Review of AutoPligg Backlink Tool
If you already own AutoPligg read this post anyways. I promise you’ll learn something…
Today’s tool review is of a tool called Autopligg by the Syndk8 crew. You’ve probably already heard of it by now but I’ve been using it for the last 6 months or so and I wanted to give you some insight on the tool and maybe some resources if you don’t already have it. Autopligg is a windows or serverside based tool that spams the popular Pligg platform, which is a CMS that basically is like Digg. There is a TON of sites out there using the PLIGG platform which makes this tool more than deserving of a review.
How Is It Useful
I use the word spam tool hesitantly in the case of Autopligg because it’s unique in the fact that yes it is a spam tool and it is automated link building but I think its real power lies in using it for white hat purposes and a way to mass post your stories to a whole lot of fuckin sites that want your posts. If you look at the typical PLIGG site it’s structured much like Digg with categories and you put up your links in those categories and people can either vote them up or down and people leave comments on it. Ya know all that bullshit you’re already familiar and tired of. You can get links one of two ways on them. You can post your links (typically article links if you don’t want them deleted) as stories or leave comments. Very few of these sites are very high PR or of a high link quality but anytime you have a platform that allows you to post links on it with well over a 100k working sites out there using it; It becomes a link builders wet dream. For that Autopligg becomes a very useful tool. Here’s where the catch 22 happens however.
The Quality Of The Links It Builds
It’s no secret that I’ve never been a believer in nofollow and its ability to be “not followed” but I’m never very vocal and definitive about it because 10 minutes after I say something about it, it could change lol. Ain’t that a bitch. The main story links are nofollowed by the Pligg platform. So every link you post as a story will be nofollowed. HOWEVER! The link will be the top outside link excluding the site’s possible navigation. It will be in a heading tag and have your anchor text. Plus it gets its own page that will be cycled through the main page. Here’s the strange shit, the comment links are dofollow. They are only placed automagically by the platform by putting the full url including the http:// in your comment. They are dofollow but they don’t have your anchor text. They don’t cycle through the main pages and they are standard links beyond the point of the page’s navigation. By now, if you’ve been paying attention to this blog, you should already know what link type I prefer….both! But lets not loose focus on the point of this tool by worrying about the quality. It is by all uses a Link Volume building tool NOT a link quality building. It’s nice to have at least a bit of link quality with every link so they produce the link worth necessary to make them count instead of going supplementals. This brings up another SEO concept that the tool was kind enough to also address, link indexing saturation. I was really curious with all the links it builds at once if it’ll have at least something to get them indexed. It does have a pinger that also allows proxy use. Cool! Good enough for me. Between that and the outputted list of successful postings I have everything I need to get as high of a link indexing saturation rate as possible. Kudos on that.
How Is It Not Useful
I may spare no punches when it come to the negatives of tool reviews on BlueHat but to date I’ve never given a negative review of a tool. This is simply because I’ll only post the review if I think the tool is useful to you the reader. I tend to reserve that right when asked to do a review. Autopligg does have a VERY strong negative side which I was really hoping would go away in the months since it’s release that way this review can be all positive and not get a negative just because of a few issues that typically work themselves out after the first few months after it’s release. At this point, almost 8 months later, it appears this isn’t going to happen so the beef still stands. Anytime a new link building tool comes out there’s always those few people (amateurs) that want to get their “monies worth.” They use the tool in the most retarded way possible and do it as hard as they can. It typically makes the tool worthless for the first couple months. It does them no good and provides no benefit and at the same time hurts everyone else and the tool itself. Autopligg stemming from the Synkd8 crowd who is notorious, and even self proclaiming, for pulling this kind of shit wasn’t expected to be an exception. ESPECIALLY since it has a windows based version. At least with serverside versions you have to have at least a few braincells to use the program and with web based you can cancel their accounts. So this was entirely expected, but what shocked me was. It was and since the launch always has been only about 3 users of the program that have been doing this idiotic irresponsible use of the tool. Unfortunately as I mentioned above, they’ve yet to stop.
What they’ve done is, they’ve opened up like 10 instances of the program and put in a single super long comment into the comment poster that’s nothing but a ton of links to separate subdomain spam on a single site (i guess after buying the tool they couldn’t afford more domains). They have a macro restarting each submissions over and over and over so every single post on every single Pligg site instantly gets hit with a ton of worthless spammy links. The main domain has been banned for months now so instead of stopping the script they just forwarded the domain as if it was going to do them any fucking good. Especially since they forwarded the domain and all its subdomains to a single wordpress blog with some spammy text written by the worlds worst content generator and no ads or offers or particular keywords. Here let me show you what I’m talking about and you can decide if this isn’t the most retarded shit you’ve ever seen: If you’re like OMG that’s my site he just outed consider this before bitching to me. If you don’t want attention don’t be an attention whore. You did it to yourself, fuck off I don’t care. The sites were worthless the moment you got put in charge of SEOing them anyways.
So please, use this tool responsibly. Even if others aren’t it’s still a very useful tool and one I would definitely recommend you have in your arsenal because like I said, it’s for link volume and deep link volume not link quality. For that reason I’ll go over the best way to use the tool and how to get the most out of it, because often times the trick to harnessing the optimal power out of a link building tool is using it correctly.
How To Use Autopligg The Right Way
As with all Blue Hat Techniques the short answer is, mimic the white hatters. Now that you know how not to use the tool I’ll show you how I used it and got a lot of success. I am actually planning on writing a guest post for this for SEOBook that’ll cover it more in depth, but for now I’ll at least introduce what I call MacroNiche Blogs and if he doesn’t end up publishing it I’ll at least post it here for yall. <- Check it out Quadzilla another new SEO concept! Quick copy paste copy paste copy paste!
MacroNiche Blogs
People often talk about Niche Sites and MicroNiche Sites. In case you’re not familiar they’re basically talking about the size and focus (scope) of a particular site. For instance a niche site might be a site on female orgasms. It’ll have the main page which sells some product(s) related to those and it’ll have a few other articles on particular such as Gspot orgasm, Clit orgasms and various other myths. Each of those pages will also typically sell a product or an offer related to them as well. A MicroNiche Site is very similar except its more focused such as the main page being solely on the Gspot orgasm then a few supporting subpages on the same topic but all pushing the same product and offer. Since I love to confuse things I tend encompass all of these types of sites into the single “Money Site” term. This is because i technically consider every site no matter where it is in the empire’s scale a niche site because it does focus on a niche thus it is a niche site. Therefore I tend to group things on the intensity and focus of the site pushing a single offer or product. A Money Site would be at the top of that scale. Therefore a MacroNiche Site or in this case MacroNiche Blog is exactly what it implies. It’s a single blog that encompasses a very large niche but doesn’t focus on that niche. Instead it focuses on lots of much smaller niches within the single site and uses the authority being passed through the subsections to help the others so new sites for each microniche isn’t required to rank for each individual offer.
Although accurate I may have explained that in a way that was a bit more complicated then it is. Let’s use an example, an example that happens to be the very first test site I used AutoPligg on. My blog’s macro niche was Health. I then looked through a bunch of offers on some CPA networks and made a list of niches based on all the offers I found that would fit into the Health macro niche. So I setup my blog with a bunch more categories such as: Weight Loss, Hair Care, Teeth Care, Bodybuilding, Skin Care, Exercise. The list goes on and on. I was very thorough in my niches. I then put in some subcategories under each that were my microniches. These were more focused on individual offers. For instance under Weight Loss I put in Dieting, Diet Pills and under Teeth Care I put in stuff like Teeth Whitening and under Exercise I put in Exercise Equipment, Yoga blah blah.
This MacroNiche structure was the perfect test for AutoPligg because it utilized AutoPliggs most powerful attribute, it’s ability to build both deep link volume and main page link volume. Had I have only used a Niche Site or a MicroNiche Site after submitting the main page and all the subarticles I would have become immediately limited to just spamming the comments for further link volume. The ability to continuously use both the article submission for the microniches and the standard niches and the comment postings for the main page authority and link volume gives this structure a huge benefit in it’s overall domain authority and it’s ability to quickly rank new posts. So that’s exactly what I did and continue to do.
First, once I got the design and categories setup, I hired a couple writers to go through each of the categories and subcategories and schedule several months worth of daily posts making sure each category and subcategory were accounted for within the first month then subsequently each following month at least once. Once they were done I immediately did a directory submission for each primary category as well as the main page along with some social bookmarking and various other link building. As you’re all bound to ask, for my primary keyword for the main page I picked one that was fairly medium competition that would grab the attention of other health related bloggers. That way later when I got that ranking and wanted to do some blogroll link exchanges it was easy to find willing targets. Then every day I would give special attention to the individual blog posts for that day. For each one I would submit it through the story submitter in AutoPligg so it would get several thousand links plus each of those links would get pinged for some link saturation along with a few daily rounds of comment postings for that category and the main page. I would then do a quick scan for similar articles on each post and submit those through several hundred article directories with links to both the singular post and the main page as well as the subcategory with the keywords for each. I would then ping and social bookmark the individual post. After that all I had to do was find 5 new posts with the same keywords as that post and exchange links within the post to the other blogger’s post *cough* Pingcrawl *cough*. This also got the attention of other bloggers in the niches and macroniche to notice my site and be more willing to do blogroll exchanges. That caused each individual post to quickly start ranking the same day/week it was posted and brought up the total site authority with every one. Which brought me to my final step, bringing up the total site authority as much as possible via the main page, by placing links to the main page across my SEO Empire and running some automated link building tools as well as general link building such as commenting on other blogs/news sites. The fact that it was a MacroNiche Blog with legitimate articles on each subject made each post more credible and the site more credible overall so if there was a human review or in the case of directory submissions, more palatable and acceptable to the reviewer.
This is where it turned into a mutha fuckin Money Site! I could go through the offers at my leisure and write targeted salescopies pushing the offers and throw them up as I wrote them as if they were their own microniche site. Likewise when new offers would come out on untapped niches, while everyone else has to start building new sites around them and then start the link building to get them ranked I could just immediately jump in with a new post and instantly hold a new ranking using the site’s existing authority. You actually see this happen all the time when shit like Oprah’s fat ass blogs about a product. All I was doing was using Autopligg and my eye for structure to mimic that effect. There’s obviously a lot of spins and ways to build a MacroNiche Site as with any structure, but if you start out and do it right the first time you’ll quickly learn and expand very nicely. There’s also a lot of macro niches out there to take over such as Business (bizops, grants, paid surveys etc) Consumer Reports (Credit Cards, Credit Reports etc) Downloads (adware, recipe/music/games programs, etc).
Now that I gave it a fairly positive review and got you started on how to have success with it (the two make a logical partner) lets talk pricing because as it stands now it’s a bit more complicated then it should be for tools I review. It’s normal for IM tools to fluctuate their prices to accommodate sales volume drops or when they say its only $5 for the first 5 people then it’s a $100 for every person after that. That’s all mind fuck marketing bullshit. The only excuse to fluctuate a price in a tool is when new versions come out (new versions with new features not new versions that simply fix old bugs for that matter) because that causes more development costs along with support and marketing costs. So in that right it’s understandable. Normally as a condition of doing a review I get assurance that the price, at least for the readers here, will not change and that there is always some sort of long standing discount. This time I’m going to break the rule just a bit. When Autopligg released it costed $289. As of writing this post it’s $189. I’m told a new version is coming out next month and the price will go back up to the $289. This is okay with me in this case for three reasons. First, I was okay with the original $289 price so as long as the flux doesn’t go back above that then I’m cool. Second, I’ve been assured that the people who buy at the $189 price will get a the new version free. There’s nothing I hate more than having to buy the same product twice. Third, allegedly the new version will have a new feature of being able to crack the recaptcha captchas used by many of the autopligg sites. This opens you up to literally tens of thousands of new targets. That in itself is a big enough feature to warrant a price change. Finally, after talking to Earl Grey (the owner) I got a coupon code that should last through the price change with the new version.
AutoPligg Purchase Website
Use the coupon code: BLUEHATSEO for a $45 discount.
I recommend you use the Windows desktop version. It’s faster and more efficient then the serverside version. I know I know weird eh
Since lists of good pligg sites are tough to come by and the program requires it, I took the liberty of building my own list for you guys. Here’s the database of the 7,409 pligg sites I use. Although most require manual registration (till the new version comes out) all are scraped by me tested, work and are importable into the program. It should be fairly error free at the time of writing this post, but they do change daily so bear with it if the list becomes systematically worthless as time passes. The best advice I can give you is for now ignore the lists they hand out in the private forum. Most are raw lists and a colossal waste of time to import (several hours each) and only get 200-400 good ones out of.
List of AutoPligg Sites
Right click Save As
The coupon code of BlUEHATSEO does not seem to take $45 off the $189 but I’m not sure that’s what you meant. Either way it’s still a great price for the software.
hmm it should be working…
I’ll check on it and get back to you within the hour.
How abaout the result ..?
i didn’t seem the object.. is’t ,may be…
magic. a paper is dependent on the assessment of each person who reads. but be sure to make a work remarkable.
certainly a very great work starts here
just tested it myself and had another person test it. It should work for you. It’s $45 off the $189 so it should total you out at $144. The coupon code is only for the desktop version.
even better if there was more choice about the options quotes.
keep working. move on .. I like it.
Lots of comments down here. Is anyone moderating this for the sake of nothing else?
It seems that the AutoPligg is a good platform. I will definitely try…
Yeah great soft will try it out
congrats man, very nice article!
you rule.
Damn good article as usual. I got a laugh out of your niche/micro niche example content.
But when i have a story which need submitted and I submit it with autpligg. Then with a few minutes my story is submitted to a whole lot of pligg sites. Wouldn’t this raise a red flag by google? Because if there was a schedule feature in autopligg or something i would be looking more natural? But since there is no schedule feature it would be looking really spammy… Don’t you think?
Or did you post your stories everyday to some few pligg sites?
Thanks for the story and info anyway!
Wow, turns out I’ve never actually had a post on this subject. I’ve mentioned it a few times but never hit it head on. In short building links too fast isn’t something i concern myself with because the sandbox isn’t so much a penalty as it is a delay plus it isn’t really a prevalent problem these days like it was in the past. Eitherway no actual penalty preventing you from ever ranking will happen from building links too fast otherwise some news sites and digg frontpagers would get really screwed.
Yeah Eli I know but the problem with autopligg is: when I want to spread my links, and I set that autopligg must place my links on 500 pligg sites. Then I get 500 backlinks to one post, on a very new website (red flag?). If I had something very cool on my blog and everyone starts linking to me, then I receive 500 different links, with different titles and descriptions.
With autopligg it puts 500 times the same title and description, on the same pliggscript sites. I think google can easily see this, and marks this as spamming? Don’t you think?
I tested it myself a lot of times. Everytime I do thinks like this I receive a delay penalty. First I was ranking number 10 on a keyword. Then I do some link spamming on 500 websites to get ranking higher. But with 24 hours google notices this. And my top10 position is gone. Not ranking on any keyword or subkeyword anymore for months. It will come back high but it can really take months for me. My longest delay penalty was 10 months. I had copied the backlinks from the number one ranking website on that keyword. So every backlink he had, I tried to get that one too. Within a week I gained over 3000 backlinks, some sitewide links too. I was already ranking number 20 or something. After gaining these backlinks my website was gone. After 10 months it was back again on position 5! But for 10 months it hasn’t give me any revenue. So thats why i am so curios about building this fast backlinks on pligg sites.
But I know i am to busy with what google thinks about me. I see some people can gain 3000 backlinks within one week with some sitewides too, and they beat my number one position within that week. And I where hitting 2 or 3 penalties within a few months, so it took me 7 months to rank on that position…
just my 2 cents
If you build a little more authority and then spam with autopligg, it’ll work great.
Speaking of the Sandbox, does anyone know what puts you in the Sandbox today (2010 - almost 2011)? I hear differing opinions and I have yet to get a clear answer. Any help?
Probably, i have placed an article, on how to get out of sandbox here.
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Eli you post the best info on the net! Where are you all day bro.? What forums do you visit daily weekly or even monthly. I wanna stock you… (I’m kidding all you tards that have something stupid to say). Your posts are super ahead of others and I think you have mad skills. I wouldn’t mind knowing where other content and opinions of yours could be found.
I knew checking your site daily would pay off, thanks this is a great find, will be using it for sure.
Very interesting. I had more or less dismissed AutoPligg as a purely black hat tool. This has made me think twice. It is a shame about the fools that are misusing it though.
I think Chrisking also raises an interesting point. I’ve been wondering for a while whether it’s a bad thing to build too many links to quickly. Do you have opinion on that Eli?
Sorry, I somehow missed you reply to Chrisking. I guess I’m just paranoid after having a (almost) white hat site sandboxed on google for ages after I did a load of link building on day one after launching it.
Should have commented yesterday when there were no other comments here :p Though how does this stack up against BMD which does more or less the same thing and then some?
bmd? got a link?
BMD as in bookmarking demon .. sorry was in acronym mode in the morning :p thats the site anyway
Donace is referring to Bookmarking Demon.
I would also like to hear your opinion about getting so many links in such a short time.
I think it depends if the websites are related, though if one domain receives too many links from several individual domains it could raise a flag especially if its a new site or page. ???
what the stuff….
I would advise against such a large number of links in a short period of time, definitely doesn’t look “natural” to google/other search engines.
One doubt, Google recently send me to the imaginable (sand box) for a site I was positioning under a complicated keyword, teh problem was that I used a similar tool to get 1,000, and all the links have the same anchor text and didn’t look natural for Google.
I believe I will have the same problem with this tool, is there a way I can make the links looks more naturals for Google using autopligg?
I don’t know about BMD but its got a nice implementation of video in bottom left….you would..
Anyway do you actually use this day to day eli?
Nice review Eli, thanks!
Thanks for the review Eli. I used Autopligg for many months earlier this year and late last year. When I started using my blog was PR4 but after a couple months of use it dropped to PR2. Also, although I have about 10k Pligg targets, only 25% of them register successfully, and only 25% of those are still active after the first submission. At one point I remember having 6 users, each with only about 100 active targets. I starting thinking it wasn’t worth my time to try to make the most of this software anymore, but after your review I think I will bust it back out.
I use the server side tool.
Hi Project Swole
So, you are basically saying that you have both had really low “stickiness”, and one of your blogs was moved from PR4 to PR2 (I know, PR means sh*t, but it is definitely a sign Big G didn’t like something).
Kind of puts me off buying the program (Eli just convinced me!
Oooh Eli a new post your so brilliant and smart and sexy and handsome oOoo lmao sorry thought I would kiss your ass to lol mwuahahah I joke I joke I kidd I kidd!
“such as Gspot orgasm, Clit orgasms and various other myths.”
12,323 pligg sites imported…none successful, lol. All marked as bad. Just sayin…
hehe shit maybe i uploaded the wrong list. I’ll have an update for it tomorrow
thank for the update
updated sorry for the delay
i uploaded the wrong list after exporting it.
nice post. thanks.
Eli are you coming to say that your page rank dropped after using this tool.
That would be a bit of a worry and I can see Google wanting to crack down on this type of list building, but I might test it out and see how it works for me.
Is the new List of Pligg Sites up yet? Thanks.
Holy mother of balls, Eli. This post rocks. I’m all about the long-term strategies : )
Hope they fix a lot of bugs, I test this tool and was very buggy. If everything work as they promise should be ok, if not, it’s not worth the price to pay for bugs.
Amazing as always
i totally agree with you
Thank you, you answered the question I have been searching for which was whether or not to place keywords when blog commenting.
Wuhuua! Just what I was looking for. It’s hard to find good link building tools these days. Hard for me at least
thx for another great post Mr Emperor.
Thanks for the Pligg review, sounds like you’ve really done some homework on it.
Great post as always Eli! I have been looking at this software for a few weeks thinking if it wouyld be any good. But you made the buying decision a lot easier..
Thanks for the great informative post!
Good to hear and glad I could be of help. I think bundling techniques with the tool reviews is a good idea so hopefully others won’t waste their money.
ps. I was given a choice on whether to get a $45 commission on every copy sold in the review or give a $45 discount to the users. I obviously chose the latter so I don’t want anyone thinking i’m just out to sell them on a tool I wouldn’t genuinely recommend.
thanks for the review, been looking at seolinkpro hopefully you get a chance to check that out sometime as well. macroniche stuff is great will be on lookout for that over at Aaron’s.
The maroniche thing has my head spinning. Genius post as always!
I think auto pligg tool has became very obsolete and the submissions don’t last more than 24 hours before getting deleted
in addition to spamming non indexed pages which is worthless
it seems to me same too
And don’t forget that it’s only Google that bothers about no follow anyway, they may be the biggest but not the only.
Real Interesting post, I purcahsed auto-pligg a while and was trying to find a proper way of implementing it.
Btw your URL list is all bad,
i uploaded the wrong list to bluehat after i exported it.
Hi Eli… this looks really interesting, I would really appreciate it if you could provide some feedback on your opinions about rapid link building, what with googles new “link velocity” concept.
I presume that the best way to use autopligg would be a little bit at a time … over an extended period of time… but id really love to hear you confirm this?
Kind regards mate
Keep posting stuff like this i really like it.
Definitely looks like a good blue hat SEO tool how long is the coupon code going to be good for?
I think autopligg was picked as a direct marketing scheme to diggers. What is the best way to know long-term if this is a safe some what spammy tool?
I really don’t think, autopligg is a marketing scheme to diggers.
Interesting about the nofollow. If google looks at every other possible metric, why would they not at least look at nofollow to a certain extent?
For anyone who is thinking of buying.
The coupon stays till the end of the year but we will just renew it when it expires.
The price will go back upto $289 when the viper edition is released but if you buy it now at $189 you get free upgrades for the life of the program.
Never heard of auto pligg before but I know the site PLIGG it’s for specialized social bookmarking in which you can earn points to make your articles get digged. Still don’t realize the power of how this thing goes but when I see the price of this auto pligg this made me stick to white hat backlinking mode. I’m not a social bookmarking fanatic anyway
I’ve never heard of this before and I’ve been searching for some good ones. Thanks. I’ll check it out.
I bought this a couple weeks ago. I’ve only had time to use it a bit but it seems as advertised. Very powerful.
you have a good points there.. I have heard about Pligg but not with AutoPligg… but thanks that you have stated it here..
great tools for seo.. i like it
No doubt that these kinds of tools are very useful for seo purposes.
Just ran accross this site and I must say” It’s Awsome”. Thanks for information. Can’t read it all today. I will return frequently. Go’na Digg it now. Thanks again.
Thanks Eli!!!
This is a great find, will be using it for sure.
once again thanX for the nice info.
Thanks Eli!!!
This is a great find, will be using it for sure.
once again thanX for the nice info.
when will u post next, I am waiting eagerly…
Thanks for the review, I was just reading about this tool over at the Syndk8 forums and wasn’t sure if it was still any good, as most of those Pligg sites have either enabled captchas or comment moderation.
When you say that most of the sites on this list are manual register, do you mean that you would have to manually register on 7000 sites before using this tool? That seems like an almost insurmountable task, no?
by most I’d estimate more along 60:40 or 70:30 not 95%. The automatic registration works for all the pligg sites that don’t have a recaptcha on their join. The rest are autofill you just type in the captchas. The manual register is fairly quick but still a major pain in the ass. I’ll probably wait till the next version comes out to do it again.
it is difficult to manually register this much of site i think we can use robo form to achieve 100s of them. but i love to try this tool
Sounds interesting but a lot of work to do it right! Thanks for the info though.
Can I have your Babies!
Mate, it is always a pleasure to read your blog, even though I don’t understand an eighth of what you are trying to tell us. I’m pretty new to all this affiliate stuff and by no means a programmer but I just love the way you make me think.
I’m just thinking that the more people that use a tool like this the less useful it’s going to end up.
oh ya !! This is great tool and i like your work that is excellent ideas !! I appropriated your work keep it up.Good job.
Great blog. I have just stumbled on it and I had to bookmark it immediately. AutoPligg sounds very cool and I am going to recommend it to my boss. I forwarded him the link. Cheers.
That’s a nice review. I’m learning SEO as a profession and I think this tool will help me.
I have just started doing seo for my site, i will try this tool out
“Here let me show you what I’m talking about and you can decide if this isn’t the most retarded shit you’ve ever seen:”
You really have a good way of saying it;)
The more SEO tools the better I say
Thx for the review, but it seems a little risky to me? Well, i can always try it out on a test domain
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The latest software by the Syndk8 crew is SEO Link Pro. In many respects, it is replacing AutoPligg.
it gets stuff done but you need to mix and match your stuff or it becomes obvious youre just spamming
Basically SEO is a rewarding approach in the industry. It not only prioritize the web site but also prioritize the products and services to gain a competitive advantage.
This is surely verging onto pure and utter black hat SEO. Link building is a ’sin’ already, and automating it, although has already been done, just cements most people’s beliefs that links are the way forward. We need to bring back more relevancy to search results, but I don’t think automating link building is the way. Google’s algorithm will pick up in this asap…
I agree and disagree. SEO in general is somewhat a ‘grey area’ as manipulating the search engines in any way is black hat. But then again there will always be automation in anything online, as well as link building, so you cannot stop it!
Great list, thanks so much for the autopligg list. I use LFE instead for pligg posting, so this will be nice.
I agree with others, this seems pretty close to “blackhat”. If not actually being blackhat. I wonder how long it will be before this loophole is fixed by Pligg to prevent this?
I knew checking your site daily would pay off, thanks this is a great find, will be using it for sure.
About the nofollow.
If you think Google looks at every other metric, why not look at nofollow to a certain extent ?
I think that Google will start ruling out mass produced backlinks like this, as they have done for many other tools that bypass the nature of ‘relevant, quality content’.
As such I am not sure the price is worth it, but thanks for a thought provoking article!
I won’t use any tool that sounds as hands off as this one does because I am really against spamming, whether or not it’s intentional…
And I agree that nofollow is worthwhile, if for no other reason that Bing and Yahoo using them.
The price is still expensive…
Certainly. Autopligg works well with both whitehat and BlueFart sites that need link juice. And Autopligg can provide plenty of link juice.
Sounds nice
I will check it out
Seems a bit too automated for my taste.
Too expensive i think…
Right place for right information …………. Thanks
Nice blog man! …………. Thanks
Great post.Thanks much for providing the valuable review..
Seems like good tool. But better to learn how to use it whitehat way and then purchase it.
LOL! Eli was Hit Hard by the financial crisis…
Seems quite a good tool. I’ll give it a whirl!
Hope this thing works on me.
thanks for the review, i’ll take alook at pligg and try it.
Nice post & nice blog. I love both.
helpful article I found in it answers to many questions of interest to me
Terry Forsey
I’ve never used any of the auto link building software products and I probably will not buy this one either. I’m pretty sure this could in no way be considered white hat but what do I know. LOL Thanks for the review though, it’s always good to know your options.
This type of link building using automated link builders may get you in trouble i.e. if not done intelligently.
[EDIT]Definitely SEOBook and other high profile SEO sites use it.
It is a helpful article for its readers. Thanks for posting.
Could be a very useful tool, anyone have good and bad experiences with it? I might try it our in a testing environment.
Nice tool, but will it be as effective as doing thinks manually?
I’m going to look into this tool. Thanks for posting this.
Very interesting and your example of micro niche was funny as hell. I am going to try the product out and see if it can help some of my smaller sites.
Interesting, I am always looking for new methods to build backlinks to my sites, although I feel that auto-link building is border line…I’ll have a look at it in more depth..Thanks for letting us know about it..
I learned about this tool but now I gain the exact information about how to use it. Thanks for sharing.
Wow it’s very stunning idea.
this is very inspiring and interesting thought.rock on!
I’ve heard about this and I’m very interested - I’ll definitely check it out!
It’s my first time here and your blog is fuckin tight. I haven’t seen an SEO blog yet that’s as funny and informative so I’m definitely comin back, and I’ll check out that Autopligg tool.
Eli, I never knew this side of SEO. I’ve read so much stuff on your site that I never read anywhere else on the web. Your knowledge truly amazes me.
this has always been interesting for me, but with the discount (and your great advices), i think i’m gonna get it. thanks & keep up the good work!
Wow, how did you get this big discount?
i love you!
I have been looking at this software for a few weeks thinking if it wouyld be any good.
I’ve “suffered” as a webmaster form this tool quite a few…
Tiem to pay back some guys now
Gonna definitely get it!!!
It should be working. Rotapix
very interesting entry guys! congrats!
Great info.., good Review.. Nice blog..
hmmm I like this. I come back for this again
I like the info, but I guess Pligg users might feel differently. Still I like the methods you use, you really do think outside of the box.
I am always looking for easier ways to build links; maybe this would be a good piece of software to help me with the process?
I will check and learn more about autopligg backlink.
Thanks for the post. I haven’t tried autopligg yet. I’m a little nervous about the server-side idea.
Great post! Thanks for sharing the coupon code. I’m going to check out Autopligg now.
Thanks for this nice sharing…………..
for anyone that’s interested, I have a pligg site: so, feel free to add your news stories.
Thank You for the nice post.
It has nuggets of information even if somebody doesn’t buy the tool.
This is very interesting. Im definitely going to check out this tool.
Great stuff! Thanks for the information.
How does Autopligg rate against SEO Link Pro?
SEO link pro submits links to pages without English content and lots of the pages have porn spam last time I used it anyways…
I’d rather see Eli do a review of xrumer.
LOL I like the way you talk on your posts. You’re ever so forward and casual and the expletives every now and then to add as spice. Beats the “shit” from boring posts or how-tos and reviews.
Anyways, I’m not so familiar with this AutoPligg but it looks good for building lots of backlinks without being too spammy. So it is available for Windows only, or is there a Mac version too?
Very interesting post! Thanks for the information!
Interesting idea to make backlinks it will help me in my blog that I am soon going to start,thankyou and please keep posting more.
This is an interesting posting you’ve got here. I love this blog
Interesting tool. I installed the pligg platform on a site ( a while back and was wondering where all the comments were coming from…now I know.
I just knew that there is Blue Hat SEO…
I have been skeptical about using this tool. Thanks to your review, I’ve decided to use it now.
Thanks for the $45 discount!
That’s again a great post. Nice idea for creating backlinks and thanks for the discount. Really informative post. I will certainly come back to learn more things from you.
I like that this can be used for non-spam purposes.
it’s a good idea you have about posting you stories where they will get more exposure and might be appreciated. This software and anything else that saves time in SEO is important to anyone serious about getting their fishing organizations site to rank better.
Thanks for spreading this great info.
Thanks for spreading this great info.
So far I have been doing the old fashion way but Ill try it out. If it as great you make it sound it makes me like 5 hours of free times.
Thanks for giving my life more relaxing time!
That was a great review. Autopligg seems to be a great tool. Thanks for the share.
Great review. Interesting post definitely. A must read for anyone planning to utilise this mass link building tool.
Interesting article man.
Below is an email I just sent to customer support at Syndk8 AutoPligg5 (FYI). The last time I emailed them, their representative replied very quickly:
I just sent out my first article. I used AutoPligg 5 to limit it to 200 submissions here are my questions:
1) Why did the program not stop at 200? I had to manually stop it myself. I do not want to get sandboxed by the search engines. Therefore, I limit my postings to 100 a day (I have 2 websites).
2) Here are my tags: fitness, health, children, teens
Here are my categories: weight loss, diet, nutrition, exercise, physical activity, fitness, health, children, teens,
Question: I checked off the “Do post only if the categories exists”, so how did my article end up in “Hardcore” in
Thanks for some really useful information, I been
checking out this software for some time and after been reading your tips and advice I’m convinced and will purchase this app.
Very interesting tools, it’s great info,thanks.
Wow cool, nice:..Thanks,I installed the pligg platform on my site, I think perfect.
very interesting entry guys! congrats!
Great information, thanks!
“Great information, thanks!”
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Well I’m more of a white-hat kinda guy so I’m glad its sole use is not just to spam.
Cheers for the review.
Thank for provide me this very informative and grate ideas.
you have a good points there.. I have heard about Pligg but not with AutoPligg… but thanks that you have stated it here..
Fantastic Post, Thanks for the review Eli!
Wow, thanks for the detailed report, coupon + Pligg list … you could have taken the above article and sold it or used it as a bonus for the Pligg offer. I really appreciate you publishing all of this for free.
@CNA Classes - same here.
thanks for information, coupon and review.
mybe i’ll try soon.
thx again.
I have been toying around with Autopligg for a few months now. We’ve installed a few copies of it so they can run in tandem. If there is any complaint at all about AP, I would have to say that at times it is painfully slow. So make sure you either have multiple installations going or have really good hardware/connection.
Wow! Autopligg seams to be a Great Tool. I will try for my self. Thank you for sharing a wonderful Certified Tool.
We like that tool
Ich weiß gar nicht mehr worum es ging. Kann daher keinen Bezug nehmen. Wollte auch eh nur kurz nen Kreditlink loswerden.
Yes, this tool is awesome.
Are people still getting good results with this tool?
I would have to say that at times it is painfully slow. So make sure you either have multiple installations going or have really good hardware/connection. …
We like that tool
Thanks for all these information. I personally was searching for such info for long.
thanks gooood
I used one of these services for one of my websites, and the entire website was de-indexed. I didn’t spam or anything, just submitted a single URL.
The domain was new, so I’m sure that was related.
I’m a bit wary of using it again. I just now got a single page (compared to the 20) back into G’s index.
Uh, thanks for that. I will try it right now.
I think link building is killing content, i think today as search engines have given so much importance to backlinks that webmasters spend most of their time in link building.I have a gamessite with retro games and puzzles, i had worked hard to get quality games but my site gets very few hits , on the other hand sites with traffic trade concept which keep transferring users from one site to other make good money and get good traffic,google must now stop giving importance to links and put it back on content.
The other day I ran across a great free backlink checker tool, but didn’t bookmark it, and couldn’t find it again after viewing my browser history.thanks..
Great tool!
@mid mo
I’m pretty certain that this was NOT the reason your sites got “deindexed”, was it really completely thrown out, or did it just go back down into oblivion after googles new sites bonus weeks?
Anyway im sure you dont get punished for having backlinks, no matter where they come from.
Thanks for sharing this information.Will check this tool which allows you rank on top of the search engines.Great stuff
Autopligg is the premier seo back link building tool for Pligg.
I was looking for something like this a long while back. Could have helped a few of my sites improve the over-all SEO of them. I learned the hard way. Great info on Autopligg!
Do you wish you had an automated way to promoting your money making sites.
Good article but total LOLZ at your retard take on female orgasms. “Myths” is what guys who can’t get a date say to make themselves feel better.
its a powerful tool, use it with care
I’ve been reading up on SEO pretty solid for the last 4 monthsa but coming across a site like this makes me realize just how basic my theoretical and advanced knowledge is.
Blue hat?!
Oh my god
We have done it before…
thanks this is a great find, will be using it for sure
That is important tool. nice.
Great post as always Eli! I have been looking at this software for a few weeks thinking if it would be any good
Nice and useful information! Thank you!
Great post as always Eli! I have been looking at this software for a few weeks thinking if it wouyld be any good. But you made the buying decision a lot easier..
Great article. It made some informative reading
I’ve been on the Autopligg fence for several months. I’ve been hesitating because it looked a little spammy. Thanks for the review and discount!
hmm accroiding of me Autopligg is the premier seo back link building tool for Pligg - autopligg, blackhat, seo, linkfarm, link, blackhat, seo, reddit, download, submitter, link, farm, review, backlinks, Autopligg 5, Automated Network Tool.
thanks gooood
thanks gooood
How long between the end did not find the information I could find on your site. Indeed information and thank you for sharing. Really helpful for me thanks in large degree
Great tool for building backlink. Thanks for sharing!
Very interesting tool, thanks for it!!!
thanks for the cool description.
Pligg is often Dofollow, if not always, right ?
Is the discount code still valid? Whats the site to purchase? Thanks
I’m using AutoPligg for a couple months now. It’s nicely working, fully automated, and you get a couple dofollow links out of it, even when it’s only a handful in a few thousand and they are usually low or no PR. But it’s a good tool to have in your toolbox.
Hmm..You’ve got interesting stuff here. I am still on the process of learning SEO and your review helps a lot for me. Thank you.
just tested it myself and had another person test it.
A very detailed review to AutoPligg,.. with this tool, we could get a lot of backlinks easily but I have doubts about how the quality of links from the pligg site?
Nice review… although sounds a bit more grey than blue hat!
Not sure i’ll be going down this route with my own sites
thx 4 that …….d
How long between the end did not find the information I could find on your site. Indeed information and thank you for sharing. Really helpful for me thanks in large degree
thanx… goog information. ^_^
Every time I wander over to this site I get what I ask for - more info than I can handle (in a good way), but this is fascinating.
I always wonder about these backlinking tools because a lot of them are junk, but this one seems to have more of a clear cut plan. I think I’ll be a little careful when using it though. Thanks for all the details!!
I used Autopligg. Good program, but yes, the links has bad quality.
Most automated tools give poor quality back links that are usually on short term and then they leave.
I would think 10 times before going this way…..
Nice article! I also use this tool since… today… I was wondering : should I always use it in a context of mininet “Butterfly”?
Autopligg is a great tool I use it all the time
haha this site is great, learnt loads so far, can’t believe i only found it now. Strangely enjoying be called an idiot a lot!
Just found this old thread. I had heard about Pligg but not AutoPligg. Might be useful, but it should be used more than carefully.
Thank you for this useful review. i was looking for a good one after the closing of iwebtool.
Your Comment on blue hat seo seem to be very interesting for visitor,I may not have enough time to read all the articles publish in your site.But I would like to keep track with the important ones reveal in your site.
With Regards,
great article. thanks eli.
This post look like very fun ,I want to get more information about it.
I want to know your these creation! How did you do it, whether published here!
The site of content is so fine.DiscountFleece is an online service provider having the collection of Discount Fleece Vest, jacket, shirt and sweater.
The article is very good. I got a laugh out of your niche/micro niche example content.
Very useful, I am thinking of adding auto-pligg to my toolbox.
Personally me like example with Gspot
It would be nice if they had a Mac version
nice,i like it.
Does anyone know if the new version came out yet? Does it solve any previous problems or have any different updates? Is the coupon still good for $45 off?
So autopligg was useful in SEO or not for long term basis, since I am new to internet marketing and SEO. Please advice.
Of course it is a spam tool, where is the doubt.
Autopligg is spam software. Just looking at the results it brings, it is spam.
Why do people go through so much trouble to spam the search engines? It’s not that much trouble doing it the right way, come on!
In terms of quantity may be we may get more backlinks, but in terms of quality i don’t think Google give much preference to our backlinks.
I already tried this software, but the output is not that much impressive. During the process of registration it’s only able to success 10%. Since then I stopped using.
I dont think this is worth it anymore, It was a good read and some of the logic can be applied to some other tools, As for Autopligg it seems its just deletion after a short period.
Thanks anyway for the article.
This is the first time I am hearing about autopligging. Thanks for the information about the tool. There is an open source script available in the name of pligg. It works like Digg.
it’s good to see this information in your post, i was looking the same but there was not any proper resource.
Backlinks are one of the greatest and easiest way to boost website ratings. many SEO people try to build a large number of backlinks to a website without taking care of the quality of these links. many links are from suspicious and blacklisted sites that actually harm your ratings.
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Backlinks are by far the most powerful tool. There are various ways to make them look natural.
SocialBacklinker is a tool that automates social backlinks from wordpress blogs to multiple accounts at multiple sites. And has plenty of options to make your backlinking look way more natural than spamming the same link to 500 sites immediately after a post is added!
Posting random links for deep linking old posts, setting post frequencies, post start times, % of chance to post… much more organic!
Thank you for inquiring. Been working very nice.
An excellent blog about perfect.
Thank’s again.
Very nice blog,SEO Ranking Solutions is renowned as the leader in the scenario of search engine optimisation by providing excellent, cost effective services. SEO is a highly competitive marketing tool requiring intense focus and intact knowledge in the working of search engine algorithms and robots. Internet is used as the optimal device to search for diverse products and
thanks a lot mate, this is a brilliant list that you have come up with. It is surely gonna save me a lot of time
its a powerful tool
if using backlink,how long would it take a website or blog to get higher rankings inn search engine?…are backlink generator optimized for specified search engine only?.
I want to know your these creation! How did you do it, whether published here.
I already have this software, initially when I tried to import pligg sites from a text file, my system always prompt me “virus attack”. So anyway I ignored it and go ahead. Soon after importing my system not functioning properly. Every time when I start my PC I’ve got an error command “missing dll files”. After that I’ve stopped using and formatted my PC.
I find those that use things such as autopligg to be lazy. the problem of using them is that in the long run it always fails. However as a tool, it works better than other such software.
I agree using anything automated always raises a flag to the search engines and can reduce your rankings.
Your opinions about the SEO blogging was really spot on. The tips you spotted are really note worthy
I would think 10 times before going this way…..
thats a great 3G thingy i must say!!!!!!
I used pligg for social bookmarking - I find that its a great way to publisize your site. Some pliggs are best for instant win internet games while others are better for vacation information. It really all depends on the way it was wset up.
Great post..thanks..i will try to use this tool…
I was actually looking for some info about AutoPligg and finally I got here. I still find it all a little complicated but at least I know how to bite it all. Thanks!
I would think 10 times before going this way…..
I really never understand the purpose of this tool, but after reading your indepth post it cleared it up. Thanks for the great post
This looks like a great tool for SEO thanks for sharing it and thanks for giving us the discount with it.
Great post..thanks..i will try to use this tool…
hmmm, interesting, i use other tools. But seems good enough to give it a try!
Great review.. Has anybody else tried it??
One of the best reviews I’ve read in a while.
Will be coming back here quite a bit!
Not crazy about the Plimus sales procedure, but will have to live with it to get this product I guess…
This is my second visit to this blog. We are starting a brand new initiative in the same niche as this blog. Your blog provided us with important information to work on. You have done a admirable job..
like the post and your entire site. you for giving a hint at one of yours m-net building techniques Eli, i think,
Nice Blog……..
Guess I’ll give the desktop version a go.
This is my second visit to this blog
That would be a bit of a worry and I can see Google wanting to crack down on this type of list building, but I might test it out and see how it works for me.
Really a great tool, thanks for sharing this info. I am gonna use AutoPligg from now on.
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thank you mr amdın
That would be a bit of a worry and I can see Google wanting to crack down on this type of list building,
Right place for right information …………. Thanks
Thanks for this article. I’ve read it and though an automatic backlink tool sounds nice and all, I’m afraid Google will ban me for not putting more manual effort in linkbuilding. What’s your opinion about that?
Very good article, a lot of information, good information. Thank you for the article.
What about mac version?
Very nice sharing.thanks
The information you provided was very useful. Because of your help, thank you.
I think it depends if the websites are related, though if one domain receives too many links from several individual domains it could raise a flag especially if its a new site or page.
Spam tool? Great! I’ll try it…
Very interesting post. I like it.
The information you provided was very useful. Because of your help, thank you.
should have tried autopligg too.
It’s a great content, i like this! Thanks
Is this tool useful to promote my site : How could I do? What are the steps?
Looks like a great tool. Backlinks are important to know if you want to move on in SE rankings
Intersting Post Dear Thanx So Much
That’s great ! thanks
Thanks for sharing this information.Will check this tool which allows you rank on top of the search engines.Great stuff
thank for you share.i think auto pligg more use full.
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Thanks for the great tip. I’m sure it can help other people as well.
Normally a webmaster is using following methods to count his website’s backlinks. 1. Search Engine Commands 2. Webmaster tools 3. Third party tools.
Good good, very good…..
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Great post, alot of interesting views on here
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Good good, very good…..
Surf it…..
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“The great information, thank you!”
Excellent tool and features!!!
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Are pleased to re-visit your blog, from which I learned a lot of knowledge, and totally agree with your point of view, I hope you can be the exhibitions, once again thank you for sharing such a wonderful text. I will wait to see what’s! Thank you!i love
It’s a very intresting content. I like it!
No matter how you use this day and day?
plz add some grapic is the best review i seen
Very interesting & useful article. Thanks for sharing!
I really like it vert useful article
Great stuff from you. Ive read your stuff before and youre just too awesome. I love what youve got here, love what youre saying and the way you say it. You make it entertaining and you still manage to keep it smart. I cant wait to read more from you. This is really a great blog.
You put the all great things which makes all people getting interested. but yes that is right, i agree. all you mention is make a sense. Thanks
I have not any word to appreciate this post.Really i am impressed from this post. Thanks.
Thanks for review, but I don’t like this tool. It’s difficult for me
I don’t agree. It’s not difficult
I found the blog is very useful.
Great post, it’s a concept that has become extremely important to keep the big increase in overall sales and messaging flow maintained on blogs. I agree.
Wow it is a great software i want to lay my hands on it…
one of the best articles.
yh one of best
We should manual seo work for site promotion rather than using software. We can get proper result by using software. It will spam……
Interesting post and thanks for sharing. Some things in here I have not thought about before.Thanks for making such a cool post which is really very well written.will be referring a lot of friends about this.Keep blogging
Great Information
Your blog really has great information to share… thanks to author for sharing
A better tool is LFE.
Now is there a tool that will just do the backlinks for me? That would be great.
Excellent review of Autopligg! I can’t wait to get started with it. I definitely need some more quality backlinks and this seems like a stable way to get them.
congrat then who is luck then you man. That’s really great…
Hi Eli!
I have PayPal acount, how can I get this?
Very nice tool.
You can post a link to your articles. To get them indexed faster and maybe gain some pagerank.
awesome post with lot of information Thank you for share
I’ve been using Autopligg for awhile now, it’s a really useful tool! I definitely recommend giving it a try.
autopligg is a total useless black hatter tool…
I tried and don´t liked.
I use autopligg. Thanks your.
Lets me check it out first before saying anything
I personally would never do it this way i think…
Review of AutoPligg Backlink Tool is fantastic for me.
I really liked it
I really like it vert useful article
The price is still expensive…
Hello Great informative article! Thanks so much for sharing your wealth of information. I certainly appreciate the effort! keep up the good work!
I think it is dangerous using these tools nowadays with google penalties and all
Very interesting subject and I will follow this in the future! Thank you and Merry Christmas!
Thanks for the Macro Niche Education and the Coupon. I’ll probably test it out on a few Blogs to see what happens.
big thanks to author for great share:)
I have bookmarked this page.Thanks a lot for the great article.Looking forward for more!
A backlinking tool that gets your PR down. How did that happen? Its means google knows right.
I never knew I could search like that it’s interesting and something I might look into when I find some free time!
just hope this one works for me. thanks for sharing.
Hi! This is really well written, easy to understand and very useful. Thank You for sharing. and keep up the good work.
I got a laugh out of your niche/micro niche example content. great article as usual.
I never knew I could search like that it’s interesting and something I might look into when I find some free time!
Sometimes it is very difficult to understands those things.
I absolutely love AutoPligg now!
Very intereating article Thanks because it is the useful knowledge
It’s a great article. Thanks
disagree with the negative comments
Hey Guys, I found your article to be very interesting and greatly enjoyed reading it. Thanks for all of your hard work!
can be used against competition ?
wish we’ve had some authentic tools like that in this year..
wish we’ve had tools like that even yet..
can be used against competition ?
Keep posting stuff like this i really like it. Thanks
Thanks for the seo tips.
Excellent review of Autopligg! I can’t wait to get started with it.
thanks for the review, i’ll take alook at pligg and try it.
Could be a very useful tool, anyone have good and bad experiences with it? I might try it our in a testing environment.
Thanks for some really useful information, I been
checking out this software for some time and after been reading your tips and advice I’m convinced and will purchase this amazing app.
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I’ll probably test it out on a few Blogs to see what happens. thanks
Between that and the outputted list of successful postings I have everything I need to get as high of a link indexing saturation rate as possible. Kudos on that.
Autopligg doens´t work nowadays. He is easily saw by google and any automator tool = ban. I don’t recommend..
i think ,google creates new site index something 7 day !
Snoggle News is another popular Pligg CMS website which has recently launched. Check out the pages if you’d like to submit your site.. general front page stories only require 4 votes and can easily be pushed popular!
Great stuff from you. Ive read your stuff before and youre just too awesome. I love what youve got here, love what youre saying and the way you say it. You make it entertaining and you still manage to keep it smart. I cant wait to read more from you. This is really a great blog.
Really enjoyed your response…It’s hard to find comments where a person thinks before they speak!
Thats Great Review.
I really love the Software.
Eli, I never knew this side of SEO. I’ve read so much stuff on your site that I never read anywhere else on the web. Your knowledge truly amazes me.
Emm, look so great tool to get backlink..
This is the first time I’ve heard about AutoPligg? But seem to have good reviews about it and you know I trust your reviews. I’m going to try it.
I never knew this side of SEO. I’ve read so much stuff on your site that I never read anywhere else on the web. Your knowledge truly amazes.
I can’t wait to get started with it.
How is Autopligg compared to Book Marking Demon. Anyone can share?
Hey Nice Web Blog good content and nice look really great. The Golden Triangle Tour is fantastic traveling package to exploring North India as well as India.
I just started using this tool and so far I am loving every bit of it.
This is the first time I’ve heard about AutoPligg? But seem to have good reviews about it and you know I trust your reviews. I’m going to try it.
Interesting post,I will need to check this tool out.
Here in germany we usually use the Sixtrix tools, but I will try the AutoPligg tool, when I have the time to do that.
I thought autopligg is free. It is too expensive but your write good deep review about this product. I appreciate that.
interesting post may have to use it on my photoshop tutorials website.
I really be very grateful for these kinds of information.This is really very much suitable for the post and hope you keep giving better information in near future.
Nice Artice, learnt alot and will put some of these tactics into play! Thank you!
That was a great post, very informative. I swear, google’s ever changing algo can be such a headache.
Very interesting writing stuff about SEO! Thank you.
I never knew I could search like that it’s interesting and something I might look into when I find some free time!
cool blog to read on
Could be a very useful tool. I’d like to see more information about it. My friend owns a NJ Audio Visual company that does home theaters and home automation design and installations. Maybe I’ll mention it to them.
Eli you rock!….Nice Post!!!
The price is still expensive…
Backlinks are by far the most powerful tool. There are various ways to make them look natural.
I was actually looking for some info about AutoPligg and finally I got here. I still find it all a little complicated but at least I know how to bite it all. Thanks!
Speaking of the Sandbox, does anyone know what puts you in the Sandbox today (2010 - almost 2011)? I hear differing opinions and I have yet to get a clear answer. Any help?
Thanx for this information
I don’t think AutoPligg is as important as it used to be for SEO.
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I will try it. Thanks for share
Great backlink tool. I have been using for a while and it works very well for me.
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I’ve actually never heard of autopligg, but from what i heard from you i’ll have to try it. fosho!
I’ve used autopligg and it is a wonderful piece of software
I just purchased through your link above. It looks like a great way to promote a site. If I am not mistaken it looks completely legit too. No spamming or anything like that. Thanks for the feedback.
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I’ve actually never heard of autopligg, but from what i heard from you i’ll have to try it.
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Sweat Glathe problem with autopligg is: when I want to spread my links, and I set that autopligg must place my links on 500 pligg sites. Then I get 500 backlinks to one post, on a very new website (red flag?). If I had something very cool on my blog and everyone starts linking to me, then I receive 500 different links, with different titles and descriptions.
With autopligg it puts 500 times the same title and description, on the same pliggscript sites. I think google can easily see this, and marks this as spamming? Don’t you think?nds Armpit
Very motivational
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Nice one. Thanks for the thorough explanation of how to use Autopligg. I agree you have to use it responsibly.
Great SEO info, thanks!
Really Great information.
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I use pligg all the time. Everything this article says is true. Go for it and give it shot. I think you will be happy with it
Autopligg isn’t as popular as it used to be.
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Autopligg is an excellent tool. I have used it for my sites and it worked wonders for building backlinks.
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You know what, it is like anything else: use it wisely and it will work great for you. Abuse it and you are wasting your time. Use it, don’t abuse it. It can be a good tool.
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Thanks for the post guys - very useful information.
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Hey man I love your posts! When are you updating next with a real update?
Do you think auto-pligg is still effective after the Panda?
I have submitting to Pligg sites but manually; there are less than ten that are worth submitting to, that I know of anyways. I don’t want to mass submit to a bunch of Pligg sites that have 0 Pr or PR 1. This tool is only useful if it can submit to quality Pligg sites.
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That sounds like a good backlink tool.
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Not bad man. thanks for sharing
Nice review Eli, thanks!
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Not bad man, nice review Eli. I got it
A very detailed review to AutoPligg,.. with this tool, we could get a lot of backlinks easily but I have doubts about how the quality of links from the pligg site?
Anyway do you actually use this day to day eli?
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Nice review, I’m definately going to use it as a link volume tool.
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However, quarterly management accounts are often preferred for the smaller businesses as this can help reduce costs and time commitments.
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It is hard to find a good link building tool – thank you for the advice!
Awesome SEO tool! Great job as always on the review!
Very good post. This tool seems a bit complicated. However, interesting enough to look it up.
I am a bit concerned that posts will end up as obvious spam. Appreciate the review anyway!
Seems as a useful platform, but I am sure Google would start ruling out mass produced backlinks and it is also a bit expensive. None the less, I love your blog. Keep up the good work!
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For some longer search strings you sometimes just need a few links but for the more competetive terms you need to get lots and lots of links but these can seem impossible to gain from the normal channels.
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Seems like a decent tool. Personally, I just prefer to do things manually.
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