MSN Develops Plan To Stop Web Spam

MSN research team recently updated their Strider Search Defender technology plan. The plan details Microsoft’s new developing approach to stopping webspam. It’s direct targets include blog, forum, and guestbook spammers.

The concept is simple. To use web spammers mass production capabilities to make catching them all the easier. This is done by a less than simple form of locating highly spammed places and using them sort of like spam traps. In a sense, the more they spam the more likely they are to get caught.

Neat concept if you ask me, but I have a few theories of much easier and more solid ways to identify webspam without running the risk of locating what MSN dubbs “False Positives.” Sounds sketchy to me.Click Here To Read The Full Report

If anyone from MSN is reading this I would like to point out one thing. I am in full support of this spam filtering technology. I really do think its a good idea, but in the end you may be causing a bigger problem than your solving. People spam forums, guestbooks and blogs because they’re easy. Once a search engine figures out a way to thwart that, then blackhatters will simply start using the harder method of link gathering (you know what I’m talking about), and you definitely don’t want that to begin. It’s been a long time in the coming and its going to be devisitating to SE’s once spammers start having to resort to it full time.
