Happy Birthday!

It’s official Blue Hat SEO is now one year old!

Honestly, I’m finding what to write on this post very difficult. As tradition states with most blogs before me I’m supposed to post some impressive stats about the blog and say how big the site has grown in an effort to grab some attention of some private advertisers and to impress and wow everyone in between. However, anyone who is already familiar with this place knows that this is simply is not how i operate or think. Instead I would love nothing more than to accomplish what normally would of been accomplished on the very first post. I would like to explain this site. Why is it here? Why do I do it? Where is it headed? Since the beginning I have tried to keep this blog very focused, straying only for the sake of humor. So when the opportunity presents itself. I’m going to take it.So Here Are Some Things You Probably Don’t Know About Me And BlueHatSEO

How Did BlueHatSEO Get Started?I’ve always been very independent in the SEO world. I’ve never really read SEO sites, nor am I very active in the SEO community. I viewed the industry like I would a game. I could go find some walkthroughs and ruin all the fun or I could go out and do my own research and testing and defeat it on my own. About a year ago I finally got curious of what others were up to and started becoming a bit more active in the industry. Honestly within a week I was bored to tears. The industry didn’t seem to have changed a bit since back in the days when self proclaimed gurus were telling everyone the keys to success online were simply to submit their sites to the search engines and post on some Free For All Link sites. So the wacko crackpot in me came out swinging with his crazy jibberish talk. It didn’t really result in anything until one day when I was bitching to a friend about how boring blogs are when he said something along the lines of “well you talk about some crazy good shit. You should create a blog and show ‘em how its done.” That statement didn’t really settle in until the next day when I happened to of seen a quote by Muhammad Ghandi on a stamp of all things that said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” I thought about it for a moment, and that was that. I was determined to make some waves in the SEO world. Blue Hat SEO was born. Nothing grand nothing notable, but there it was none the less.What’s With The New Hat Color Con Polluting My Nice Monochrome Universe?People tell me all the time that “Blue must be your favorite color.” Actually blue is my least favorite color. If we’re going to get personal about it, green is my favorite. Blue is simply a random color picked off the top of my head. Nothing more nothing less. The blue hat represents the idea of Advanced SEO. I really don’t mean to conpollute the whole white hat, blackhat and gray hat understanding. I just use it to represent the fact that what you read here is so off the wall and different it can’t be classified properly. Its just simply different.Why Am I Doing All This?I’m not doing this to be cool or bring any form of fame to myself. I’m not some kind of lame masked magician dispelling secrets. I don’t want to be renown and respected in the industry. Infact when all is said and done I should be able to leave back to the SEO shadows just as quietly as I came. I have absolutely no interest in self promotion or the copious amounts of money involved with having the attention of webmasters. I want simply one single thing. Other bloggers to mimic me. If I get my way, and I usually do, in the near future someone wanting to make some money off their webmaster peers won’t be able to put up some blog, post about boring new google products, and post a picture of themselves with a big check and get anyone to listen. People won’t be considered experts because they got a couple other experts to vouch for them. They won’t be able to become popular by doing constant circle jerk interviews(where one person interviews another only so they can be interviewed later by them). There will be only one way to establish yourself as an expert, and that will be to truly know your stuff. I believe this isn’t as impossible as it sounds. All it takes is one blogger showing two or three others that sharing and actually helping people isn’t so bad or as scary as it seems. Thats all it takes to create a new standard of quality. The rest in my opinion will spread like cancer on its own. Than before you know it, SEO experts will be judged on what they have to say and the quality of their writings NOT what they claim. I live firmly by the rule that if you can’t explain something in a way that the average Joe can understand, than you don’t really understand it all that well yourself. If I fail at everything and accomplish only one thing with this blog I want to prove that the viral idea of “I make too much money to share my techniques” IS A LIE!

How Far Am I On My Goals?I’m nowhere close to where I want it to be but the progress thus far has been nothing short of AMAZING. Don’t believe me? Check out my blogroll.Here’s a few highlights. I know I’m missing some big ones and for that I’m sorry.

How To Make $200/day – I’m going to go take my Ovaltine cus I just got 0wned with this awesome technique. Its natural to question my $100/day post because there obviously must be a catch. Nope! I gave up a $100/day technique, poof its gone. Someone, who I’d like to think was inspired by it, posted back a $200/day technique. The way I see it is, thats a damn good ROI. Its not a competition its progress and we all win.Domaining 101 – This isn’t your average “buy a domain with your keywords in it” article. Another great thing about this article is that its developed throughout a series. Thats great for both the readers and the writer. For the readers it gives them something to continuously think about and develop on their own. For the writer it forces you to think before you speak. You really have to develop an idea not just post your opinions. I think more bloggers should learn from posts like this.How To Get Free Content For Your Blog – A great example of a big change I’ve been wanting to see in the industry. Don’t just plug a tool! Explain it, show it, and report back with the results. Anything else is bullshit.Domain Kiting Secrets Revealed – Also a very well accepted featured repost on Blue Hat for obvious reasons. Its damn good! Posts like this are exactly what I want to see everywhere.

Free Deep Links VIA RSS Feeds – This is what I like to see. Plausible and actually usable ideas. Nothing better, enough said.

This is just a few examples of posts and blogs I’m seeing pop up on the underground all the time. I get about 2-3 emails a week from people wanting to show me their new posts that they are proud of. Its quality like this that the SEO industry has no choice but to bow to. I’m seeing more and more people all around taking actual pride in their posts and what they share with the community. It’s a great thing in my opinion and its only going to gain momentum. I’m feeling lucky button be damned(inside joke).Whats In The Future For Blue Hat SEO?Expect me, and a couple of my friends, to attempt to set some standards in the SEO tools industry. If you search for “rank checker” in Google right now there are about 1.3 MILLION results. With all the extremely talented programmers out there I can’t imagine why the same three or four SEO tool ideas keep getting recycled endlessly. I probably won’t be the one to change all that, but I at least want to waste the next year of my life proposing the possibility of creating SEO tools that work outside of the conventional box and making them available for public use. Where there’s a will theres a way.

I also plan on fighting hard for every single post to have SOME value to it. Even if the post is just for a laugh I’ll put forth some effort into inserting something you can use or refer to. I may not be completely successful at this but hey blame the ADD

Whats Not In The Future For Blue Hat SEOI got a few traditions I’ll continue to stand by firmly in the next year.1) No Linkbait – For as long as this blog stands I will never make a post for the sake of linkbait. To me link bait posts are like cutting all the awesome violence and sex scenes out of a good movie so it can get a PG13 rating and reach a bigger audience.

2) No Interviews – I will never do an interview with someone who isn’t willing to give out a technique or two. Anything but is nothing more than shameless self and product promotion. I understand that this rule will more than likely mean no interviews at all, but if thats the way the cookie crumbles, so be it. For me interviews are like masturbation, if others are forced to watch than you might as well put on a show; otherwise keep it to yourself.

What Are My Recommended Must-Read Posts For 2006?Easy PR5: 1,200 oneway backlinks – This post broke the ground on what I was willing to give away. Whenever I’m deciding on whether or not to publicize one of my techniques I compare it to this post before making my decision.

Top SEO Secrets – By the far the funniest post I’ve ever had the pleasure of experiencing. Yes that really is her in the comments.

Document Links – By far my most underrated post.

Abandoned WordPress Accounts Part 2 – Took me 7 months to get up enough guts to make this public. Most of the techniques on this site i rarely use anymore. This one rocks the Casba everytime without fail.

How To Make $100 Per Day – By far the most popular post. Well over 160 comments and growing. It really has got people moving.

Wikipedia Links pt 2 – The Semi-Automated White Hat Way – This was the post that proudly shook the hardcore nazi white hat readers and proved that, Its all good in the spam hood.

Blue Hat Technique #13 – Maintaining Your Rank By Manipulating Freshness Factors – My favorite post that proves that theres more to white hat than staring at your meta tags. Its a science.

Blue Hat Technique #12 – Improving CTR In Organic Results – A true example of thinking outside of the box

Thanks for hanging out and putting up with me this year guys! You know I appreciate all of you.To Next Year!*Takes a shot and blows out the candles*

Creating An Army of Free Captcha Typers

People are finally starting to catch on to this technique. However I’m finding a lack of tact in how to accomplish it successfully. The objective is simple. How do we get a bunch of other people to type in Captchas for us willingly? First we’ll dive into why this is useful. Lets say you’re spamming Myspace or Yahoo accounts for instance. You could either attempt to defeat it through various OCR techniques or hire people from India to type them in for you. Captcha decoding is very tough to master and uses loads of server usage. Reliable Indians are tough to find and it poses a margin that you must beat. So now you’re starting to consider your options. There are still some out there but the best one I can recommend would be to find a way to get others to do it for you by giving them an incentive.

What Will You NeedFirst you will need to create the script that will actually grab the Captcha and output it so you can display it to the user without them knowing what the real reason is of they are typing it in. Next you will need to actually require the user to type it in in order to preform an action on your site. Next your script will need to grab what they type in and check to see if it was correct. Lets say your spamming Myspace. So you display the Captcha on another site of yours and when the user types it in, a second script actually makes the account using what they said the Captcha was. Make sense?

The IncentiveI’ve seen a few ideas mole around about how to do this. Some suggest adding the Captcha to your blog comments. It doesn’t really do anything and if they don’t type it in, it will still allow the comment. However anyone who does type it in. The script will create the account and boom your in like flint. However each of these ideas I’ve heard have one major flaw; lack of traffic. Even if your blog or other site gets 20 comments/day that still isn’t very many captcha types and hardly worth the trouble. I’ve also heard some ideas about offering free porn but the problem is still the same wouldn’t you agree? So you’ll need a site that will grab major traffic, lots of pageviews, and most of all the users will be obligated to type the traffic.

Here’s My ProposalTry creating a webproxy. A web proxy is designed to bypass proxy restrictions through a web interface. For example, in a university, the IT department blocks a lot of harmless websites simply because of their popularity. So people use webproxies to access those websites. Creating a webproxy is great because they draw MAJOR traffic and TONS of pageviews very quickly. They don’t require much promotion to become very popular. They are also very easy to setup. First you’ll need to find a good webproxy script. I’d recommend CGIProxy or PHP Proxy. Use whatever is most comfortable for you to setup and edit. Next you need to do a tad bit of promotion on it. The best way is to sign it up on a few proxy top sites lists or free proxy directories. You’ll find out quickly that you won’t need much promotion to get them some serious daily traffic. I recently setup a webproxy (Unblock Myspace) and it was getting 400 unique visitors/day and 20,000 pageviews/day within days of opening with very little promotion. Currently its getting about 700 unique visitors/day and approx 72,000 pageviews/day. To put that in the math sense; if I display a Captcha for the visitor to type in every 25 random pageviews in order for them to continue to the page they wanted to go to. That comes out to about 2880 Captchas/day. In case you were paying attention thats A LOT of Myspace accounts(money).

So whats the downside? Well first web proxies are a big strain on servers. A lot of hosting providers don’t allow them for that reason. An easy way to solve this is to get your own virtual private server/dedicated server, or get a buddy to donate a dedicated box. Another would be to have multiple hosting providers and have the script disperse the traffic amongst them evenly to lighten the load. Where theres a will(money) theres a way.


Parasite Hosting Leads Thanks To Akismet

Whewww! Been busy lately guys! Sorry I haven’t had much time to get posts out. I’ve been working with some serious project volume lately. I got a couple posts ready but I’ve been trying to include some example code and scripts to improve the quality of them. I also got a wicked idea for a Blue Hat Tool. Can it actually top QUIT?(which has already received tons of mentions for being the only SEO tool on the market that not only gets more spiders to your site faster than any others out there, but for actually boosting rank as well). Big pimpin for a single form submit! What do you think it’ll be? I’ll give you a hint, it’ll be a traffic generator. It’ll be a bit of time but I promise I’ll get it all done and out sooner than not. While I’m rolling on the railroad of excuses I’m also going to mention that I’m finally taking some vacation time this month. So I’ll be out for about 2 net weeks. Yay! So we’ll see how much I can get your way, but expect some temporary slim pickings this month while I get my shit in gear. In the downtime please keep the awesome contributions coming!

In the mean time I’ll still be responding to comments and emails as often as I can. Although I got to admit that I’m addicted to reading the spam comments I’ve been getting. If you’re interested in some serious black hat shit give reading your Akismet filter carefully a try. Those pharmaceutical affiliates are downright brilliant at times. In particular I’ve been watching some of their parasite hosting techniques.

One in particular that I’ve been monitoring closely is doing something that I think is damn cool. From what I’m gathering he’s downloading a ton of CMS’ and using directory structures to make a list of identifiable footprints. Then they use Yahoo to find exploitable .EDU sites using these CMS’ for their student homepages. Than (s)he is signing up guest accounts and creating redirecting cloaked doorway pages to pharmaceutical affiliate sites. Then building linkage to those urls through blog spam. I’m like a kid in a candy store watching these guys send me their URLs to easily exploitable edu parasites. Sure I’ll take that one! Ooo! that one too! Is that a plone parasite? I’ll take six!

Starting now I’m going to make a list of my favorite blog spam that passes through here. Not for humor purposes but strictly learning. Than when I got a decent enough sized list I’m going to post every single one here. Gitty Up!

If you get any cool ones to your own blogs feel free to email them to me to be added to the list.


Dealing With Those Pesky Narks

How was everyones Christmas? Mine was great! I realize I wasn’t cool like all the other bloggers and wished everyone a Merry Christmas on Christmas day but frankly blogging was the last thing on my mind. Sorry, maybe I’ll get you all next year.

Ya know whats fun? If you’re thinking spamming tech blogs than we should hang out! I also enjoy long walks on the beach and romantic candle-lit dinners. I know tech blog spamming is fun because I have a tendency to do it once in awhile. Sorry guys! The only downside is that tech bloggers tend to be a bit more hardcore about spam then the average Martha Stewart (forget the scandles she can bake awesome pies! So I still love her) . They also are DAMN GOOD at reporting spam. Those little fuckers Luckily I have a little solution to getting around it.

My solution is probably a bit different than most webmasters because I have a great fiber provider that loves to laugh at spam complaints. Are you paying me big money each month? Than why the fuck should I care about your shitty blog? hehe. I love it! Kudos to the not-my-job award. However I’ll try to adapt the following tidbits to fit everyone. Particularly those who have shared hosting and VPS’. I’ll also cover a fun way on how to spoof your adsense so when they send the complaints to the Adsense team it won’t do any good. What inspired all this? Honestly it was Jon from AOJon.com and Wickedfire.com. He suggested I should make a “badass post” on the Blue Hat. I suggested this technique and he said,… in a lovingly way, “Keep this between us it’ll fuck people already using it if you let the secret out.” <- not a direct quote. However the more I think about it the more I think it’s better if I do post it. The way I see it is, The percentage of people who will use this technique to stop the narks will increase much greater than the percentage of narks who will use this technique against them. The less effective spam reporting is the better is for me in the long run. So here ya go.

First Deal With Your HostingDepending on your hosting, sometimes you can point domains to yourself. IE. point to your hosting’s IP on your primary domain and then all your secondary domains point to ns1.primarydomain.com and ns2.primarydomain.com for the name servers. If this isn’t the case tell your hosting that you used to run a hosting company and would like to archive your website with them along with your clients. Kind of a move over to their servers if you will. Then make a fake hosting company. Make a nice little website for it and a domain(myawesomehost.com) and be sure to make it unusuable. Perhaps a small disclaimer saying you have shut down and are no longer taking new accounts will suffice. Then put it up on the hosting/vps/whatever. Your hosting company will set in the dns records the nameserver. Then you point that domain to itself using its own ip. If you don’t know how to do this just check with Godaddy tutorial or ask someone. Its very easy. Then have all your spam sites point to the fake hosting site(the ns1.fakehostingsite.com and ns2.fakehostingsite.com). This will cause the narks to lookup your site in the whois info and grab the hosting information from the nameservers. They will go to the contact form for the fake hosting site of yours and email them a harsh letter saying they should delete your account for spam. You are welcome to collect these emails for future laughs. Your hosting is never the wiser and still happy because they don’t have to hear about your complaints.

Mask Your AdsenseThe next step is to trick the nark into reporting the wrong Adsense account. This could work for just about any CPC program you use. Feel free to post example code in the comments of various others. The first step is to redo all your Adsense banners. Use the “My Ad Will Appear Within A Frame” feature in your Adsense setup. This will tell Adsense that your ad will appear within a frame. Put all your Adsense ads on seperate HTML pages and insert them using IFRAMEs within your pages.Example

Then above each IFRAME insert put in a fake adsense account. Feel free to borrow an adsense sniplet from….oh say….a competitor!

Notice how I put the “s” infront of the http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js ? Any random character or string will work. This will make the ad not show up and become invisible. This will have a fun effect. The nark will view source on your page. Look for the adsense code. They will see that adsense code and not notice the IFRAME. They will assume that its your code. They will grab the publisher id and use it to report you to adsense in an attempt to get you banned. You can pretty much use anyones adsense code for this. A competitor might be useful, but I personally enjoy using Digg.com’s Adsense account because I like to believe the Adsense team gets a chuckle out of getting a complaint about them.

So there you go! They nark to your host: Your covered! They nark to your advertisers: Your covered! You are now welcome to spam to your hearts content. This isn’t 100% bulletproof but it will tend to stop a very large percentage of the complaints.Note that this also works for certain white hat cases where you got some mean competitors trying to oust you. However I wouldn’t recommend the Adsense portion if thats the case.


Top Commentators

Lately I’ve been priding myself in Blue Hat SEO having the most useful and insightful comments and commentators of any SEO blog I’ve ever read. For any blogger this is definitely a brag worthy subject. This isn’t a suck up post it’s to let everyone know how much I appreciate it. So I feel I have every right to be cocky in this manner and brag for at least one post. This may not be the most popular blog in the sphere but I’ll be damned if it doesn’t have the best feedback.

I was reading some other, more mainstream, SEO blogs this morning and I gotta say just the difference in the insight and intelligence of the readers’ comments are amazing. On other sites they tend to just agree or disagree with a post or blurt out whatever random ass emotion they’re feeling at the moment. Over here theres a trend of critiquing and research every aspect of the post. People tend to ask the questions everyone else is thinking and what future readers are bound to ask. Then the questions are usually answered intelligently by two or three different people citing their own research and facts. Problems and ambiguities tend to be solved in the same manner. Not to mention; the reader contributions have been BADASS so far. I gotta say YOU GUYS/GALS KICK ASS!

In light of this I just put up a neat plugin I found called Show Top Commentators as a way of thanking the people who comment often. It’ll post the names of the top 10 global commentators as well as a link to their websites (if applicable) on the navigation. Likewise, this is old news, but I also removed all nofollow links in the comments. So now the people who comment can get properly rewarded with links and the people who comment most can get rewarded even more. Personally I’d rather do what I can to improve the community here rather than my own faggy Page Rank.

I know there are plenty of lurkers still on this site (about 1,600 and growing daily to be exact) that I would love to get commenting on a regular basis. So if you’re a lurker by all means if you got some questions or insight on a post feel compelled to let us know and help everyone out by leaving a quick comment. Likewise if you’re not in the habit of reading comments on blogs than I’d recommend you make an exception here because you’re missing a ton of great information if you don’t. The rest of you; You really are making this an awesome place so keep it up because we all appreciate it! I know I’ve learned a ton from you guys already.



User Contributed – Domain Kiting

This one isn’t so much a contribution as it was me begging to post it. Its a great article from Phil at HelpWebmasters.com on a technique called Domain Kiting. The original can be found here. He promised he’ll post more great articles like it so be sure to check out his site in the future.Domain KitingI’m going to let some secrets out of the bag about Domain Kiting

So for those that don’t know what this is, listen up. You can register a domain name and cancel it within 5 days of purchase. It USED to be that the registrars would let you do this for free. Now most registars charge between $0.25 and $2 per canceled domain. See I would register hundreds of domains a week and cancel about 99% of them, just keeping the good ones that got traffic in the 5 day period. I would reg the domains and then change the DNS over to a parking page (like sedo.com) then I would be able to easily see how much direct navigation (type in traffic) I got.

Here is the formula for figuring out which domains to keep:

1. (Amount of type-ins in 5 days) * (365/5) = amount of traffic you could reasonably expect in a year. Now a good parking page will get ~20% click through rate, so take your clicks per year * 20% = number of clicks that you get paid on.

note: keep in mind seasonality…so if you register xmas domains expect to see higher numbers in December.

2. Find out the average CPC via the overture tool by taking the top 5 bids and averaging them so this formula is: bid1 + bid2 + bid3 + bid4 +bid5 / 5

3. Now take that average bid per click price and divide that by 2. This is the rough amount per click that you can expect from a PPC program on a parking site or Google Adsense, Yahoo Publisher Network, etc…

4. Next take the price you paid to reg the domain / average PPC from step 2 =# of clicks you’ll need in a year to break even on your domain.

5. So, if the # from step 1 is >

5. So, if the # from step 1 is > # from step 4 then you are in the black.

Let me do some real numbers to highlight this again.

1. So I got 4 clicks in 5 days during my domain testing period. Take that number times 73 (73 is from 365/5) that that equals 292 clicks per year. Take clicks per year 292 * 20% and you get = ~58

2. Now by doing keyword research we find that advertisers are paying $0.34 a click.

3. Divide $0.34 by 2 to get your estimated earnings per click at $0.17

4. Let’s say I register a domain name for $7.00 per year divide that by $0.17 and you get ~41. So you will need 41 clicks a year to break even on your domain.

5. So you estimate that you can get roughly 58 clicks and you break even at 41 clicks. So u in da black.


So imagine what happens when you find one that gets a TON of clicks and advertisers are willing to pay BIG $$$ for each click…Booya! Or, think economies of scale, it takes you very little time to register these domains and if you do them by the hundreds or thousands then the profits add up quick.


Start slow and ease into this. This formula is an estimate only, the variable that will put you in the red are:

1. Conversion rate on the parking/landing page: I see ~20% on most of mine, some higher some lower, it all depends on the matching for your keywords. To get a good idea of what this might be look at the ads that appear with your domain keyword, Are they relevant? Would you click on it?2. Advertiser CPC, seasonality and advertisers just pulling out will affect how accurately you can predict what they are willing to pay per click.3. Your individual cut from the parking program or contextual advertising program, this number will vary as well.


Thanks Phil for the great article! 


User Contributed- Typos

Here is an experimental user contributed post. The reason why I say its experimental is because the post was originally written and sent to me by George Tucker from Intelligent Coffee. It’s a great article that really got me thinking about what is normally a pretty commonly discussed topic in SEO: typos and misspellings. From there I couldn’t help myself and had to add my own little ideabox into it. So here are both!From George Tucker:I once enjoyed #1 Google rankings for a misspelling that was only listed once on the page, and that was in the META keywords tag.

This particular website is a review site for anti-aging and anti-wrinkle skincare products (tons of bucks in that particular niche). I found that there were three different types of keywords that were relatively easy to rank:

– Brand names (lots of skin care brands don’t have a strong online presence)- Scientific / chemical compound names (N-6 furfuryladenine, anyone?)- Typos

Ranking for typos has become a fairly common concept, but there are three specific methods to generate typos and to make them more effective.

1. Do you habitually misspell a word? (For me, it’s caffiene.) Odds are, others do, too. Use WordTracker to generate a keyword list based on the proper spelling and use find/replace. Congratulations, you’ve just created your own sub-niche!

2. Can’t remember how to spell something? Take your best guess – then jot down your inadvertent misspelling. (Ridiculous numbers of people are trying to buy expresso machines.)

3. The simple transposition of letters due to typos. When you’re typing fast and you flub a word, make a note of it. (This is where my formerly-#1 ranking misspelling was born.)

To cast a wider net for typos, make use of an automatic typo generator like the Typo Trap. This particular tool generates typos based on accidentally hitting an adjacent key on a QWERTY keyboard while typing a search term. Because they’re auto-generated, the words don’t make much sense, but they’re good for machine-generated pages and sites. (I find the WordTracker misspelling generator to be completely worthless.)

Typos are an excellent example of the long tail, and one that’s fairly easy to exploit. Often, they’re low-hanging fruit. Keep track of your own typos and sprinkle them throughout your white hat sites. Generate random typos and plug them into your keyword.txt file for machine-generated sites.


Great article. Thanks George! I’ll keep my portion short.

As mentioned there are quite a few typo generators available to try such as Typo Trap. However if you’re an automation junkie like myself and are actually looking for a nice list you should try this…1. Open Microsoft Word on your computer2. Click Tools.3. Click Autocorrect Options4. Look towards the bottom of the dialog box

Microsoft was kind enough to provide a nice big list of the most common misspellings and typos in the English language! The downside? No mass select or copy and paste on the list. Yeah bummer right?! Try going to http://support.microsoft.com/kb/207748 and getting the macro utility. Export your autocorrect db using the macro utility and then see what happens when you open it up in a text editor.

Outside ResourcesWikipedia’s List of Common MispellingsScrapable version.Your Dictionary 100 Most Common Mispelled Words

Food For ThoughtHow about celebrity names and brand names?


User Contributed-How To Get A Link In Wikipedia (my post on syndk8.net)

User Contributed: Rose Water Sheesh, he posted two brilliant articles on this subject.When adding links to the articles listed on “what links here”, as eli at bluehatseo recommended, if you add your link to the first listed articles they will probably be deleted, because the “what links here” widget lists the most popular or most edited articles first or some sort of popularity metric. To spell it out for you guys, add your link to the bottom-most non-talk-page articles first. Even if that article isn’t closely-related to your niche, it is usually tangientially-related. Then go up the list adding another link on another day.Also, I’ve found my precise phrase (eg: “quoted phrase”) on wikipedia in a completely unrelated article, and changed that phrase in the article into a link to my site, and no one has noticed for a month. Remember, find articles with the fewest edits or no recent edits, because you want articles where no one is anymore personally attached to their articles/edits!for example:blue river valley corporationbecomes:blue [http://www.mysite.com river valley] corporationthe howto:http://www.bluehatseo.com/wikipedia-links-part-1/http://www.bluehatseo.com/wikipedia-links-pt-2-the-semi-automated-white-hat-way/http://www.bluehatseo.com/wikipedia-links-pt-3-chumbawumba-method/part four is forthcoming.Here is the originalhttp://www.syndk8.net/forum/index.php?topic=3970.msg82076#msg82076


Easy Contributions

Hey I found this awesome new WP plugin that allows users to easily contribute and write articles for a blog. It’s called TDO Mini Forms. <- I'll let their website explain it all to you.

I thought it was pretty cool so I installed it and put it up on the Contribute page. So if anyone would like to write an article or post for this site they are more than welcome and it will be greatly appreciated! Best of all it automatically gives all the guests and authors full credit for the post. It even gives a nice little backlink. This is a start to a potentially beautiful thing


Follow Up- Google Search

I wanted to make a quick follow up on the $100/day post in regards to monetizing the Google search. If you used the same screensaver program I use than this will be easy. If not then yo may need to make some modifications. Download any simple installer creation program. I’ve been using Setup Specialist for quite a few years now just because its super simple and quick. Create an installer for your screensaver. Copy over the self installing exe for the screensaver and then have it automatically execute immediately after the install finishes. There are two ways i know to pull some serious Google searches through your new install.

Desktop SearchThis is the bit more technical way and since I have never actually done it I can’t go too specific on it. This will put a little google search box on their taskbar very similar to the Google Desktop Search. Go to Creating Custom Explorer Bars, Tool Bands, and Desk Bands and create the toolband. Then in the registry add the toolband to the taskbar. Like I said i’ve never done it but it doesn’t seem too hard to figure out. Use the Google search box that is easily created in your Adsense account

Changing Their HomepageCreate a small website that is something like myhomepage.com or greatstartpage.com, it doesn’t really matter what the url is. Make a snazzy but simple template and include the google search box on the page. Use the google search box that is easily created in your adsense account. Then in your installer program change the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USERSOFTWAREMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMain change the “Start Page” to your new start page website address.

What will this do?Everytime they search google you get proceeds from the adsense ads. As I’ll end up talking about in the upcoming Blue Hat Technique many internet users(especially the newbie ones) will never change their homepage. If it changes on them they will leave it. So you get small amounts of money over a very long period of time over massive amounts of users.

I was going to avoid this topic due to the new Blue Hat Technique coming out, but since this is extra info that won’t be covered in the post I figured I might as well get it out of the way.
