Abandoned Wordpress Accounts Pt. 2
Another one? Haha didn’t see that comin’ did ya! If you haven’t already; be sure to read one of my favorite posts on Abandoned Wordpress Accounts before continuing to read this post. Got it? Good!
So by now you’ve had about 6 months to hopefully grab at least a couple hundred already indexed and quality built Wordpress accounts. Good! You’ve also probably added links to your sites that could use a good IBL and page rank boost. Great! Your on your way except now we just need to convert these medium quality links into great links. Awesome! Lets get to it.
First things first, we need to recover some abandoned content and lost links. Lookup your abandoned blogs on Archive.org and see if you can scrounge up some old posts. For some more recent ones you can do a linkdomain: on Yahoo or something. Then pull the cached copy of the individual posts. Repost them on your blogs and try to match the Post Slugs (the url to the post itself ie. myblog.wordpress.com/my-awesome-post). This will ensure that all the old links that exists to the blog and individual posts will still be giving you credit and traffic instead of going to an ugly 404. Also be sure to put up a post about how the blog got abandoned but out of kindness you reposted the old posts for the users’ sake. How kind of you! This will also give the original owner a small opporunity to complain and ask you to take down the posts(don’t be a jerk do it if asked, no matter how small the chances are they will actually ask or care). This will keep everyone happy and preserve your linking and traffic.
A URL is just a URL. However a theme and topic is great link potential. Remodel the site to fit what kind of links you’re wanting. If your wanting tech news type links change up the keywords to match a technews type content. This’ll help transform your medium quality links to a semi-relevant stature.
Now lets build some more relevant content as well as relevant IBL links to the blogs. This is where it gets interesting. Remember when I said to make a common Wordpress account and attach all your new blogs to the same account? If you didn’t take that advice you’re going to wish you did, because now we’re going to talk about how to get huge amounts of links and content to your blogs. Don’t worry it’ll be easy, it’ll be whitehat, and like the first part of the technique it also can be done completely by hand.
1) Go to Digg.com (Shoutwire also works) and signup with an account.
2) Go to your account settings and edit your blog settings. Put in your main login and password for your main Wordpress account. Digg will be kind enough to generate a nice list of all your blogs that are attached to that account next time you login. So in the future you can easily switch between them quickly.
3) Select your first blog and click update.
4) Search for that blogs terms and click “Blog It” on all the results. This will do three things. First it will grab the title and the description of the original post and insert it as a new post on your blog. You now got some great content. Secondly, it will post a trackback link on the original post. A percentage of the posts you grab will draw a huge number of backlinks to the original post which ups the quality of your trackback link. It’ll also drive some traffic(some of my abandoned blogs get over 200 visitors/day for this reason. Lastly this will give you a link on the Digg post itself under “Who blogged this.”
Lets do the math
You got a couple hundred blogs. Each blog has a couple hundred posts. Each post has at least 2 backlinks. Add the previous inbound links + content. You got yourself hundreds of quality blogs driving traffic and link quality to your real money sites.
Life is good
3 things:
that comments captcha you use is sweet, even for a captcha
2.- dude abandoned wordpress accts rock, thanks for showin me this
3 - skillet is a sweet band and i blogrolled ya
Very interesting article you have got here. I love reading this kind of stuff. This is truly a great read for me. I hope to see more articles from you
“dude abandoned wordpress accts rock, thanks for showin me this”
me too
Yes, useful tips about abbandoned wordpress!
Nice, I made around 50 abondoned WordPress blogs, but they got banned, probably because I blatantly post links on them
. I’ll definately be trying this, genious!
I registered about 20 to check it out but only 1 had any backlinks at all, and it just had one BL.
I was just planning on tossing all the rest back. So what’s your opinion. Do the ones with no BL and no PR at all have any value?
Why is this whole backlink thing always such a problem?!
They are in the index aren’t they?
I’d say they have value then.
If not then just use the technique above to give them some value. As an example I made one site from scratch and turned it to a pr4 with 800 backlinks just strictly through this technique.
Eli,could you give an example of your wordpress blog?
I’ve used the instructions at http://theory.isthereason.com/?p=499 to autopost my del.icio.us links…though digg offers a LOT more in the way of content.
No blogs left over now like that
Just went through 40 .. and found none…
sure,Matt,yesterday i only got 20,i wnt through 100+ in yahoo.
This works for Myspace too
Yeah guys Stuart just put up a post about the myspace version of this.
Free Page Rank 4+ Myspace
Also I’d like to note that a nice cleanup to his Google search might include the site:www.myspace.com instead of the site:myspace.com to avoid the profile.myspace.com also the -allinurl:index.cfm cleans up a bit more of it.
Here’s my revised search
“This user has either cancelled their membership or their account has been deleted” site:www.myspace.com -allinurl:index.cfm
This is great stuff re: the myspace accounts but I’m trying to figure out how he managed to restore hundreds of myspace accounts when you need an individual email account for each one?
myspace no longer requires you to confirm your new accounts.
Also you can create a catch-all email account through cpanel. Meaning every email that goes to [email protected] will forward to one single email address. So you can create [email protected] [email protected] and confirm them all through the single one.
Handy eh?
Yep, my brain went back to work as soon as I sent that off. For whatever reason, I’m using the catch all rather than a bogus email addy.
And I came up with yet another thought on this: It seems as if many pr4 and 5’s have already been snagged (although I managed to grab some..heh heh) but it also seems that the ones that ARE taken are practically abandoned anyway. Why not just put a comment in there profile with a nice link to your site(s)?
Oops, just remembered you have to be invited as a friend first.
Here’s my very first test site for this technique(I have 9 others). It wasn’t an abandoned account of course it was created to test this particular posts effectiveness by itself. No outside promotion has been done to it.
Current Stats:
Posts: 1406
Avg Daily Visits: 164
Page Rank: 4
Google: 156 pages
Yahoo: 118 unique links
Those WP accounts gets u banned. Tried 6 months ago, and got banned instantly.
Is there a way to get the accounts unbanned ?
Sorry, I wouldn’t know about getting them unbanned. None of my accounts got banned.
I guess just register more..hehe
just register one more? is it really effected?
I find when I try to blog it in Digg it nearly always blogs it to the wrong blog. Am I doing it wrong? It list my WP blogs and I change it to the one I want and it almost always blogs to another one from the list.
Eli, I found a site similiar to abandoned wordpress accounts.. Right now it has 1,700,000 pages in google, all seperate accounts. I checked most of the first page sites.. all PR 5 or 4.
I have one set back though. I dunno what to do. I would like your help… (I am not that stupid, but this one is a little tricky…) Shoot me up an email if you would like to help/share this resource.
I took the spam choice with this and registered a load of wordpress blogs and then farmed them.
Kind of wish I had done part 2 now and benefited from it! - ah well better luck next time I guess
Wordpress is the best!
To eli, when I create a search query for forums and blogs to
target, I find that using fewer terms yields more results.
Your query above “This user has either cancelled their
membership or their account has been deleted” site:www.myspace.com
-allinurl:index.cfm yields 233 results.
Compare that with these:
user has either cancelled their membership or their account has been”
user has either cancelled their membership or their” site:myspace.com
user has either cancelled their membership or” site:myspace.com
user has either cancelled their membership” site:myspace.com
user has either cancelled their” site:myspace.com
user has either cancelled” site:myspace.com
user has either” site:myspace.com
user has” OR “user has either” OR “either cancelled their” OR
“their membership or” OR “or their account” OR “account has been” OR
“has been deleted” site:myspace.com
Some false positives
user has” OR “user has either” OR “either cancelled their” OR
“their membership or” OR “or their account” OR “account has been” OR
“has been deleted” site:myspace.com -male -”Profile Views”
Cleaned up false positives
I just have one question, how do I remove the profiles that
are only numbers in excel?
I tested on 1 of my wordpress account with 10 blogs on it. I can post it on one blog -let say blog number 1 on that WP account- and try to change the Digg blog setting to post it on my blog number 2. But it failed. The post still appeared on blog number 1. I want to make post on all of my blogs (10) but don’t know how to do it. Can explain your experiences about it? Thank you.
PS: Thanks also for your abandoned WP v.1 post. Got more than 50 logs so far.
HUrhuhruhruHHurhuHRUH CHEERS!
Am I being naive or will it take a LONG time to recover and post the recovered contents on the blogs? Even if we only had 20 blogs, would you have to check if you could recover the old content(which oftentimes you won’t be able to) and then repost all of it?
um… hi eli.
this is going to be a really, really stupid question and I’m sure you’ll laugh at me for being so clueless, but I figure that it’s worth it if you’ll answer
As the name says… I am completely lost.
What exactly are you suggesting I do? Do the search, find out what x.wordpress.com accounts turn up, register them in my name as x.wordpress.com? And then? Why is this useful, is it because they already turn up in Google? How do I use these sites to my benefit?
Ugh. I am completely clueless, and as I understand these sites have already been retaken by others, but could you please, please explain a bit more?
Nice thread, but yeah, I think I was too late for this ‘land rush’
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Hi, I’ve been doing this with myspace but now I realise they’re 301 redirecting all outgoing links through msplinks.com.
Is there anyway to get around this or is myspace now dead in the water for this?
Nice site keep it up!
Very sneaky, but great idea. Has anyone ever been contacted by an owner about removing abandoned content? That sounds like an incredible longshot.
I found something called a cpn number that will
give you a new credit profile within 30 days.
the website is
very evil and sneaky. i wish i read this post a little sooner.
Very Interesting post! Thank you for such interesting resource!
PS: Sorry for my bad english, I’v just started to learn this language
See you!
Your, Raiul Baztepo
First of all, I would like to thank you for the article!
I tested on 1 of my wordpress account with 10 blogs on it. I can post it on one blog -let say blog number 1 on that WP account- and try to change the Digg blog setting to post it on my blog number 2. But it failed. The post still appeared on blog number 1. I want to make post on all of my blogs (10) but don’t know how to do it. Can explain your experiences about it?
there is nothing left now
I was rummaging arround for the shortened method of profit. Please help me. Thanks
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I haven’t actually tried to get spammy text into the index and get it to rank well, but this definitely gives me some things to think about.
You can try it in here lol
great post i am also new to blue hat seo..it looks non spammy and ethical.so will surely try it
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Wow nw this is something
does it still work?
i think it still works
I think you shouldn’t off your work. Keep it up
yeah i think the same
This is quite the useful trick. I think that I have just the project to put this database shortcut to use
new Digg! Ugh.
Duh! lol
Nice thread, but yeah, I think I was too late for this ‘land rush’
I just started using this trick. It really works like a charm! Nice!
It is nice to find a site about my interest.
its hardwork but pays-off after it is done. nice tutorial. worth trying!
very interesting article. hope it works like a charm!
I find when I try to blog it in Digg it nearly always blogs it to the wrong blog.
thank so much! interesting article
nice good for article.
I think you’re a genious! This method works very fine. You get a lot of traffic and pagerank!
Nice SEO tips. Thanks for sharing.
thank so much!
I just added this weblog to my feed reader, great stuff. Can’t get enough!
how did you get pr?
Your idea of contacting the owner is a good one.
WordPress is an open source blog tool and publishing platform powered by PHP and MySQL. It’s often customized into a Content Management System (CMS).
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Hi, thanks so much to share this stuff with me. Really very nice stuff is provided by you here. I was also looking for such stuff. Keep up these posts!
I did get some information from your post.
Thanks for the useful info.
Now this is good thinking, time consuming but still works now.
I’ve been meaning to start a video blog for some time now
Great post - I´m starting wordpress blogs and this was very helpful - thank you for that!
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Great post as usual, well worth the wait. Thanks again man!
yahh true
is ko chup kraow koi #20
and the blog is awsome…
Really Great article ! thanks for sharing with this with your readers. Have a nice day!
This an amazing blog I hope you more success and I hope one day my bloghow 2 work onlinewill be like it
Thanks for this article, very interesting.
very evil and sneaky. i wish i read this post a little sooner.
try to host our own domain… i have given up wordpress.com long time back.
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Writing or posting blogs is really helpful to increase the rank page of your site. I have done this before and it actually works.
Now I just have to hope my readers have the sense to make decent recommendations!
Why is this whole backlink thing always such a problem?!
Oops, just remembered you have to be invited as a friend first.
Nice Post. This post explains me very well.
Nice Post. This post explains me very well
The most important thing is if possible to keep the old domain. The age of the URL is critical in Google’s ranking scheme. Perhaps the most important factor next to using keywords in the name.
Nice Post. This post explains
Miami SEO Don’t worry it’ll be easy, it’ll be whitehat, and like the first part of the technique it also can be done completely by hand.
Completely agree with you mate