I heard something on a forum the other day about all the niches becoming saturated with heavy competition. Just wanted to say sorry about that :) haha just kidding. Are there any niches out there that are still wide open? Hell fuckin yeah is my answer to that, but how about something tangible? Well there are certain niches that are always bringing in new niches of their own. So if you’re really caught between a rock and hard place here is a few ideas to get you off your feet. Two off the top of my head involve the celeb business and the music industry.

Never Ending Music Niches
New hip hop artists and rock bands come out all the time. If you manage to score a niche website for one right before they hit MTV or something you got some serious bank coming your way. Pics, Music videos, bio, mp3 downloads(if legal) damn if isn’t all good in the biz. Making money is just as easy as the content. Affilliate links to buying their cds, posters, merchandise. Keep your eyes peeled and glued on the tv and magazines for these new niches. They will make you serious money faster than you could imagine. While I’m on the topic… I hate to point out the obvious but why the has has hardly anyone considered scraping Myspace for bands? Its a beautiful world where the bands promote themselves and all you got to do is be there and yet I can’t find a single other person doing this. One more thought for you blackhatters: Scrape the band names and put them into a subdomain on a music site. Grab some attention and enjoy the traffic flow. Then monitor when their profile scores so when they get so many “plays” or when they reach between a certain value than add them to a list to steal an actual domain for thier name.

Never Ending Movie Niches
There is two that fall into this category. First and foremost is new movies. Oldest technique in the book is to watch for celebs to accidentally release the name of a movie before it comes out with a trailer. Snag the domain and put it up. This is why Sony quit buying domains for their movies and started putting them up at Sony.com/moviename. It works too damn well and is too damn easy for someone not to monotenize. This comes in most useful if you are good at getting indexed quickly and enjoy stuff like SEO contests. The traffic is quick and hard, but will also consistently last you for a couple years after.

The second niche in this category is obviously brand new actresses and actors. It wasn’t until Spiderman that Toby Mcguire started getting massive searches. This niche is especially easy because most ppl are simply looking for pictures and love clicking around to find them(Adsense and image search). BIO information makes for easy content. The only thing you have to compete with are other douche bags and bloggers that have the same name. They hate the new found traffic and you want it. This makes an easy sell for a link on their websites.

There are tons more niches that fall into this category. Too damn many to name in a single post, but I hope this gave you a few ideas. So before you start getting frustrated with being beaten to every niche consider the ones like the above that will keep you busy until your old.

Sorry I have to quit typing because I have a monstorous sneeze coming on….