monotenize it in a way that directly makes people money and helps them become more successful. That’s obviously easier pitched than done. :) But I think I came up with a good solution of how to do it.

Since the release of the Quick Indexing Tool I’ve gotten a lot of requests from people to buy access to my own personal tools. I’m really happy with the way QUIT turned out. It’s been thoroughly put through the ringer by over 50 bloggers and popular forums as well as thousands of readers here and has more than proven itself. It has finally been PROVEN to the industry that not only is it possible to get indexed in less than 24 hours but it can be done as easily as filling out a very short four part form and clicking a button. The concept actually goes one step further than that. Rankings can be just as easily acquired and admittedly for my own ego’s sake I want to prove to the industry that not only is it possible but anyone can do it.

So Here’s What’s Going To Happen
Sometime within a week I will be releasing a subscription based access to a version of my own personal toolset. The subscription will cost $100/month (canceling will be allowed anytime and none of your personalized data on your account will be deleted).

Here’s what the subscribers will get
1. SQUIRT- Super Quick Indexing and Ranking Tool.
  A. Does everything QUIT does but even more efficiently, also includes a ton of extra social bookmarking sites. Including the virgin ones that no tools as of yet has the skills to automate submissions to.

  B. Gets your site deep indexed faster. So not only will your main page go in faster but the rest of your site will get indexed faster and more efficiently.

  C. Utilizes many of the techniques talked about here automatically. This includes Rollover sites, third party sitemaps, keyword real estate and several others that I haven’t even talked about yet. NONE of which can possibly get you banned or penalized. You are perfectly safe using this tool.

  D. Deep analysis of your site. The tool looks at every possible ranking factor you can think of; including both onsite and offsite. It then rates your site on a percentage scale. 100% of course being the perfect site with perfect existing promotion(none exist that i’ve managed to find yet) and 1% being essentially brand new site with no promotion and horrible onsite factors. The analysis tool is an exact clone of the same one I use. It is all 100% custom and I use it everyday to analyze my sites as well as my competitions. As far as SEO analysis tools go it’s about as accurate as it gets.

  E. Custom promotion. After analyzing your site and current levels of promotion the tool determines your weaknesses and strong points and automatically determines the perfect promotional campaign you will need to reach the top 10. There are literally thousands of different combinations the tool can go from there to determine the absolute perfect path to success for any given site. Can you guess what it does with this information?

  F. It promotes your site. It uses it’s analysis to determine what techniques are needed to get you ranking in the top 10 and it automatically does them. The whole process from the time you fill out the two part form (URL and up to 3 keywords/phrases you are wanting to rank for) takes less than 3 minutes to run. So in other words you can build a site and have it promoted perfectly and precisely within a couple minutes. Sorry skeptics, there’s no B.S. here :)

2. X amount of submissions/day will be allowed
  A. You will be allowed so many submissions a day through the tool. We haven’t quite worked out what the numbers will be yet, but they will be more than ample for the high producing webmaster, and at the same time low enough so the tool doesn’t get overly saturated.

  B. I’m only going to allow 100 members. With the obvious power behind the tool I can’t let every Joe Schmoe play around with it. As neat as this tool is, it is definitely no toy and the use of it needs to be taken seriously. Which is why I’m giving you guys the first heads up. I know once I release it several large forums and blogs will catch wind, and while thats all fair I am personally biased with the Blue Hat readers. So I’m letting everyone here know in advanced. So if you’re interested in joining, be on the look out and if this site isn’t already in your reader or live bookmarks be sure to add it, because idealy I want you guys to have the first crack at it. Than if there are any extra slots others are welcome to it. This tool is for you after all not them.

3. Access to my personal content club
  A. I’m going to be throwing up a HUGE collection of custom databases and scripts for you to download and use at will. They will all be free with the subscription. After all, what good is a tool that helps you mass promote a ton of sites quickly if you can’t easily produce sites just as quickly and easily. So I really want to help people build their networks and become more powerful in their markets. I think a private content club will be the perfect way to do that.

  B. I also am cutting a deal with a good friend of mine (and avid reader here) to continually produce databases. He is incredibly talented at collecting high quality data and he sells his databases for big bucks. However since he’s a reader and commenter here he’s been cool enough to join in and help everyone out. So we’ll see what kind of deal we can cut so he can get paid for his work while at the same time getting to help you guys out with more quality data than you can handle.

4. Discounts on Blue Hat Tools.
  A. A lot of posts here require custom coding. I’ve always encouraged programmers to join in and code my techniques for the readers here and sell them through the comments. I think thats a great way to not only reward the people who create the scripts and share them but to help the nontechnical people get their hands on the tools and scripts they wouldn’t be able to any other way. However there have been several large unforeseen problems this has caused. I have no idea who is trying to rip off my readers and who is legit. grrr. :( So this way I’m going to team up with my own personal highly talented programmers and giving them heads up on all my upcoming posts that require custom scripts made. So when the techniques get posted here, you can log into your account and buy the script for a hugely discounted price.

What To Expect As Far As Ranking Capabilities
The tool is designed to rank a site within the top 10 for most medium and small sized niches. All the promotion in the world of course can’t rank a poorly designed site so that part is of course left up to you. However with adequate onsite SEO the tool by itself should be able to perform quite well within most medium sized niches alone. I also encourage everyone to test that for themselves.

So there you go. :) If you’re interested, keep your head up. It’ll be coming within about a week or less. I’ll post it here first and it’ll be hosted on a another server of mine as well as the blog of my business partner(an awesome programmer). I’ll be honest, I’m kind of scared of selling out and I’m even more scared of hyping something and having it not turn out to be as great as people were hoping. So please feel free to help me out with this. I really want to hear your opinions and ideas of what you would like to see to make this tool/club be of even more value to you. I want the $100/month to be pennies compared to what people actually get, so anything you can think of to make it even more badass let me know.
