Fun With Google Trends

So I’ve been playing around with Google Trends quite a bit lately. I’m lovin it so far. It allows you to view the search trends for any phrase (that of course gets searched for enough to warrant a big ass graph).

It also allows you to check out where the people are searching from. Whats with those creepy people from Indianapolis, Indiana searching for my name?

Upon saying the word creepy, it inevitably led to a question. What is the place with the largest majority of creepy low lifes on earth? I apologize in advance, but these are my findings.

Child Porn – Winner: Izmir, Turkey. (no surprise there sickos!)Rape – Winners: Delhi India, Chennai India, Mumbai India. (I thought you respected your women)?Stalking – Germany on all counts!Eating BabiesAtlanta, GA (I won’t comment on this one. The guilty know who they are)Free Pot – Winners: Bucharest Romania and Portland, OR (definitely no surprise there since Eugene Oregon shows up on stats as Portland Oregon).Ebay Children – London down the board! (For never spending a dime on dental bills they sure do seem to want to get rid of their children)Ugly Women – Britain taking the gold! (I actually fell out of my chair laughing at that one)STD’s – Winner: St. Louis! (I am not shocked at all, but I still laughed histerically)

Also, Here’s an interesting one for you.How to commit suicide – Winners: Brisbane Australia, Melbourne Australia, Perth Australia

And here I was thinking Australia was a fun place filled with surfing and cute koala bears.
