The Absolute Fastest Way To Make Money Online
I’m actually writing this post as a point of reference to an Email I got. The details of the email are private and aren’t important, except that it asks the age old question, what is the absolute fastest way to make money online? I’m a firm believer that online income needs to start out as a supplement to your preexisting income then eventually work its way to a full time gig. Trying to dive right in with some cash you got saved up is a way dangerous move. There are no guarantees here, at least none that I have found. There are however solid investments. There’s nothing more I would love to contribute to this blog than a huge article detailing project investments, but for today we’ll start out with the basics. There are long-term, short-term, and mid-term investments. If your goals include a career making money online you need to focus on long and mid-term investments, while using short-term investments to fund your long term investments. It definitely takes money to make money and the Internet is no exception. So naturally the statement that usually follows a question like what’s the fastest way to make money online is, I only have $__ and i need to figure out a way to turn it into an income I can live off of. This is a scary and all too common question. The best answer is naturally projects that can be categorized as long term slow growth investments, but sometimes life doesn’t allow you the luxury of time. So in that case you need to consider the short term investments that are going to pay out big, and then go balls to the wind with them and see what comes out. So let’s see if I can clear up a tough situation like this for the first time ever without using a single example.
What Is The Absolute Fastest Way To Make Money Online?
My answer to this question is Link Injection. Link Injection is simply a process of trying to put in your affiliate links into already established popular sites with preexisting traffic. A more specific example of Link Injection would be Social Site Spamming.
Uhhhg You’re going to talk about Myspace or Craigslist spamming aren’t you?
I could take that approach with this post, but then a few people would try it. They would make a few bucks. Some things would change with their systems and the post would become worthless very quickly. So instead I’d like to take a more generic approach and talk about how to approach any link injection possibility and successfully come out with some serious cash which you can use for your long term investments and to get by on while you’re transitioning into the industry. So let’s evaluate these types of targeted traffic sources and how to exploit them for some quick bucks.
1) Pick a social site or link injection source. There are definitely no shortage of them. A quick list might include: Myspace, Craigslist, Google Base, Facebook, Yahoo Answers, Forums,, Top Sites Lists, Tagworld, or even chatrooms. Feel free to fill the comments with more.
2) Get out your handy Notepad and start taking notes.
3) Create an account. Be sure to make a note of every form field you fill in as well as the URL to the signup form. Make a note of any captchas or secondary forms you have to fill in. Also be sure to note if you have to confirm your email address or not, or any other account verification methods.
4) Evaluate your market. Try to get a feel of the type of people that use the site and offers that might interest them or at least convert well. For this step it’s perfectly acceptable to simply write down, “General Idiots-dating offers.”
5) Find a niche that can fit a large majority of the users. The best advice I can give for this is to “be useful.” For instance if you’re attempting some link injection on a site that helps people with problems consider things like the tools and utility niches. A good formula to follow will be (total_visitors-percentage_not_interested_in_niche) * conversion_rate * $commission_per_conversion = $income.
6) Find an affiliate offer that you can promote. Try to find one that is inconspicuous. You will want one that you can promote discreetly while helping people. Finding a high converting offer is important but consider the fact that you will be getting an absolutely huge amount of traffic to that offer, so the discreetness of the offer will be quite a bit more important. So don’t just go for a random porn and webcam sex offer. Yeah, I caught you didn’t I
7) Log back into your account and manually go in and attempt to make a single post or attempt to get your affiliate offer in there. You may need to stuff some interesting text or instructions around it. You’re single goal is to get that link to stick. Hell your ultimate goal is to get people to thank you for the link. If you got that you got ultimate link injection stickiness. At the very least make your link interesting, trick them if you have to just make them want to go to your link and see what’s there.
8) Do some further testing. Make notes of how long your link sticks, make notes of how many people see the link and how many click through and how many actually convert. Try to get some kind of feel for how big you are going to take this in order to make the money you are needing. It’s not a bad idea to work your way from the bottom. I personally like to make the link as discreet and hidden as possible, see how long it sticks. Then start making it more and more “in your face” with each attempt. Make a log of the results of each attempt. You will want to find the optimal medium. The point at which the link will grab the most attention while sticking for the longest. From there it’s just a matter of tweaking with the creative to get it to convert better once they do click the link.
9) Repeat the entire process in it’s entirety. Once you found your groove and know exactly the results you want it’s time to write your pseudo code. Pseudo code is simply a very simplistic way of describing a process. If it helps, think about describing exactly what you want done to an infant. The more details the better. From there rewrite your pseudo code and replace everything you would need to specify such as your account info and link info with user input tags. It’s very important to specifically what information you are willing to donate to the process. The rest will ideally be automated.
10) Find a programmer. As you are probably starting to realize by now, doing this all by hand is not a very efficient use of your time. Give your pseudo code to the programmer and work out your payment details. Decide in advanced how much you are willing to pay. If you are incapable of paying anything to get a program made, you have two options. Either do it by hand until you can afford it, or learn how to code it yourself. You could also make some form of bargain or trade. A lot of times you will be bombarded by pre-made publicly available programs that are already providing nearly what you were wanting to do. This isn’t a bad option to help you get started until you get your own custom program made, but by rule I never rely on pre-made programs. If they exist, then they are used. If they are used then they will become worthless quickly. Therefore they are a bad investment. As much of a pain in the ass as it seems, custom made is the only way to go when you’re link injecting. Lastly, make sure your program or script allows for proxy use.
11) Talk to your account manager. Make some form of contact with your account manager for your affiliate program. If you are producing some volume or have a good idea of the volume you will be producing work out some form of deal with him. Get some better rates. You’re goal is to make quick big cash. More the better.
12) Get out while the going is good. This is the most important step and unfortunately the most ignored. Your gut will tell you when to get out of a soon to sour market. Listen to it NOT the money. Understand that you are making a short term investment. I see so many people fall through the cracks like that. They do a bit of link injection on a certain network. They think they found their golden goose and they hammer it as hard as they can. They spend all their money thinking it will just keep pouring in faster than they can spend it forever. It’s such a sad and all too common mistake.
13) Understand your investment. I have a firm rule I stand by with my business that has never failed me. My short term investments pay for my long term investments. My long term investments pay me. Never the other way around. I know this is hard but consider it mandatory for your own good. Whatever link injection method you are doing it will not last forever. So any money it makes needs to go to stuff that will grow your income overtime.
It’s okay to pocket a few bucks for yourself to get by on, but not for one moment think; I am now making 4-5 figures a month or day or whatever, Yay for me! It’s a false sense of security. If you really want to make online income your full time job you will need a good grasp on this concept.
You should rename your site to
I never expected to read make money online tips on Blue-hat SEO, great going man!
It surely is a Great post
And you should search google for “what is SEO?”
Nice post Eli. Throw in a proxy selector in the software you get built and you’re set to do some serious damage.
Explain? lol
Thanks. Whewww. I forgot that one.
Another great article!
Do you link to the affiliate offer directly, or to your site with your own copy?
Are you going to write an article on long term investments at some point?
preferably straight to the aff. link. That isn’t always possible though. They sometimes require a landing page.
or embed the affiliate link in a simple iframed landing page with a little extra copy that relates to whatever copy you used to get them to click through.
great post!
Good post, I’d also throw in a URL redirect system that allows you to track clickthroughs & referrals from one place, nice & neat
Another inspiring post Eli!
Btw Eli, you post rarely on this blog
What other blogs does Eli post on?
I want more info lol!!
Great post. Perfect for the newcomers of the online world.
You’re the best Eli, it’s no wonder you are a success and will continue to be successful. You are creating an army of loyal followers. If you’re ever in need of a body part just ask.
Very well put. There is ALOT of money to be made by doing link injection, but alot of sites are cracking down on it hard (like my$pace). That is why having your own program is so important. I would also recommend becoming friends with your programmer so you can get good deals on upgrades to your program and have someone familiar with it.
What do you mean by “cracking down on it hard” ?
I think i got an Idea of what you mean, but what is the worst thing that could happen because of you injecting links into sites as myspace? I mean if you violate their TOS on purpose, couldn’t they sue your ass off which would make you a poor, indebted *uck forever?
I’m just wondering as to what the worst consequences to this could be?
And even if you use fake accounts and proxys, your affiliate ID will identify you pretty fast.
A respnes would be appreciated big Time
thx for the good work
a lot….not alot. their, there, and they’re, and other complicated word groupings that most always get wrong.
the fastest way or the slowest? to say that one can do this FAST is to say one needs to learn social sites, programming, advertising and tracking. like saying, want to run the 26 mile marathon that i have been training for 6 months with me tomorrow - even though you have never jogged in years and have a beer gut?
stupid post of the week and a good dumb one at that. like your screensaver one. LOL!!!!!!
Sad commment this one. like they say in my country “és parvo ou comes colheres de bosta ao almoço”.
Just a suggestion, for number 10), when you’ve got your pseudo code (step 9), try developing your own macros! There’s an interesting Macro tool for Firefox:
It helps me a lot when it comes to quickly develop automatic and repetitive operations on websites (like crreating a Blog account, or adding friends to my myspace accounts)
Awesome suggestion. I am a huge fan of IMacro for firefox.
That is the best piece of advice I found in recent time. Great tool, thanks a lot. Firefox rocks!
Thanks Eli.
I learned the hard way that niches will dry up or become overpopulated and therefore ineffective.
Also, I think that nowadays a lot of those sites have people dedicated to sniffing out this type of thing. I know Craigslist and yahoo do for sure.
This is an incredible post. Incredibly frank and to the point.
Hands down the best blog for learning the dark (blue?) art of online marketing. Now PLEASE post more. We can’t get enough.
The more I think about these spamming methods the more it makes me want to build a useful service for the greater good of the internet community, like craigslist and google have done (I consider myspaces web design a detriment to the internet and an insult to web design cough**microsoftasp**cough)
I really like google a lot and think that they provide a useful service for the greater good of the internet, and they are good netizens (think of how gmails invite system protects their domain from email spam blacklists). I’m not saying I want to be google, I’m just saying that I would rather get involved in creating some useful service used by many people that will earn a living for me rather than get into spamming.
well enough rambling.
globalwarming awareness2007
A very good and “enlightening” writing. Oh man, I’m really gonna review about this when I have free time. This is great stuff! I love how you are able to emphasize the importance of long-term business objectives. Good sharing & keep it coming!
Nice post you have here! I felt that I can use some of the tips after reading them. Wow.. there’s alot that you can actually do, it seems.
Great tip Eli as usual. I love this blog!
suttree is a dumb ass.
I like your post. I am intrigued about these short term investments. I would like to see a post about long term investments if possible.
I agree with needing a post talking about project investments. I view every project as some form of investment, even if it is only the
everytime i read one of your post like this one i feel like i know alot less than i thought i did about the internet
I’ve been trying this for quite some time now. Not exactly like this but I used yahoo answers to provide some ‘useful’ answers from my affiliates -mostly e books, mp3 download sites etc.
The strange thing is, my answers get selected ‘best answers’ with ‘Thank you! It was really useful!’ notes attached to them, but I never see any affiliate sales, it’s very strange.
I’m thinking that it’s something about clickbank’s tracking system but it can’t be THAT off.. I see the people are clicking on the links, they thank me for it and the only way they can thank me for it, is that they bought a membership or something.. It’s weird.
10+2=12 I can add!
Eli, waaaay too complicated and innefective. Your posts are a reminder of how one SHOULDN’T try to make money online.
Wow link spam! I never heard of that before. You must be the first person on the internets to have thunk that one up. Yahoo answers, craigslist, forums? No wayy…we’re talking untapped markets!!
How do you think of this stuff Eli!
There you got a reaction out of me
Iam thinking the same.
I am having a “hard” time reading your posts..understanding what you say.
And then i read ‘em again..and everything is VERY obvious….actually THAT obvious that i am suspicious i mis-understood what you’re saying.
In this case it looks like youre talking about signing up on forums etc….methods eg. i use for a long time already. Eg. putting your links in a sig etc…..or promote your sites on MS.
I really dont get the point.
Also..i am absolutely lost where the “pseudo code” comes in there…..or what you even talk about. Maybe i just neeed more coffee.
Will read on…you have great tips here….but i always miss the CONCRET specifics/how to implement techniques. i using your method if i post here and use a sig with my link ?
just an an addon:
I am eg. selling graphics-cards as an affiliate. OF COURSE one of the very first things i am doing is put my link in my sig.
Sign up on forums and actually DO talk with the people and give advice since i am actually understanding something about the topic.
Same on DP/SEO forum.s….who has NOT his link in his sig etc ?
But ElI, this is really kindergarden level and for sure not “advanced secrets of the SEO gurus”
Correct me if i am WRONG
All this confusion you’re having can easily be explained. I don’t write for people like you. My writings are geared for a very particular type of Internet Marketer that are at a certain level. You’re not one of them. You’re on the wrong blog.
If that sounded harsh its because you called me a guru
Thanks Eli for your great post. Thanks for teaching me how to fish and not just giving me a fish. Is this a great country or what? You can give people a thousand scratch off tickets, and guarantee them that each one is a winner, and they will still Bitch and complain that they have to scratch.
I think most difficult is to find the right niche and content for new site, the rest is not so dificult.
link injection is definitely helpful especially for seo purposes. but not for ROI purposes mainly, though chances of earning from visitors are still possible.
i like the article. it’s a step by step easy to follow instruction especialy for a newbie.
There are faster way though. Thanx for your insights anyhow, always interesting to hear.
Link injection sounds too good to be true! Thanks for an insightful article..I’ll go ahead and try it and let know the results!
What is link lnjection ?
I’d love to see some of these link injection case studies or examples.
Absolutely agree with you Eli..
Eli our planning to start affiliate marketing..
What are the resources for that? what should we need?
thank you Eli.
The first property I purchased was a three family apartment house. I used credit cards to fund the down payment. When I began to purchase my third three family, I realized that there were a lot of good deals out there and I needed a system to come up with down payments.
This method you call “link injection” is how I’ve made sales from Harvey Segal’s free Ultimate Supertips ebook so I know it works well…I just never came up with a name for it
Do you think that you can include article directories as possible link injections? I think it would take a bit more effort but still, bum marketing is a quick short term (and possibly long term) investment strategy.
You have some really good ideas on your site - I’ve spent about an hour here already but I need to come back again.
Nowhere else on the internet can so much information be found. Thanks
Great post. People just starting out should be able to make a few bucks with this advice.
good info, but I am still confused, where should I start
Very interesting post! I’ll keep an eye on your blog
There are LOTS of sites claiming to provide online money making tips, but you’re quite precise - i must admit!
Thanks a lot for mentioning….
This was a great, old article. Sometimes we forget the basics!
Nice posting!
great article.
i learn many things from this article.
I discovered your post only now…indeed inspiring! Actually a couple of examples or case studies would be helpful. I only wonder if the same methodology would still work two years later or we should change some strategy points.
Nice tips.Never knew about it.Will definitely give it a a try.
As you have written the reference to an email, i like it so much. Thanks
Its hard to make alot of money online, but you can make some. I use three sites to get free stuff and money. Treasuretroopers gives money for doing surveys, swagbucks gives prizes for searching online with their google-based search engine, and totallyfree gives some free magazine subscriptions. For more info, check out my site
another great tip
The most important aspect of creating your affiliate site boils down to this: search engines love original and unique content rich websites, be it text, images, or videos, and visitors do too. Your goal in building your website should be to over-deliver on content and offer as much as you can. If you take care of this one aspect of building your online business, you’ll be amazed how well the SERPs (search engine results pages) will love your website and more than likely will list it at the top of the results pages.
I’d love to see some of these link injection case studies or examples.
Thanks Eli.
I learned the hard way that niches will dry up or become overpopulated and therefore ineffective.
nice .. kep it up
Interesting post and I really like your take on the issue. I now have a clear idea on what this matter is all about. Thank you so much.
some people miss the point
this is a good post, ive fuxd around with a couple sources but i need to find one thats not as big
thanks for giving me such useful and great technique,this will help me in future.
thanks again!
The information you provided was very useful. Because of your help, thank you.medyum
This is a good piece of writing mate for this particular topic. I was wondering if I could use this write-up on my website, I will link it back to your website though. If this is a problem please let me know and I will take it down right away.
I’m a newbie,this is great advice cheers!
I never thought about this. All my income from the web comes from adsense
Thank you for sharing this technique. Wikipedia has been a pain on my side for a while now. Time to change the game.
I got stuck in knotty fiscal problems and looking for the instant cash help. Then I found this article and apply online and get cash. Thanks
Don’t get cocky, get out. I like it.
Nice post you have here! I felt that I can use some of the tips after reading them. Wow.. there’s alot that you can actually do, it seems.
Interesting. This maybe the secret as well of the internet millionaires
I guess it is worth the try. Wish me luck!
When you think of happy, unhappy or think of you when you smile in my mind wander
i feel so good
Great post. I think most difficult is to find the right niche and content for your new site, the rest is not so difficult. Thanks
This sounds like a wicked idea,thanks for sharing!
I’m a newbie,this is great advice cheers!
great points!
Great list!
Everyone should follow these tips if they want to succeed
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great post thanks for informative article.
This is very well written, since I read so much about this subject, most of it is very accurate.
Great explanation! Liked it a lot! It is a great way of providing info and is really very interesting article.
How many of these still apply?
nice and in depth explanation, will give it a try. But it would have been much better with some addition of images.
Very knowledgeable blog, but images is the only thing missing here.
I’ve been meaning to start a video blog for some time now
keep it up
that’s how we roll
yeah thats how we roll it down
chicken soup
Do you think that you can include article directories as possible link injections? I think it would take a bit more effort but still, bum marketing is a quick short term (and possibly long term) investment strategy.
Do dont you link to the affiliate offer directly, or to your site with your own copy.
Hmm thats a good comment
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Are there any real examples of these strategies having worked? So much has changed since this original post, that I’d be surprised if anything from the site held up. That said, with the internet having gone through so many changes in recent years, are there newer ways to achieve these goals?
Tech Inspiro is a blog that shares innovative ideas about SEO Tips,SEO Tools,SEO help,Dofllow blogs list.Along with full tutorials it gives a vision toward Linkbuilding and traffic building and technology talks.
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A great post Eli, but it is quite old so is it still workable?
This explaines a lot, thanks.
good explaineton
I agree
it will i guess soo
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Thanks for this article, very interesting.
sorry i do not believe in something called “fastest way to make money” as i believe everything comes with hard work.
Way not trying to dive right in with some cash you got saved up is a way dangerous move.
I use some of the methods to make the money the fastest way and it works.
Eli this was great advice about making money quick using social networks and affiliate offers.
Great tips. I’m definitely am going to use one of these suggestions you have posted. Thanks for sharing.
Great job, excelent post. thanks for sharing this with us.
Excellent, I love you! haha
No, really, interestin!g
Superbly written, wel discribed and wonderfull blog.
Great tip again. Thanks.
Thanks. Whewww. I forgot that one.
Good post, I’d also throw in a URL redirect system that allows you to track clickthroughs & referrals from one place, nice & neat
Nice post Eli. Throw in a proxy selector in the software you get built and you’re set to do some serious damage.
No, really, interestin!g
It’s amazing article. I can learn about SEO after read this article. Thanks for sharing
nice man
Great article
link injections are very usefull
this is one way of making money online
Nice Post. This post explains me very well.
gooooooood man ..!
It’s okay to pocket a few bucks for yourself to get by on, but not for one moment think; I am now making 4-5 figures a month or day or whatever, Yay for me! It’s a false sense of security.
Very useful post here. Finding and promoting a great affiliate offer is always an excellent way to make money online swiftly!
I’ve made a little linking research, and at this moment I agree with you
Make a click ad you put out everywhere about how you can become millions soon and people will click on you.